The Daily Broadside

Thursday, turning for home.

Posted on 02/25/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 2/21/2021 8:37:46 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 2/25/2021 5:15:15 AM
Egg and sausage something or another.
vxbush 2/25/2021 5:21:54 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: Egg and sausage something or another.

I can't even see the picture; I'm guessing it's a Windows-only format, as I'm on a Mac. 

Morning, everyone. Maybe there will be pie today. 

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 5:37:01 AM

Good morning. Yes, the knives are definitely out for Andrew Cuomo, and it’s about damn time:

vxbush 2/25/2021 5:44:24 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: Good morning. Yes, the knives are definitely out for Andrew Cuomo, and it’s about damn time:

Agreed, but I would like to see the media impeached as well for not doing their desired jobs last year and instead just being the mouthpieces of the left. 

Kosh's Shadow 2/25/2021 5:47:53 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

According to Caroline Glick, Cuomo had the nursing homes take COVID patients because he didn't want to make Trump look good for sending the hospital ship and other supplies.

I say, manslaughter. Lock him up. 

What does concern me now, though, is that they are destroying all the moderate (for Democrat) candidates, and pushing leftists.

lucius septimius 2/25/2021 6:15:02 AM

In #4 vxbush said: I would like to see the media impeached as well for not doing their desired jobs last year

Oh, they did their job.  They got Biden elected.

The only reason Cuomo was given a pass last year was to make Drumpfhitler look bad.  Now that Biden is securely in office Cuomo is fair game.

vxbush 2/25/2021 6:41:16 AM

In #6 lucius septimius said: Oh, they did their job.  They got Biden elected. The only reason Cuomo was given a pass last year was to make Drumpfhitler look bad.  Now that Biden is securely in office Cuomo is fair game.

True. Really sad and lame, but true. 

Why are we back in junior high, dealing with junior high stupidity? That's what the media is--junior high kids, fighting for dominance. It's so stupid.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 6:49:10 AM

In #4 vxbush said: I would like to see the media impeached as well for not doing their desired jobs last year and instead just being the mouthpieces of the left.

Impeached? They win Pulitzers for that!

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 6:52:33 AM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: According to Caroline Glick, Cuomo had the nursing homes take COVID patients because he didn't want to make Trump look good for sending the hospital ship and other supplies. I say, manslaughter. Lock him up.

And what about the ... person ... in Pennsylvania who pushed a similar policy, but only after taking his/her/its own parents out of their nursing home and putting them up in a hotel for the duration? That right there should be proof of premeditation -- he/she/it knew damned well what they were doing and what the results would be, and did it anyway...

And he/she/it was instead rewarded with a position in the Biden Misadministration, causing some of my leftie friends to squee in joy about the appointment of a trans ... thing ... to a position of prominence without regard for what ... they ... had done to get there.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 6:54:23 AM

In #9 CyberSimian said: the appointment of a trans ... thing ... to a position of prominence

Doesn't matter. Biden might be trying to claim that as a "First", but Obama had a much more prominent trans person in his White House whose alias was "Michelle".

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 6:55:36 AM

In #8 CyberSimian said: They win Pulitzers for that!

But how does that compare to Cuomo's Emmy?   Cooler, not as cool, about the same....? 

In any event, it's clear to me that everyone involved, both in the press and in the Cuomo Administration, deserves a Montgomery Burns Aware for Oustanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.   

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 7:01:02 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: Aware

= Award

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 7:01:18 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: But how does that compare to Cuomo's Emmy?

Love the way they're pretending that we didn't already know all of this about Cuomo back when they were giving him the Emmy and the congratulatory fellations.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 7:04:24 AM
Glad to see someone else is here, OR. I was just trying to remember where I left all my tumbleweed GIFs.
vxbush 2/25/2021 7:10:58 AM

In #14 CyberSimian said: Glad to see someone else is here, OR. I was just trying to remember where I left all my tumbleweed GIFs.

Didn't they tumble away?

vxbush 2/25/2021 7:11:49 AM
Oh. I see the breakfast casserole shows up now. Thanks to whomever fixed it. 
CyberSimian 2/25/2021 7:16:37 AM
Found them!
CyberSimian 2/25/2021 7:20:49 AM

I didn't see the casserole at first either, but it showed up when I refreshed.

PaladinPhil 2/25/2021 7:36:15 AM
Morning all. been a busy f*cking week. Poor sleep, now a pulled neck muscle... Finally got a chance to call my mom and talk, she's sounding better but still very frail. Cognitive issues were definitely related to the medicine she was on and diet.
JCM 2/25/2021 7:36:20 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

Knives are out for Newsome and Cuomo.


