2/8/2021 5:29:58 AM
Squire is off to school, I am working on my last cup of coffee, and the wife is enjoying the sound of silence while she relaxes before her minor hell week begins. Got an hour before I have to go to work.
2/8/2021 5:57:56 AM
In #1 PaladinPhil said: Got an hour before I have to go to work. Wow. Lap of luxury, there. Morning, campers. They were predicting highs in the single digits this week but this morning they added 10 degrees to all the forecasts. I'd rather they had added 30, but I'll take what I can get.
2/8/2021 7:53:18 AM
Et tu Idaho?
Idaho congressman unveils plan to breach dams, save salmon It would also pay for finding ways to replace the dams' key roles in energy, agriculture and transportation. Energy... how will you replace the electrical generation capacity? Natural Gas, Nuclear? What will the enviros say? Agriculture... how are you going to replace the stored water for irrigation? The most productive wheat region in the world uses water from these dams. Are you willing to take the production hit? Transportation... barges cheaply transport said wheat to Pacific Ports. Trucking it will be orders of magnitude more expensive and massive increase the carbon footprint of transportation. I propose this. Instead of tearing the dams down and then finding ways to replace what they provide. Show me the ways you will use, and they better have no net impact on energy, agriculture and transportation.
Occasional Reader
2/8/2021 8:13:27 AM
Reply to JCM in 3: And this is a Republican congressman, no less. Good effing grief.
Occasional Reader
2/8/2021 8:14:03 AM
And good morning/late morning to all, as the case may be. I left a short note in the Frontier if you have a moment (don't worry, nothing terrible).
2/8/2021 8:17:06 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 4: I would seriously consider and support removal of the dams. But those questions need to be answered, demonstrated, proven and in place BEFORE we remove the dams. Same with fossil fuels, tell me how you will replace fossil fuels in the thousands of places it is used, then demonstrated them, prove them, and have them in place. Make dams and fossils fuels obsolete first.
2/8/2021 8:18:12 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: We have white fluffy global warming in the forecast!
2/8/2021 8:35:54 AM
In #7 JCM said: We have white fluffy global warming in the forecast! I have 3" of fluffy global warming to go out and shovel before I drive into work at noon.
2/8/2021 9:39:24 AM
Wish me luck. I just filed a formal complaint with the oldest boys school district against a teach for harassment, bullying and hostile learning environment. It's a cooking class. The first assignment. Write a report on BLM. I'm so done with this people.
2/8/2021 9:41:37 AM
In #10 JCM said: It's a cooking class. The first assignment.
Write a report on BLM. He could explain how BLM and the "1619 Project" cook history, but that might not go over too well...
2/8/2021 9:44:21 AM
In #10 JCM said: I just filed a formal complaint with the oldest boys school district against a teach for harassment, bullying and hostile learning environment. I'll be honest--I'm not expecting that you'll get much correction on this, but I truly wish you well. I want to see this ahistorical nonsense defeated.
2/8/2021 9:51:34 AM
Reply to vxbush in 12:
I don't expect anything either. But I love throwing hostile learning environment in their face.
2/8/2021 9:52:38 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 11: I thought about him writing about how BLM is Marxist, is violent and their claims are false and what about Chicago?
Occasional Reader
2/8/2021 9:54:14 AM
In #10 JCM said: It's a cooking class. The first assignment.
Write a report on BLM. “BLM thugs should be sprinkled with paprika and then spit-roasted. Next assignment please?”
2/8/2021 10:02:32 AM
Reply to JCM in 10: Good for you! I think a lot of parents don't file complaints because they fear their child becoming a target for harassment. But it must be done. I hope other parents follow your example. BTW, if you're wondering why he has to write a paper in a cooking class, instead of actually cooking, it's probably due to a program called Writing Across the Curriculum. In order to improve kids' writing skills, which is a good thing, they require writing in all classes, which is a dumb thing. One of my kids had to write a paper in PE class. Is a PE teacher qualified to teach writing? Of course not, that's why they teach PE.
