Occasional Reader
12/19/2020 6:33:33 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 1:
I would love to believe that story, but the sourcing in the piece is pretty thin.
Occasional Reader
12/19/2020 7:08:09 AM
In my deep blue DC neighborhood, whenever I see a lawn sign declaring the threat, “NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE”, I’m tempted to take a photo of it; print that photo on plain paper; and then throw a brick through the associated living room window wrapped in a note made of that photo, with a caption reading: “Your proposal is acceptable*.” * Hat tip: The Bug, from “Men in Black”
Kosh's Shadow
12/19/2020 7:42:20 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: “NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE” That is, of course, true but not in the sense they mean. If there is no justice, meaning criminals are not punished for their behavior, there is no peace from all the crime that will happen. But they have this perverted sense of justice, fed by Marxist groups and the media, that any black man is this innocent angel, no matter that he was caught shooting people or engaging in any other criminal behavior. There was always some of the belief that criminals are forced into it by their environment, but it never really caught on until it was used to excuse the "Palestinians" for terrorism. As usual, Jews are the canary in the coal mine.
lucius septimius
12/19/2020 7:42:25 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Make it so.
Occasional Reader
12/19/2020 8:10:41 AM
In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: any black man is this innocent angel, no matter that Personally, I’m on my left-leaning acquaintances, my biggest moment of astonishment regarding that phenomenon was after the police shooting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I had a friend who I previously regarded as relatively reasonable absolutely insisting that it was “evident police brutality“. Just to recap the facts, as shown on the body cam footage that was promptly released by the police: responding to a 911 domestic disturbance call, a cop is walking up to the front door of a house, when a guy bursts out of the front door brandishing a butcher knife and charges directly at the cop. The cop gives a verbal warning, backpedals, and then fires four shots until the threat is down, maybe 15 to 20 feet away from him, and ceases fire.
It was a *textbook case* of a proper use of deadly force, it looked like a damn training video for God’s sake.. But to the left, it was some sort of racist murder. Incredible.
lucius septimius
12/19/2020 8:19:47 AM
In #6 Occasional Reader said: It was a *textbook case* of a proper use of deadly force, it looked like a damn training video for God’s sake.. But to the left, it was some sort of racist murder. Incredible. It reflects moral cowardice. Rather than deal with the complexities of real life, they fall back on an empty slogan that establishes themselves as "good people." Requires no effort and certainly no courage to simply recite cant.
Occasional Reader
12/19/2020 8:28:38 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 7:
The same friend declared that the cop should have somehow “de-escalated“ the situation. When I asked, how do you propose he “de-escalate“ a guy brandishing a knife is going to be on top of him in less than two seconds? He replied with a mumble about the police receiving “training“ to do that sort of thing. I guess the training is at Hogwarts Academy, where they learn to suspend the laws of physics.
This guy used to be quite reasonable, but I think has been brainwashed over the years by his wife (and her circle of friends), who is, surprise surprise, a college professor.
12/19/2020 8:38:33 AM
In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: There was always some of the belief that criminals are forced into it by their environment Now they are trying to legislate that idea. Poverty, drug addiction, mental illness is an affirmative defense against criminal acts.
12/19/2020 8:40:26 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: Get a paintball gun and demonstrate the 21 foot rule with him. One of you has a the paintball and other has a rubber knife with paint on the blade.
lucius septimius
12/19/2020 9:17:08 AM
In #8 Occasional Reader said: He replied with a mumble about the police receiving “training“ to do that sort of thing. I guess the training is at Hogwarts Academy, where they learn to suspend the laws of physics. That or he thinks that Black Widow is real.
Kosh's Shadow
12/19/2020 9:26:20 AM
Reply to JCM in 9: And they want to send social workers instead of police. How many social workers will get killed before they all quit, or demand police protection?
Kosh's Shadow
12/19/2020 9:28:28 AM
In #9 JCM said: Now they are trying to legislate that idea. Poverty, drug addiction, mental illness is an affirmative defense against criminal acts. And this is how we'll end up with the very rich living above everybody else, who lives in crime dystopia they claim not to want.
Kosh's Shadow
12/19/2020 9:30:08 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 11: Of course, the police do receive training on what to do if someone is charging at them with a knife. It worked. The knife charger was shot and no one else was hit.
Occasional Reader
12/19/2020 9:50:53 AM
In #10 JCM said: Get a paintball gun and demonstrate the 21 foot rule with him.
Well, under current conditions, recovering from surgery with my leg in a knee brace, I’d have a little trouble demonstrating the 21 foot role as the knife guy. You’d have time to finish your coffee, load your weapon, and take me out, LOL.
Occasional Reader
12/19/2020 9:52:00 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:
The cop performed flawlessly. A less well trained cop would have emptied his magazine. This one shot until the threat stopped, then stopped shooting. Just so.
Occasional Reader
12/19/2020 9:59:12 AM
In #15 Occasional Reader said: the 21 foot role *rule
12/19/2020 4:30:48 PM
In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: And they want to send social workers instead of police. How many social workers will get killed before they all quit, or demand police protection?
If the social workers are killed, the society benefits. Social workers have been "handling" the homeless problem for 35-40 years, and it has merely gotten worse and worse. We need fewer of them, and we need the survivors to start agitating for more police. We also need fewer people wanting to go into the field, and a nice solid social-worker casualty rate will assist in that.
12/19/2020 4:35:41 PM
I was supposed to go for pre-surgery examination/prep on Monday, preparatory to having my bad foot surgically corrected on Thursday. Everything was go, until the doctor's office called me Friday---no "elective surgeries" until further notice because covid. Doc was willing, I was willing---and I'd manage to have the surgery entirely free because it would be in the calendar year and I've made my deductible---but ppppphhhhhhhhhttttttttt.
Kosh's Shadow
12/19/2020 4:44:50 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 18: I have a cousin who was a social worker for a while (probably late 60's or early 70's) She had people who said they wanted to be barbers or hairdressers, and she'd get them into school - and then they'd change their minds. She realized they did not want to work, and quit the field.
12/19/2020 4:59:42 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: I have said before, and will say again, that the current multiplicity of outpatient "services for the homeless" are nothing more than a full-employment initiative for people who have otherwise-useless social work/social service degrees. The "shelters" are a disaster. The housing, at grossly inflated prices, in hotels and motels, is a disaster. The drug-and-mental-illness treatment initiatives are a disaster. The food banks, to the extent they are not a disaster, are run by church volunteers rather than social workers. The homeless industry exists to do four things; spend ever-more public money, destabilize the society so as to normalize deviance, farm the so-called "service providers" for votes, and farm the "homeless" supposedly ministered to for votes.
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