Not because they are incompetent, or corrupt, or sexually deviant, that is a given for (D)s.

Why political crimes have they committed?

The only thing I can think of is they are old school hard left, the Kennedy / Clinton heritage. The (D)s are now of the radical left, The Squad, Baghwan Shrill Sawant. etc... that bunch appears to be running Biden. NY and CA are big on the political landscape. The radical left can't leave those plums to a mere leftist.

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 7:42:14 AM

In #14 CyberSimian said: Glad to see someone else is here, OR. I was just trying to remember where I left all my tumbleweed GIFs.

Only you can prevent tumbleweeds.

doppelganglander 2/25/2021 7:42:26 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 9:

This is how the Left works. Nominate an extreme left-wing and/or thoroughly incompetent person who racks up the intersectionality points,  and when you object to their policies or point out they're unfit for the job, claim you're a racist bigot homophobe for opposing them. That's a big part of what got Obama elected. You can see it with Neera Tanden as well.

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 7:43:24 AM

In #19 PaladinPhil said: Cognitive issues were definitely related to the medicine she was on and diet

That part is definitely good news (I mean, that changing the meds and diet presumably has improved her cognitive abilities, not that there were issues in the first place, of course). 

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 7:43:30 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 19:

What happened to your mother?

Mine is 86 years old and kicked COVID's ass a couple of months ago.

doppelganglander 2/25/2021 7:43:32 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

High school is never really over.

vxbush 2/25/2021 7:43:44 AM

In #20 JCM said: The only thing I can think of is they are old school hard left, the Kennedy / Clinton heritage. The (D)s are now of the radical left, The Squad, Baghwan Shrill Sawant. etc... that bunch appears to be running Biden. NY and CA are big on the political landscape. The radical left can't leave those plums to a mere leftist.

Based on the person running Biden's campaign, the person who has been running things is James Clyburn. As many people on the campaigns turn those position into administration positions, I'm assuming he's still running a lot behind the scenes. I mean, I can't imagine have a position with that kind of power and then stepping aside. 

PaladinPhil 2/25/2021 7:45:06 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 24:

A couple updates in the Frontier. She's sick with non-covid related problems. Did a fresh update just a few minutes ago.

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 7:46:12 AM

In #20 JCM said: The only thing I can think of is they are old school hard left, the Kennedy / Clinton heritage. The (D)s are now of the radical left, The Squad, Baghwan Shrill Sawant. etc... that bunch appears to be running Biden. NY and CA are big on the political landscape. The radical left can't leave those plums to a mere leftist.

Perhaps this; perhaps it's just that Newsom and Cuomo's f**kups have become too blatantly obvious to ignore; perhaps some of each. 

JCM 2/25/2021 7:49:53 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 28:

Inslee in WA and Brown OR are both in the same league, those aren't marque posts however.

buzzsawmonkey 2/25/2021 8:01:31 AM

In #10 CyberSimian said: Obama had a much more prominent trans person in his White House whose alias was "Michelle".

The most "trans"-parent administration ever!

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 8:16:30 AM

Mars rover's parachute carried secret message

The huge parachute used by NASA’s Perseverance rover to land on Mars contained a secret message, thanks to a puzzle lover on the spacecraft team.

Systems engineer Ian Clark used a binary code to spell out “Dare Mighty Things” in the orange and white strips of the 21-metre parachute. He also included the GPS coordinates for the mission's headquarters at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

I'd have gone with DRINK MORE OVALTINE, but maybe that's just me. 

buzzsawmonkey 2/25/2021 8:26:17 AM

In #31 Occasional Reader said: I'd have gone with DRINK MORE OVALTINE, but maybe that's just me. 

If you want to drink in more oval teens, just look at today's couch-potato generation.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 8:28:22 AM

In #31 Occasional Reader said: I'd have gone with DRINK MORE OVALTINE, but maybe that's just me.

It was just two Christmases ago that my wife made me sit down and watch that movie for the first time.

turn 2/25/2021 8:28:37 AM

In #17 CyberSimian said: Found them!

Oh no, here we go again! ha

Good to “see” you!

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 8:29:01 AM

In #32 buzzsawmonkey said: If you want to drink in more oval teens

Is that you, Mr. Epstein? Why are you hanging around here?

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 8:32:25 AM
turn 2/25/2021 8:34:23 AM

In #19 PaladinPhil said: Finally got a chance to call my mom and talk, she's sounding better but still very frail. Cognitive issues were definitely related to the medicine she was on and diet.