2/8/2021 10:05:58 AM
In #13 JCM said: I don't expect anything either.
But I love throwing hostile learning environment in their face. I am all in support of you using their own systems against them. Given the experience of Lucius and others, it probably won't work, but two thumbs up for trying to hold them accountable.
2/8/2021 10:20:01 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 16: I told my kid to tell me anything odd that happens in that class. Since I filed a complaint, any retribution is a criminal act. PE teacher grading a writing paper. My biggest beef with the education system. Teachers have degrees in education, not necessarily the subject matter they teach.
lucius septimius
2/8/2021 10:59:04 AM
Reply to JCM in 18: What are the laws in your state about recording?
2/8/2021 11:03:03 AM
In #18 JCM said: PE teacher grading a writing paper. My biggest beef with the education system. Teachers have degrees in education, not necessarily the subject matter they teach. Oh, I could tell tons about this, but I'd just be sharing the stories from my friends who have Ph.D.'s in education.
2/8/2021 11:04:22 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 19: Two party consent. I ask for all communications to be email.
lucius septimius
2/8/2021 11:04:56 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 19: In my dealings with the school district I recorded all my phone conversations with them and meetings. Under our state laws you don't need their permission to record them.
lucius septimius
2/8/2021 11:05:20 AM
Reply to JCM in 21: That is for the best -- need to have a hard copy of everything then.
lucius septimius
2/8/2021 11:06:05 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 22: Check the county/district rules -- as much as possible use their own language to show how they've violated stated policies.
2/8/2021 11:43:27 AM
Reply to vxbush in 20: After spending time around people with education degrees while getting my MS, I feel more strongly than ever that the BS in education should be abolished. Grade 6-12 teachers should be required to have a major in their subject area. For K-5, any subject area will do. Give them one semester in classroom management and that sort of thing, in addition to the semester of student teaching. The MS should be only for specialized teaching such as gifted, special needs, dyslexia, etc.
2/8/2021 11:45:25 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 23: As I recall, the bureaucrats refused to put anything in writing for you. Thank goodness for single party consent recording.
2/8/2021 11:48:08 AM
In #25 doppelganglander said: After spending time around people with education degrees while getting my MS, I feel more strongly than ever that the BS in education should be abolished. Grade 6-12 teachers should be required to have a major in their subject area. For K-5, any subject area will do. Give them one semester in classroom management and that sort of thing, in addition to the semester of student teaching. The MS should be only for specialized teaching such as gifted, special needs, dyslexia, etc. I would support that with one caveat: any issues the teacher has with mathematics will get transferred to the students, so they have to be comfortable with math. I'm not saying they have to be math majors, but they can't have any math phobias. That would greatly reduce the pool of viable candidates, unfortunately, but I've seen too many K-5 teachers have serious phobias about math that they pass to their students. They try not to, but it comes across.
Alice in Dairyland
2/8/2021 12:03:08 PM
Reply to JCM in 10: Not to make light of your situation, but maybe your son should write about how important Bacon, Lettuce and Mayo are to a tomato sandwich. It satisfies the BLM subject matter and is cooking related.
2/8/2021 12:10:04 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 28: Add Tomato and Guacamole, and you've got an LGBT sandwich, with Mayo. How much more "intersectional" can you get? Especially since the "T" also stands for "Trans," and "transpeople of color" are one of the things that the BLM crowd have been yapping about.
2/8/2021 1:19:05 PM
Reply to vxbush in 27: That's a good point. One solution would be to hire math specialists, similar to reading specialists, to teach math only and/or coach classroom teachers on how to teach math. It's been many years since I had a kid in elementary so for all I know they may already be doing that. That's another specialty area where an MS requirement may be necessary.
Kosh's Shadow
2/8/2021 3:14:37 PM
In #31 lucius septimius said: On this day in 1587, Mary Queen of Scots was executed. Different jukebox
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