1/19/2021 5:11:02 AM
*Yawn* morning, campers. Tuesday is upon us.
Occasional Reader
1/19/2021 5:58:58 AM
Your papers, schnell!
1/19/2021 7:03:00 AM
I bet they play "Fanfare for the Common C'mon Man" at Joe Biden's installation.
lucius septimius
1/19/2021 7:07:19 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 2: Yet another reason I don't have any stickers on my car. When my ex was in college and covered her car in Grateful Dead crap she was regularly pulled over by the local yokels searching for drugs. Nice, though, how far you had to get into the story to find out he'd been released.
Kosh's Shadow
1/19/2021 7:38:53 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4: (While taking a break for breakfast) Think he would have been pulled over to have his papers checked if he had been driving a Prius with BLM and Biden/Harris bumper stickers?
lucius septimius
1/19/2021 7:42:45 AM
In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: Think he would have been pulled over to have his papers checked if he had been driving a Prius with BLM and Biden/Harris bumper stickers? Almost certainly not.
Occasional Reader
1/19/2021 7:46:38 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4: my sons school sells bumper stickers with the school mascot, I won’t even put that on. I don’t want some road rage weirdo knowing where my kid goes to school.
1/19/2021 7:54:58 AM
I have a prediction. The COVID panic will be over by mid-spring. Biden hailed as our savior.
1/19/2021 7:56:05 AM
In #8 JCM said: I have a prediction.
The COVID panic will be over by mid-spring.
Biden hailed as our savior. That's not really a prediction, given the the governors and mayors who are Democrats are already saying we can't stay closed down anymore.
1/19/2021 8:00:15 AM
I have a small, 5x8 chrome and black American flag on my white truck. Matches the chrome and black trim.
Occasional Reader
1/19/2021 8:24:02 AM
1/19/2021 8:26:41 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 11: The truck or the flag? Or am I double damned for drive a truck with a Hemi?
1/19/2021 8:30:09 AM
In #12 JCM said: The truck or the flag?
Or am I double damned for drive a truck with a Hemi? I'm guessing you are double-damned. Here, come over to the table with all the damned folks. We aren't snooty.
Occasional Reader
1/19/2021 8:32:20 AM
In #12 JCM said: a Hemi? Is that some sort of gender identity? /
1/19/2021 8:32:51 AM
In #14 Occasional Reader said: Is that some sort of gender identity? ROTFL.
1/19/2021 8:33:35 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: LOL!
Kosh's Shadow
1/19/2021 8:40:34 AM
In #14 Occasional Reader said: In #12 JCM said: a Hemi? Is that some sort of gender identity?
Well, given that it does involve head(s)
1/19/2021 8:51:17 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17: We won't discuss the crank shaft.....
1/19/2021 8:58:08 AM
In #18 JCM said: We won't discuss the crank shaft.....
1/19/2021 9:05:02 AM
Reply to vxbush in 19: Wait til she finds out about push rods....
1/19/2021 9:18:14 AM
I am woman, watch me trim My genitals into a quim Because I identify as another sex And I insist you genuflect To the "gender" I select Instead of seeing me as one of life's rejects Oh, yes! Though I say Men and women are the same Do not dare to tell me nay If you don't use my new name If you "dis" me, I'll do most anything Let me warn (warn) I will "cancel" you ("cancel" you) I am woman... ---Hell's here alReddy
1/19/2021 9:38:44 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21: The above was inspired by Biden's reported choice of Dr. "Rachel" Levine to be Assistant Secretary of Health.
Occasional Reader
1/19/2021 9:39:56 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:
1/19/2021 9:52:59 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: "I'm a woman." ---"Rachel" Levine "He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he!" ---everyone else
1/19/2021 10:13:40 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 25: Sec. of Health, denies basic science about health.
lucius septimius
1/19/2021 10:31:34 AM
In #27 JCM said: Sec. of Health, denies basic science about health. Oh you and your Eurocentric, cissexual, heteronormative, white supremacist, colonizing "science."