Good news! My 90 year old MIL was having memory problems that greatly improved with a switch out on her meds and and improved diet, I should say simply by eating more and gaining a pound or two, Alarming what a lack of nutrition can do to someone that age. So glad she is improving P2.

vxbush 2/25/2021 8:38:51 AM

In #31 Occasional Reader said: I'd have gone with DRINK MORE OVALTINE, but maybe that's just me. 

I would have done something along the lines of "Marvin, we're coming."

turn 2/25/2021 8:39:19 AM

In #24 CyberSimian said: Mine is 86 years old and kicked COVID's ass a couple of months ago.

Whoa, that’s one tough mother you have there! Good on her.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 8:45:48 AM

In #39 turn said: Whoa, that’s one tough mother you have there!

"Shut your mouth!" "I'm just talkin' 'bout Shaft!"

She is slowing down a bit; she no longer volunteers all her time like she used to. She used to spend some time volunteering at a old folks' home; I used to wonder how many of the people there were younger than she was.

She still lives in her house; after our father died, my youngest brother moved in with her. So at least someone is nearby if there's a problem.

I'm actually responsible for her ongoing immortality. She used to be obsessed (I do not use that word lightly) with me becoming a priest (my marriage finally put an end to that*) and once told me that she wasn't going to die until I became a priest and could officiate at her funeral.

*We used to joke that she's more Catholic than the Pope. We still say that, but it's no longer a joke.

turn 2/25/2021 8:46:24 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 36:

I see you haven’t lost your touch! How have you been and what have you been up to? I hope all is well ... politics aside.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 8:47:59 AM

Reply to turn in 41:

I'm still free and alive, which is better than some.

turn 2/25/2021 8:49:13 AM

In #40 CyberSimian said: *We used to joke that she's more Catholic than the Pope. We still say that, but it's no longer a joke

You can say that again. Cute story, thanks for sharing.

JCM 2/25/2021 8:53:35 AM

Who says there is no thing as a stupid question.

'Why aren't we coming together?' Seattle still reeling from year of violent protests

lucius septimius 2/25/2021 8:55:38 AM
If you're descended from Neanderthals, you're better protected against the Coof than other folks.
turn 2/25/2021 8:55:42 AM

In #42 CyberSimian said: I'm still free and alive, which is better than some.

True indeed, we have at least that to be grateful for. No telling what the next four years will bring to our freedoms, we’ll be fighting to retain them under this administration sad to say. Guns, free speech, religion are already under attack ... and they are just getting started.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 9:04:47 AM

In #45 lucius septimius said: If you're descended from Neanderthals, you're better protected against the Coof than other folks.

Europeans, in other words. More proof that the plague is raysist.

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 9:15:18 AM

In #47 CyberSimian said: More proof that the plague is raysist.

Just like that racist solar eclipse we had a few years back (remember that?). 

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 9:15:29 AM
In #47 CyberSimian said: Europeans, in other words.

Though the article says ❝western Eurasia❞ rather than ❝Europe❞ – a curious choice of words.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 9:17:11 AM

In #48 Occasional Reader said: Just like that racist solar eclipse we had a few years back (remember that?)

I hear it was also racist that white dude Pat Brady's team won the Superbowl during Black History Month.

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 9:17:41 AM

Reply to JCM in 44:

"“Police are doing what they can and are told to do, what the courts are telling them to do,” said Jim Fuda, Executive Director of Crime Stoppers of Pudget Sound."

Is that like the budget version of Puget Sound? 

JCM 2/25/2021 9:27:48 AM

JCM 2/25/2021 9:28:47 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 51:


Jim Fuda is a one of the good guys in the area.

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 9:50:28 AM

In #44 JCM said: Who says there is no thing as a stupid question.

"There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people."

-Mr. Garrison, teacher, South Park Elementary School

Alice in Dairyland 2/25/2021 11:53:28 AM
Just shoot me now.  According to ABC news, Mr Potato Head is being rebranded as just Potato Head.  I thought this had to be from the Bee, but I googled (sorry, old habits die hard) it and the first hit was ABC news.  Also said American Girl is now making a boy doll.  How are we ever going to find our way back from this insanity?
Alice in Dairyland 2/25/2021 11:55:47 AM
I guess Potato Head will have a few new interchangeable parts added to the package!
JCM 2/25/2021 11:57:11 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 55:

Now you can buy 57 types of Potato Head!

buzzsawmonkey 2/25/2021 11:59:01 AM
I guess Mr. Potato Head will no longer be able to say to Mrs. Potato Head, "I only have eyes for you."
lucius septimius 2/25/2021 12:01:49 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 55:

i thought they were renaming it "Brian Stelter."

