1/10/2021 7:59:28 AM
I had a nightmare last night. I got elected to Congress.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 8:06:26 AM
Dog woke me up from a dream. Now I'll never know if the people "cured" from something using robot parts would actually become robots, or if the people trying to stop the plan could stop it in time. In the dream, turning on or waking up the people was the next step, but "robot cells" were in their brains and had to be removed or they'd become robots. Doesn't really make sense, but maybe I could sell it to SyFy. Especially if I could somehow link it to COVID/
1/10/2021 8:07:52 AM
Reply to JCM in 2: If theater still existed in the Time of Covid, it would be fun to do a bawdy comedy, "Restoration" style, about "throuple" congresswoman Katie Hill, called "She Stoops To Congress."
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 8:08:05 AM
In #2 JCM said: I had a nightmare last night.
I got elected to Congress. You mean they couldn't get anyone who knew you in high school or college to claim you raped her/him, even with no evidence?/
1/10/2021 8:08:36 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3: Who programmed Roger Robot?
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 8:10:32 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6: Which would have to have a Jessica Robot, "I'm not bad, I'm just constructed that way"
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 8:21:49 AM
In #6 buzzsawmonkey said: Who programmed Roger Robot? And the "dip" would be water that rusts them. BTW, in the live-action Rocky and Bullwinkle, they had some computer device that would remove the CGI "The first time we've had something that can destroy cartoons", to which someone replied "What about the dip in Rog...." "Shut up!"
Occasional Reader
1/10/2021 8:33:53 AM
In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: If theater still existed in the Time of Covid, it would be fun to do a bawdy comedy, "Restoration" style, about "throuple" congresswoman Katie Hill, called "She Stoops To Congress." We could also do a theater piece about how Kamala Harris's political career got started, "She Schtups To Conquer."
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 8:38:10 AM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: Which would have to have a Jessica Robot, "I'm not bad, I'm just constructed that way" "constwucted"
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 8:46:24 AM
Well, we aren't the only ones who think this way:(so does Caroline Glick) Trump rings in the era of ‘total political correctness’ The assault on the Capitol will give the Democrats — who now control the U.S. government — “justification” to implement the revolutionary dogma of the thugs that torched America’s cities last year. The first reality is that the assault on the Capitol was not a unique event. Rather, it was a direct continuation of the political violence that leftist groups, dominated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, have engaged in in cities across America since last May. Contrary to the wizened intonations of “experts” on TV, the last time the Capitol was besieged wasn’t during the War of 1812, when the British burned the Capitol and the White House. It was two years ago. A mob far larger than the one that stormed the building last Wednesday took over the Hart Senate Office Building during Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing to intimidate lawmakers into voting down his nomination. [my emphasis] The second reality that is underplayed in newsrooms quick to criminalize the outgoing president is that the Republicans, including Trump and his closest associates and supporters, opposed the storming of the Capitol. The senators and members of Congress who were raising objections to the electoral votes of several states based on widespread allegations of voter fraud were in the middle of making their claims when the protesters attempted to force their way into the joint session. They condemned the protesters. Trump not only called for the protesters to behave peacefully, he posted a video calling for them to stand down and leave the Capitol. But whereas the social media giants were happy to serve as the logistics bases for Antifa and BLM rioters, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube all froze Trump’s accounts and removed his video plea from their servers. RTWT - too much to post here
1/10/2021 9:02:45 AM
If elected my first act would be to open carry on my to Congress. Go to the the airport approach TSA and let the games begin.
1/10/2021 9:05:01 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11: Digital Kristallnacht.
