Kosh's Shadow
4/9/2021 8:13:04 PM
Not only is the American Federation of Teachers trying to let their members do nothing and get paid, but its president made statements that show she believes in critical race theory and does not like Jews - even if she is one. And her statements belie the sentiments she says Article During the course of a fawning Q&A with a blatantly misleading headline about Weingarten having a “vision to get kids back to school,” the union boss and New York City resident exposed disdain for her fellow Jews and the families her members are supposed to be serving. “American Jews are now part of the ownership class. Jews were immigrants from somewhere else. And they needed the right to have public education. And they needed power to have enough income and wealth for their families that they could put their kids through college and their kids could do better than they have done. Both economic opportunity through the labor movement and an educational opportunity through public education were key for Jews to go from the working class to the ownership class. What I hear when I hear that question is that those who are in the ownership class now want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.”
So, bitch, and you deserve the term, isn't keeping schools closed taking "that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.”?
Occasional Reader
4/10/2021 7:02:32 AM
In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: So, bitch, and you deserve the term, isn't keeping schools closed taking "that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.”? And I assume she was not asked that very trenchant question.
lucius septimius
4/10/2021 7:29:24 AM
So here I am in south Florida, and they told me a month ago that in two weeks people would be dying by the billions because of college kids not wearing masks and I've yet to see one dead body. I feel gypped.
Occasional Reader
4/10/2021 8:46:48 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4:
they are obviously burning the bodies in secret.
Alice in Dairyland
4/10/2021 11:32:55 AM
Well, my neighbors across the street finally took their Trump flags and signs all down. There are still quite a few up in our area, one guy is flying his at half-mast. I was a little disappointed to see them all gone. I was greatly amused to see the same neighbor has replaced them with a gigantic "Fuck Biden" banner. It must be 4'x 6' and is prominently displayed in his front lawn. We live on a well-travelled county highway and will be seen by many, many people. I'll let you know if the TV news crews show up. One of our town board members is a Biden supporter, I'm sure he'll make a stink about it. What's even funnier is their next door neighbors are big time liberals.
Kosh's Shadow
4/10/2021 11:51:24 AM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 6: I saw a "Trump 2024" flag recently
Alice in Dairyland
4/10/2021 12:10:11 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7: It's never too early I guess. It isn't like it's Christmas lights or something. The neighbors on the other side of us finally took down their Fall and Christmas decorations. Yes, they had both up at the same time. Good thing our lots are big. The only time I could see them was when we actually drove past their house. I know I shouldn't let it bug me, but it does. They don't bring in their garbage cans after pickup either. Other than that, they're good neighbors.
Alice in Dairyland
4/10/2021 12:16:46 PM
Funny story... The woman that lived there before (moved out last summer) drives by weekly to make sure they're taking good care of the place. She'd lived there over 30 years. The flag she had left was getting rather tattered and it was bothering her. She stopped by a week ago with a screwdriver. They weren't home so she just went over there and took the flag down. She was worried that the people that didn't know she had moved would think it was her. Did I mention she's 82 years old. God, I love living in a small town.
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