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 12:04:30 PM
In #55 Alice in Dairyland said: According to ABC news, Mr Potato Head is being rebranded as just Potato Head.
I blame that other effeminate tater, Brian Seltzer.
In #55 Alice in Dairyland said: I googled (sorry, old habits die hard)

CyberSimian 2/25/2021 12:05:36 PM

In #60 CyberSimian said: Seltzer

You know who I meant.

doppelganglander 2/25/2021 12:09:47 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 55:
I have no objection to American Girl making a boy doll. They've made boy baby dolls for many years. My daughter had Felicity, the Revolutionary era doll, and the books piqued her interest in American history. I don't think many boys will be interested in playing with the dolls and their enormous number of expensive accessories. But telling boys' stories is a very good thing. 

doppelganglander 2/25/2021 12:11:14 PM

Reply to CyberSimian in 60:

I miss him.

doppelganglander 2/25/2021 12:16:00 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 62:

There was actually a competing book series, minus the dolls, that included stories about both boys and girls. Too many children's books are written by women for little girls, while boys lag behind in reading. It seems obvious that if you want to interest boys in reading, you should give them stories about things they like. 

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 12:24:15 PM

In #63 doppelganglander said: I miss him.


Alice in Dairyland 2/25/2021 12:32:50 PM

In #62 doppelganglander said: I have no objection to American Girl making a boy doll.

I have no objection either.  You mentioned your daughter's piqued interest in American history.  It was nice to see the focus on "girls" stories, heroes were usually males.  Don't know if you remember the Jane West doll around the mid sixties.  She was a woman frontiersman!  We all had to have her.  Luckily, she got along well with Barbie, so there were no problems on that front.

Alice in Dairyland 2/25/2021 12:34:39 PM

Reply to CyberSimian in 60: That was so funny back then.  I took your advice more than once.

doppelganglander 2/25/2021 1:11:24 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 66:
I don't remember Jane West. I did have Barbie, Ken, Skipper, and PJ.

The great thing about American Girl is that they were neither baby dolls nor fashion dolls. It gave girls a different way to play with dolls. 

Kosh's Shadow 2/25/2021 1:17:46 PM
This all reminds me of the time my daughter put Barbie clothes on He-Man
Alice in Dairyland 2/25/2021 1:24:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 69: Oh I remember him, the first trans He-Man.  Your daughter was way ahead of her time.

vxbush 2/25/2021 2:03:56 PM

In #70 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 69: Oh I remember him, the first trans He-Man.  Your daughter was way ahead of her time.

Trendsetting before we knew the trend would be so popular!

lucius septimius 2/25/2021 2:22:06 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 66:

I had the Johnny West doll as well as one from the same series that was a cavalry trooper.  They were among my favorite toys as a kid.

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 3:00:08 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 72:

I had the same thing...  I thought he was called something else, but I could be wrong.  But I definitely remember the accessories, including the coffee pot! 

He was pretty cool, but not quite as cool as the Big Jim Rescue Rig.   (Which much later got a second lease on life, with my nephews; my parents had kept the thing squirreled away for two-plus decades.)

Occasional Reader 2/25/2021 3:18:39 PM

Tweet of the day.

And I'm not even on Twitter.  

/hat tip: Insty

Kosh's Shadow 2/25/2021 4:04:21 PM

GI Joe was big when I was the right age, but I had this thing about not playing with dolls. 

As for Johnny West, I prefer James West (basically James Bond in the old West) 

I bought the complete set a few years ago, and I note the DVDs bowdlerize the intro - he does not punch the woman at the end, but somehow, she still slumps.

Kosh's Shadow 2/25/2021 4:37:16 PM

SJP considers US, Canada "occupied Turtle Island"

A new report from Canary Mission, an anti-Semitism watchdog group, documents how National Students for Justice in Palestine has now taken a position against the existence of the United States and Canada.

“Students for Justice in Palestine have a history of violence and anti-Semitism. While they have long sought the destruction of Israel, they now admit that they are against the existence of the U.S. and Canada, calling it ‘occupied Turtle Island.’ It is undoubtedly a significant development, and we are monitoring it closely,” it told JNS.

According to Canary Mission, the phrase “Turtle Island” is used by some indigenous people to refer to North and Central America. It has been adopted by far-left activists seeking to delegitimize the existence of the United States and Canada. 

SJP = Students for 'Just Us' in 'Palestine'

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