1/19/2021 10:37:43 AM
Libertà de parola soppressata is a specialty of the house in Washington's famous Traitorria Sinistra.
1/19/2021 11:22:37 AM
Bringing some good news today, my contract was renewed, so I have a job for another year.
lucius septimius
1/19/2021 11:25:11 AM
Found out I can't get any refills on my meds. No doctor, no health insurance, not really sure what I can do. I'm looking at Good RX but not even sure what I'm looking at.
Occasional Reader
1/19/2021 12:08:29 PM
Germany announces plan to round up dissidents and put them in prison camps. What could possibly go wrong?
1/19/2021 12:11:45 PM
In #32 Occasional Reader said: Germany announces plan to round up dissidents and put them in prison camps. What could possibly go wrong? At least they'll get good medical care. Laurence Olivier will be the dissi-dentist.
Occasional Reader
1/19/2021 12:19:03 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 33: This was in response to Merkel demanding, “I Wannsee real progress with this quarantine-breaker problem!”
1/19/2021 12:46:35 PM
In #31 lucius septimius said: Found out I can't get any refills on my meds. No doctor, no health insurance, not really sure what I can do. I'm looking at Good RX but not even sure what I'm looking at. GoodRX should list the prices at various pharmacies in your area so you can find the cheapest price of a specific medication. It can, in some cases, act as a form of insurance, I think, to help reduce the price even more. (But: why no doctor? Has your doctor retired?)
lucius septimius
1/19/2021 1:30:26 PM
In #35 vxbush said: (But: why no doctor? Has your doctor retired?) I was with Kaiser Permanente; I lost my health coverage in July. I will be able to see him again in a week, but I'll have to pay out of pocket.
1/19/2021 1:59:41 PM
In #37 lucius septimius said: I was with Kaiser Permanente; I lost my health coverage in July. I will be able to see him again in a week, but I'll have to pay out of pocket. Ugh. My condolences. I had to call my insurance yesterday to fix a screwup with a medication, but I'm still glad they are there. The good news is, hopefully they will give you a cheaper rate as you are paying out of pocket.
1/19/2021 2:29:34 PM
In #37 lucius septimius said: Kaiser Permanente Sounds more like Kaiser Temporary.
1/19/2021 2:59:49 PM
Trivia! Henry J. Kaiser construction magnet, got the majority of the contract for the Grand Coulee Dam in WA. the town build for the workers was remote from any major town, so Kaiser Co. started Kaiser Health Care to service the employees at the construction site.
Kosh's Shadow
1/19/2021 3:41:16 PM
In #37 lucius septimius said: I lost my health coverage in July. Wasn't the Unaffordable Care Act, aka Obummercare, supposed to prevent that?////////////////
Kosh's Shadow
1/19/2021 3:46:07 PM
In #41 Kosh's Shadow said: Wasn't the Unaffordable Care Act, aka Obummercare, supposed to prevent that?////////////////
This is one place the media really fell down. Romneycare was the model and Massachusetts could not afford the subsidies needed to give everyone coverage. Costs went UP when it took effect, not down. A thinking economist could have figured that out - make something cheaper to the consumer, and it will get used more. It was supposed to move people to doctors instead of the ER, but what happened is that people with coverage but no doctors (because it did not add supply) went to the ER with things that did not need such expensive care. But the media failed to cover it. Of course, they also don't point out a significant reason for the increasing health care costs is that Medicare and Medicaid do not pay enough for many procedures to cover the cost, so the medical providers charge everyone else more to make up the difference. Medicare for all? Means no medical care for anyone, because providers will go out of business. Another victory for socialism!
1/19/2021 4:29:08 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 42: The number covered under Ocare was a fabrication. I did the data dumpster dive at the time into the numbers, easy enough but not one "journalist"did. They claimed 15 million were covered under Ocare. 13 million lost were covered but lost individual plans and switched to Ocare. Of the 2 million left 80% were subsidized. That left 400,000 where actually not previously covered by insurance. Claim; 15 Million, reality, 400,000.
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