1/10/2021 9:13:26 AM
If any of you are looking for some good entertainment. A real escape I would recommend Masterpiece Theater Poldark. Excellently done. Well developed characters, the heroes are flawed, the villains have redeeming qualities. The story lines move slowly, but that increases the tension.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 9:45:42 AM
In #13 JCM said: Digital Kristallnacht. Coming. I suspect pro-Israel voices will be deplatformed, but those Muslims calling for killing all Jews will remain.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 9:48:11 AM
In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: pro-Israel voices will be deplatformed, Bob Dylan's "Neighborhood Bully" gets memory-holed Neighborhood Bully” is assumed to be a song about Israel being singled out and maligned among the world’s nations, but Dylan has rejected this interpretation just as he always denied narrow political readings of his work. “I’m not a political songwriter, he told an interviewer shortly after the record came out. “‘Neighborhood Bully,’ to me, is not a political song, because if it were, it would fall into a certain political party. If you’re talkin’ about it as an Israeli political song—in Israel alone, there’s maybe 20 political parties. I don’t know where that would fall, what party.” The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land He’s wandered the earth an exiled man Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn He’s always on trial for just being born He’s the neighborhood bully
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 9:48:24 AM
In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: pro-Israel voices will be deplatformed, Bob Dylan's "Neighborhood Bully" gets memory-holed Neighborhood Bully” is assumed to be a song about Israel being singled out and maligned among the world’s nations, but Dylan has rejected this interpretation just as he always denied narrow political readings of his work. “I’m not a political songwriter, he told an interviewer shortly after the record came out. “‘Neighborhood Bully,’ to me, is not a political song, because if it were, it would fall into a certain political party. If you’re talkin’ about it as an Israeli political song—in Israel alone, there’s maybe 20 political parties. I don’t know where that would fall, what party.” The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land He’s wandered the earth an exiled man Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn He’s always on trial for just being born He’s the neighborhood bully
Occasional Reader
1/10/2021 11:14:42 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 16: The left is really going for broke, aren’t they? They’re not going to let this Reichsttag fire opportunity go to waste. As a small first step to push back, I’m gonna start seeing how much I can limit, and how quickly, my use of Amazon and Google. Walmart dot com seems like a good alternative to the first, DuckDuckGo for the second. I might look into a proton mail account as well.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 11:26:30 AM
In #18 Occasional Reader said: The left is really going for broke, aren’t they? They’re not going to let this Reichsttag fire opportunity go to waste.
As a small first step to push back, I’m gonna start seeing how much I can limit, and how quickly, my use of Amazon and Google. Walmart dot com seems like a good alternative to the first, DuckDuckGo for the second. I might look into a proton mail account as well. Hiding Neighborhood Bully started before the fire. But they are using it hard - Parler to go dark after being shut down by AWS (Amazon Web Services) “We're not necessarily being singled out by those tech companies, but certainly by the people who have been putting pressure on them and, in fact, we think we're being set up in a lot of ways because in looking at some of the content, these are accounts that have been created two days ago and they have few pieces of content and some of them are parodies of what you would think a right-wing insider of violence would be,” Peikoff said on Sunday. [my emphasis] I use DuckDuckGo a lot for non-computer searches, especially, and we do a fair amount of shopping at Wal*mart but they don't have everything. For tech stuff, I go to Staples or for computers, directly from Dell (can get their pro support there, too)
lucius septimius
1/10/2021 12:12:59 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: What we will see is a massive expansion of what has already been going on for the past four years. First of all, like many totalitarian regimes, they will farm out the enforcement of ideological crimes to other institutions. The kangaroo courts on college campuses show the way, as did the Kavanaugh hearings. Deprive people of their livelihood, destroy all their future prospects, isolate them, and humiliate them. It's telling that when people confronted by the arcane rules and draconian punishments meted out on college campuses and by HR departments, the left always says "of course they weren't given 'due process -- this isn't a court.' Same thing in the Kavanaugh hearings -- it's not a "court" so therefore no due process. Of course these bodies have power to destroy lives; in some ways they have more power to destroy lives than the courts because