lucius septimius
1/9/2021 7:27:48 AM
The only times anyone has ever made me breakfast in bed was when I was in the hospital.
1/9/2021 9:27:55 AM
The media has settle on calling the Capitol Hill right an insurrection. 4 years of real insurrection by the Deep State, "peaceful" protests etc... Nothing to see move along.
lucius septimius
1/9/2021 9:36:49 AM
Reply to JCM in 2: Peggy Noonan, the RINO queen, has bought the new language completely, with a chaser of "no true conservative."
Occasional Reader
1/9/2021 9:50:55 AM
Reply to JCM in 2: me, I am pushing for calling it “the Democrats’ very own Reichstag fire“.
1/9/2021 11:31:52 AM
A little insight from my source at the Capitol. Supposedly the Capitol Police made the decision in advance to maintain a fairly light presence. They did not want the optics of sending in Stormtroopers against a legal, nonviolent protest. That's why they declined help from the National Guard. IMO that was a reasonable decision considering that conservative protests rarely if ever get out of hand.
Kosh's Shadow
1/9/2021 11:48:00 AM
In #4 Occasional Reader said: me, I am pushing for calling it “the Democrats’ very own Reichstag fire“. Except the Jew-haters were visible setting it this time
Kosh's Shadow
1/9/2021 1:07:25 PM
In #5 doppelganglander said: Supposedly the Capitol Police made the decision in advance to maintain a fairly light presence. They did not want the optics of sending in Stormtroopers against a legal, nonviolent protest. That's why they declined help from the National Guard. IMO that was a reasonable decision considering that conservative protests rarely if ever get out of hand. Most are - there are some strange things about this one. Sure, a lot of white supremacists supported Trump - but a lot also thought he was under control of the Jews. The guy in the helmet and furs sure didn't look a lot like a typical Trump supporter; more like someone who'd be seen at a Portland or Seattle riot. One person, iirc, the one who took the podium, has a list of drug offenses on his record. Not registered in a particular party. Sounds more like a Democrat to me. I would not be shocked to find that this was instigated to make Trump look bad and by extensions, shut down any resist Biden/Harris movement. I don't think the Dems planned it, but there is more to BLM, Antifa, and the other protest groups than meets the eye - some serious funding, it turns out. (I can look up the article from a few months ago about BLM if anyone is interested) They could have easily stirred up the more violent elements of Trump supporters, and thrown in some ringers. I wonder who will get charges dropped or slaps on the wrist while others get life for treason.
lucius septimius
1/9/2021 4:10:55 PM
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