Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 7:01:40 AM
So I had my little Christmas angel burst into my bedroom earlier this morning and thank me for the presents he had just found under the tree. Merry Christmas to all!
12/25/2020 7:17:44 AM
Merry Christmas! Probably the only time I will post today. Have a lot of cooking to do and some minor prep. Squire was up at 7am and went to the washroom. After he sat in our comfy chair babbling away figuring out what he was seeing under the tree. Then yelled, "Mommy! Daddy! PRESENTS!!!" It has been a good morning and he was spoiled appropriately. Have a good day everyone and see you sometime tomorrow.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 7:45:24 AM
In #2 PaladinPhil said: Then yelled, "Mommy! Daddy! PRESENTS!!!" This.
12/25/2020 8:02:48 AM
Never heard of this before, but found it elsewhere online: A Star in the Night Just over 21 minutes, and a very sweet "modern retelling" of Christmas Eve from 1945.
12/25/2020 9:21:18 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: A Christmas Eve car explosion in Nashville? Sounds like a juxtaposition of the sacred and the propane.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 9:31:07 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7:
Heh. Actually, another possible explanation I’m seeing floated is that this was an accidental propane explosion, indeed, inside a recreational vehicle.
Kosh's Shadow
12/25/2020 10:06:25 AM
In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: Boston's Handel and Haydn Society has not missed a performance of Handel's Messiah since 1854, and COVID wasn't going to stop them
Jukebox (an interesting but well-done masked performance with pictures of Boston, first responders, and other scenes interspersed) They Handel the music beautifully, but they are Haydn their faces.
12/25/2020 10:19:44 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 8: Couple problems with that. Tourist area, high end apartments, and not a place that you would typically find an RV parked.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 10:34:35 AM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 10: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:
and apparently the Nashville police gave a press or at the top of the hour, yes this was intentional, and an audible warning was actually being broadcast from the vehicle itself for prior to the explosion. So somebody was trying to make a statement without killing people.
12/25/2020 11:58:15 AM
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and Happy Friday for all who don't! Christmas is going on the road this year since the BF is still down with sciatica. Deviled eggs and broccoli rice casserole are made, honey baked ham is ready, and I'll bake brownies for dessert since he doesn't care for pumpkin pie (heathen that he is). I didn't get a chance to tell you all about my O. Henry Instacart delivery yesterday. I got someone else's groceries by mistake and it was too late for them to redo the order. I got a full refund and a credit, and I was allowed to keep the groceries. Surprisingly, the order contained a few things I needed, like the broccoli and eggs, but I'm worried about the other family. I think they must have been expecting a bunch of kids because there were big bags of chips, bowls of cut fruit, and fried chicken tenders, among other things. I assume they also got a full refund and kept my groceries, and hopefully they were able to salvage Christmas Eve after all. There's undoubtedly a Hallmark movie in there somewhere - maybe this time next year it will be on your TVs.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 12:13:39 PM
In #12 Occasional Reader said: gave a press or = gave a presser
12/25/2020 12:51:43 PM
Minor rant. Got the Squire the Lego Super Mario starter set (his uncle Chef got him two more sets). So time to start assembling.... Where's the instructions? Well turns out you have to install an App that GIVES you the instructions. Much cursing and muttering under breath as we try to find alternate instructions.... Sometimes the modern era is stupid.
12/25/2020 12:59:29 PM
Merry Christmas to all! I spent last night with the youngest son, his girlfriend and her family. They prepared a delicious dinner and a yummy chocolate mousse pie for desert. Unbeknownst to me it is their family tradition to exchange gifts of pajamas and to change into them in celebration! And of course they insisted I change into mine, it was quite literally a pajama party! A fun and cozy time was had by all.
Right now I’m at the airport readying to fly to LA to spend tonight through Monday with the oldest boy, his fiancée, and her entire family. Not sure what family traditions to expect with them but I do know another fantastic dinner is planned, a huge crown rib roast with all the accompaniments.
Santa sure has been good to me, the boys have lavished me with gifts yet the best gift has been them welcoming me into the families of their significant others with an open heart. I’m having a wonderful Christmas and I wish the same for you all.
12/25/2020 1:14:13 PM
In #12 Occasional Reader said: So somebody was trying to make a statement without killing people. Based on that I’d be inclined to rule out Jihad.
lucius septimius
12/25/2020 1:25:26 PM
Merry Christmas all. This was the first year that none of the kids got up early -- number 2 son was the first up around 7:30, and on the whole there was no big rush. Not much in the way of presents, but they were all very happy with what they got. Had to trundle them off early since I was meeting a former colleague for lunch at noon. Got back, had a little nap, now trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the day. Kids are gone for the next two weeks.
Kosh's Shadow
12/25/2020 1:26:33 PM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 15: And the app probably wants all sorts of personal information, access to your email and Facebook accounts and camera.
lucius septimius
12/25/2020 2:01:21 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: I thought it was just that the shitter was full.
12/25/2020 2:02:45 PM
Turkey is done, carved, and sides are ready. Waiting for a cab to come and pick up my mother's and brother's portion before we sit down for our dinner. Beer is flowing and things are at peace here in the keep. All things considered it's been a good Christmas.
Kosh's Shadow
12/25/2020 2:38:32 PM
In #21 lucius septimius said: I thought it was just that the shitter was full. That is what I call a really, really bad case of explosive diarrhea
12/25/2020 3:03:18 PM
Merry Christmas!!! I've been doing some housework and hanging out with the cat. My daughter and significant other are picking up Thai food on the way to our outdoor Christmas celebration.
Kosh's Shadow
12/25/2020 3:12:17 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27: Another one.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 3:29:09 PM
And despite having follow the instructions to the letter in terms of heating my pre-cooked spiral cut ham, it’s nowhere near the right temperature. I’m giving it a few more minutes and then, microwave to the rescue.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 3:33:46 PM
In #22 PaladinPhil said: mother's and brother's portion Whether you’re a mother Or whether you’re a brother You’re havin’ turkey Havin’ turkey
12/25/2020 3:54:30 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 30: My turkey was perfect. Breast was moist and flavourful, the sides were delicious (including the turnip/rutabaga). My wife asked to marry me three times during the meal. :)
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 4:21:08 PM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 31: The spiral ham story also has a happy ending, Little OR declares that he “wuvs” it.
12/25/2020 4:23:36 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 13: Not sure why I typed sciatica. He actually has shingles.
Kosh's Shadow
12/25/2020 4:25:35 PM
I'm just hoping that nothing turns worse than listening to Cthulu Carols. Probably OK now. And don't ask if you want to remain sane; heavy rains bring out strange things from the eldritch forest behind the house. No, that's not it, but that's all I'll say.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 4:29:10 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 34: yikes. Good reminder to me to do part two of the vaccine within the next month or two.
12/25/2020 4:32:38 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 33: We had Honeybaked ham as well. The BF was feeling well enough to eat for the first time in two days. Now we're trying to agree on a movie to watch.
Occasional Reader
12/25/2020 4:45:48 PM
In #37 doppelganglander said: Now we're trying to agree on a movie to watch. “Die Hard”.
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