12/28/2020 6:47:16 AM
Am I the only one working today?
lucius septimius
12/28/2020 7:10:02 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 1: I'm having a sort of slow start in Central Time. My stomach is a mess -- just what you want when you have to take a trip you didn't want to take in the first place.
12/28/2020 7:44:38 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 1: Just logged on..... 3 days off.... what is I do again?
12/28/2020 7:59:24 AM
In #1 doppelganglander said: Am I the only one working today? I'm working--but not on work stuff, but home stuff. I have a mountain of things I need to deal with, including Christmas returns for things in the wrong size. That's just the bare tip of my homework stack.
12/28/2020 8:14:30 AM
Reply to JCM in 3: I feel that way every Monday. I have to go over my notes from the previous week to figure out what's next.
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 8:37:47 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 1: What I do, that ain’t even workin’. I get my money for nothing and my chicks for free.
Actually, I am off all week*, but there are a few work related things I have to take care of.
* some would say that I am “off” every week
12/28/2020 8:46:13 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 5: I still keep a lab book, notes, tasks etc.... flip back through it all the time.
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 8:51:39 AM
21st century foolishness, continued: I just noticed a bus stop ad in which Arnold advertises their “organic bread“ as being, among other qualities, “plant-based“.
Good to know!
12/28/2020 8:52:20 AM
Morning one and all. Mini vacation is great vacation! Still off of work since the 24th and now that all the madness has finished I have picked up some dormant projects. Cut up a bunch of oak barrel staves that will be worked into hand grips. Got a lot of staves and they are thick enough to split for grip blanks.
12/28/2020 8:57:50 AM
WTF is going on in the Medically community?
Super Gonorrhea May Be Spreading From Antibiotic Overuse For Covid-19 Coronavirus Antibiotics are not recommended for viral infections, they don't work. Why the fuck are they being "overused" at all? Antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections, sure, but not as a primary course of treatment. Has the medical community lost their ever lovin' minds over COVID?
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 9:08:43 AM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 10: sounds like your project will stave off boredom...
12/28/2020 9:27:07 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: Reminds me of all the products unnecessarily labeled gluten free - bacon, cheese, eggs, etc.
12/28/2020 9:31:27 AM
The "mean" that the production is carbon neutral, however the label is still hilarious.
Kosh's Shadow
12/28/2020 9:39:13 AM
In #12 Occasional Reader said: sounds like your project will stave off boredom... But using up the staves, he won't have a barrel of fun.
12/28/2020 9:46:51 AM
Reply to JCM in 14: I got a C in chemistry 40 years ago and I know better than that.
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 9:50:33 AM
Reply to JCM in 14: And that, in turn, reminds me of the sign hanging up at the student run coffee shop at the University of Edinburgh when I visited two years ago, that proudly proclaimed that their coffee was (among other things) “locally sourced“.
I am not familiar with the Midlothian Coffee-Growing Region.
12/28/2020 9:57:22 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: In a analytical chem chem class we compared "organic" vs. modern technique potatoes. Short version the organic were pretty bad. They had more natural pesticides, yes plants produce natural toxic, carcinogenic pesticides, it's called evolution. They also were less nutrient dense, were smaller and therefore required more land, water etc.. Than the "industrial" potatoes. Lefties in class were not amused by science.
12/28/2020 10:10:14 AM
In #19 JCM said: Short version the organic were pretty bad. They had more natural pesticides, yes plants produce natural toxic, carcinogenic pesticides, it's called evolution. They also were less nutrient dense, were smaller and therefore required more land, water etc.. Than the "industrial" potatoes.
Lefties in class were not amused by science. That's true for a lot of produce.
lucius septimius
12/28/2020 10:48:18 AM
12/28/2020 11:14:24 AM
In #20 vxbush said: That's true for a lot of produce.
Especially for resources used. "Organic" produce has much lower yield.
12/28/2020 11:43:52 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 12: I'm learning patience.... Oak is harder to work than pine I am finding. Worst part is that I only used power tools to cut the stave into the right length and width. All the rest of the work has been with hand tools.
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 12:25:52 PM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 23: Whiskey Barrel Wood Staves, Set of 3 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XY717G7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_48J6FbCKEN1HV
12/28/2020 1:04:56 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 21: It really makes me want to spray those idiots with a fire hose. Even if they did their Tik Tok twaddle on their own time, it's inappropriate.
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 1:27:03 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 25: Is the cartoon based on something that actually happened?
12/28/2020 1:37:47 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: Don't need them. Have enough stave pieces already. Got about 16 blanks from one piece if I cut them right.
12/28/2020 1:40:11 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 26: Yes and no. Not sure if that actually happened, but there were lots of videos of nurses and healtcare workers doing dance routines during the whole lock down BS. Apparently they had enough time between covid patients and other duties to come up with and video tape the routines.
12/28/2020 2:55:40 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 25: Reply to Occasional Reader in 26: Reply to PaladinPhil in 28:
I've seen several videos on YouTube over the past few months of people who appear to be hospital workers, masked and dressed in scrubs and in what certainly look like hospital venues, doing line-dance boogies and the like. The first ones I saw, perhaps 5-6 months ago, were supposedly to show that despite the terrible strain of dealing with all the corona casualties, Our Responders Were Not Downhearted! I've seen others since, which don't push that line quite so hard.
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 3:05:21 PM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 28: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 30: Thanj you both. I guess I somehow missed out on that whole mini-cultural phenomenon. That said, in the grand scheme of outrageous that have occurred during Covid mania, this ranks pretty low for me. I am Magine conditions have gotten difficult at some hospitals during some periods, and if this sort of thing helps keep up morale, I don’t have a problem with it. Related: I just got a holiday greeting from my ex wife who lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She relates that she has not seen her parents in almost a year. They live in the northern Argentinian province of Formosa, which she described as being “closed“ due to Covid-panic as if it were a foreign country. Her parents could in theory visit Buenos Aires, but with no certainty of being able to return home to Formosa. So they have gone almost a year without seeing her, or their grandchildren. Absolutely incredible.
Occasional Reader
12/28/2020 4:49:23 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 32: The “scandal“, such as it is, is of course minor taken on its own. But it is so emblematic of everything that has gone wrong with our so-called “elites“.
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