they don't require that one actually violate any laws. Meanwhile the government sits back, eats popcorn, and watches, adding "not our problem -- it's not government so no rights." The myth of due process and individual rights remain, but prosecution is taken out of the hands of the government and given over to others. Robespierre described "terror" as the application of democracy to the needs of the nation. In other words, give your enemy over to the mob, with the modification that now the "mob" is a series of corporate bodies that exist parallel to the state. The end goal will be to identify ideological criminals, isolate them, and humiliate them, but make sure they are visible. This was one of the things Brezhnev realized: if you kill the dissident, the lesson is lost. Better to keep them alive -- barely -- and visible as a warning to others of the cost of dissent. The Cubans are excellent at this. How will it work? In one scenario, you will be brought before a tribunal. As I encountered in my experience with HR, they will go through all of your social media -- your entire electronic footprint -- and find everything that they can deem "punishable," even if it doesn't even come within a continent's breadth of being illegal. Then, without being allowed to defend yourself, you will be put out of work. Not only that, it will be done in such a way that you can never practice your trade or profession again. In the second scenario, the tech Gauleiters will make sure you have no access to any technology, even email, for "violation ot TOS." As a result, you will be unable to do any work or obtain any service that requires logging in to a computer or any kind of internet access. You won't have a phone, much less access to email or social media. You won't be able to get on an airplane or a train. You will not be allowed to own a car. The effect, again, will be to make work imposssible. Then what? You will have to work since there is no welfare state. You will be forced to take low-paying, low-status jobs. And you'll always be in danger of losing those since your "social credit" will be known to the HR and management people who you work for. Periodically you'll be fired for no reason simply to reinforce the humiliation.
Since you won't get healthcare from these jobs, you will be dependent on the lowest tier of state-sponsored care. If you get a major disease, you will die. You wont' be able to get COVID shots or whatever follows. You will be socially isolated. Friends will find themselves threatened by their employers for interacting with you. This already happens. Your children will also be isolated. Since your living situation will be precarious, they might even be taken from you since you can't provide for them. Anonymity will be gone. There is already a push to eliminate NDAs since everyone "needs to know" about the "crimes" of people who have been forced out of their jobs. Again, it won't be the state -- corporate entities will broadcast the names of known "enemies." Doxxing is merely a full bullpen tosses for what is coming down the pike. In the end, living will be worse than being sent to the Killing Fields. And they will do their best to keep you alive and in constant misery and humiliation so long as your example is useful for keeping the rest in line. This is how Cuba operates; it's amazingly effective.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 12:56:51 PM
In #20 lucius septimius said: they will go through all of your social media -- your entire electronic footprint -- and find everything that they can deem "punishable," even if it doesn't even come within a continent's breadth of being illegal. And they will be the arbiters of what is "punishable". Saying someone with a penis is a man will be punishable if that individual identifies as a woman, nongender, or dog. But saying Zionists are not allowed in campus organizations and TAs can fail students for being pro-Israel will receive no sanction,
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 12:58:36 PM
In #20 lucius septimius said: In the end, living will be worse than being sent to the Killing Fields. I'm thinking after they ban fossil fuels, they'll send the "undesirables" to farm labor, causing mass starvation like Mao's Great Leap Forward and Pol Pot's killing fields.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 1:36:33 PM
In #20 lucius septimius said: First of all, like many totalitarian regimes, they will farm out the enforcement of ideological crimes to other institutions. Exactly, and argue in their packed court that even if the government requires this for institutions and companies receiving government money, the actions are not government and therefore the Constitution does not apply. (Well, at least the constitution will be useful if there is another toilet paper shortage/)
lucius septimius
1/10/2021 1:36:52 PM
In #22 Kosh's Shadow said: I'm thinking after they ban fossil fuels, they'll send the "undesirables" to farm labor, causing mass starvation like Mao's Great Leap Forward and Pol Pot's killing fields. That won't happen for several reasons. First of all, in places like Russia, China, and Cambodia, agricultural labor was seen through a romantic lens -- this was also true to a degree of Nazi Germany. Working in the fields was "noble" and "honorable" in ways that grubby work in factories could never be. Barrington Moore talks about this at length -- it underlies his theory of the difference between totalitarian and democratic regimes. Sending people to work in the fields would not occur to them because they really don't think food production is all that important. Secondly, they know that electric farms are impractical -- farmers will get subsidies just like they do now. Moreover, without fracking, ethanol and biodiesel will become more important. Even though these are more costly and, in the long run, pollute more, they will continue to avoid being classed as "fossil fuels." Securing further government support for these will be essential to win over the farm states. In any event, food production in America is already bifurcated into two forms, the distinction between which will only intensify. On the one hand is the food of the hoi polloi, mass produced on corporate farms, limited in scope, and distributed through large retail operations. We will likely see both vertical and horizontal integration in agribusiness and the creation of cartels. You may have a choice between two or three grocery stores, but they will all sell the same products produced in the same place. The illusion of choice (see The Matrix) will be maintained. Thanks to regulation and artificially increased costs, the commons will be forced more towards a vegetarian diet. Certain kinds of food -- beef products in particular -- will become unavailable. Chicken will still be out there because that section of Agribusiness is totally a part of the corporatist system. Chick-Fil-A is an awful company, not because teh gheys, but because it is run by ruthless statists. They'll be fine. Quality of food will decrease, and junk food (dense in calories) will be plentiful because it's comfort food. I wouldn't be surprised if controls on what appliances you can have will make cooking at home difficult if not impossible for ordinary folks. All food will be prepared food, tightly regulated, with minimal choice. And it will be junk. Meanwhile the elites will enjoy of organic-locally-sourced-gourmet-artisan foods produced by special food coops linked to the stores and restaurants only the elites can afford. They will enjoy kobe beef and all kinds of delicacies. But the ordinary people will have no access to them. Again, it's already happening. A great deal of food would be imported. They are banking on global warming increasing land arable in Canada -- we can buy our grain from them and China. But no forced labor -- that would require, if you think about it, way too much effort. Simply put regulations in place and then get the results you want, not through force, but by eliminating options.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 2:00:25 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 24: You're probably right. They'll just let in Mexicans to perform the farm labor, and give even illegals the vote, making sure to send out organizers to tell them who to vote for. How do you say "Those candidates will send you back to Mexico, so vote for these" in Spanish?
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 2:25:55 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26: Which reminds me, sometimes I think COVID was something the CCP was working on to get rid of elderly, but it got out before they had a vaccine for the senior Party members.
1/10/2021 2:42:44 PM
There is no greater mistake than attempting to engage an affirmative-action hire as if she were a sentient human being.
1/10/2021 2:56:09 PM
In #20 lucius septimius said: Then what? You will have to work since there is no welfare state. In the Soviet Union it was illegal to be unemployed. As you describe they force people out of their jobs. They they are put in the Gulag for being unemployed.
1/10/2021 3:00:14 PM
You'll all be glad to know that the Brooklyn library system is issuing "black" library cards, and that NYC---if not the whole state---will be celebrating "Juneteenth" this year.
1/10/2021 3:14:19 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 20: Roll in the the reach of the IoT, Internet of Things, the smart home, microphones, cameras, thermostats, smart meters. It will gradually become a "requirement" whether explicitly or implicitly. If you what some things, you have to have these. And the surveillance that comes with the IoT.
Kosh's Shadow
1/10/2021 3:43:25 PM
In #31 JCM said: Roll in the the reach of the IoT, Internet of Things, the smart home, microphones, cameras, thermostats, smart meters. It will gradually become a "requirement" whether explicitly or implicitly. If you what some things, you have to have these.
And the surveillance that comes with the IoT. People are already letting spyspeakers in their house so they can order from Amazon, play music, etc.
BTW, the Amazon products do not do speech recognition themselves - THEY SEND THE SPEECH TO AMAZON. We cannot have spyspeakers in our house. My wife discusses criminal cases, and I have zoom meetings with sensitive information discussed.
1/10/2021 4:08:57 PM
So many opportunities for new eating establishments in DC once Biden takes office! There'll be room for plenty of new Traitorrias, and lots of new coffee shops where you can buy a Gaffe con Lecher!
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