Kosh's Shadow
4/12/2021 5:26:47 AM
JCM, when you create the morning thread, the time should be 05:00 AM -07:00 You've been posting for 07:00 AM -07:00 which is 10 AM Eastern. Fine for weekends, but weekdays should be earlier
4/12/2021 5:29:00 AM
In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: JCM, when you create the morning thread, the time should be
05:00 AM -07:00 Ah, that explains the barrenness when I come some days. Good morning, Kosh. Dealing with a coworker who has good instincts on statistics but keeps forgetting how a mean is generated. So he says he wants to sum up the scores and then divide by the number of students, but he doesn't want to use the mean. *eye roll*
4/12/2021 5:33:41 AM
I want to throw this out before I forget: I ran across a web page (was it shared here? I don't think so, but it may have been) where one of the arguments the person gave for not getting the COVID vaccine (any variant) was that the SARS-COV-2 virus had not been properly isolated. I thought that had been the case, but this person said it had not been. Can anyone reach back into their synaptic recesses and recall how early the virus was isolated and by whom?
Kosh's Shadow
4/12/2021 5:43:01 AM
In #2 vxbush said: Dealing with a coworker who has good instincts on statistics but keeps forgetting how a mean is generated. So he says he wants to sum up the scores and then divide by the number of students, but he doesn't want to use the mean. *eye roll* Perhaps being nice isn't the answer - you have to be mean/
Kosh's Shadow
4/12/2021 5:44:35 AM
Reply to vxbush in 3: It was initially isolated by the Chinese, as they did determine it was something new, but it has been isolated and sequenced elsewhere since then. That's how we know of the variants.
4/12/2021 5:50:14 AM
In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: It was initially isolated by the Chinese, as they did determine it was something new, but it has been isolated and sequenced elsewhere since then.
That's how we know of the variants. This person claimed it hadn't been confirmed that what we isolated was actually the same virus that was causing the symptoms. He gave a very labor-intensive sequence of steps to confirm that what was isolated was actually the virus causing the symptoms. It didn't make sense given the original isolation of the virus and yes, the variants that exist now. But given how much sh!t has been thrown by the doctors in the medical community (I'm looking at you, Fauci) over this thing, I had to accept the possibility that perhaps he was right. It's not like China has covered itself with glory on how it handled this thing.
4/12/2021 5:50:40 AM
In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: Perhaps being nice isn't the answer - you have to be mean/ Heh. Funny, but not what I intend to do.
Kosh's Shadow
4/12/2021 6:57:39 AM
Reply to vxbush in 6: There are some strange things about the virus, like a large number of asymptomatic people, but too much work has been done outside China, and I am reasonably sure if there were another cause, it would be known. Especially if it took the blame away from China, such as a virus not related to the bat virus China is known to be researching.
4/12/2021 8:19:18 AM
In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: There are some strange things about the virus, like a large number of asymptomatic people, but too much work has been done outside China, and I am reasonably sure if there were another cause, it would be known. Especially if it took the blame away from China, such as a virus not related to the bat virus China is known to be researching. Part of me thinks it would be very hard to properly compare what is strange or not with this virus, given that any numbers we have for how viruses spread normally are based on statistics that are always heavily estimated. This is the first virus I can recall having had so much attention paid to it beyond just the media's fixation with it; even the pandemic during Obama's years in office was not scrutinized this heavily. (For example, when did we have the tech in place to isolate viruses and when did we have the tech to test for specific viruses? When did this start? I don't recall, if I ever knew.) Keep in mind the PCR testing highly overestimated the number of cases and I've seen no confirmation that the testing labs have recalibrated the tests to minimize the number of false positives. So we really don't have anything close to good numbers for this virus.
4/12/2021 12:02:59 PM
With the advent of "vaccination passports," we'll soon see a revival of '40s hepcat jive; "Inocu-later, alligator!"
Alice in Dairyland
4/12/2021 1:56:00 PM
In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: "Inocu-later, alligator!" After-vial crocodile!
lucius septimius
4/12/2021 2:37:51 PM
4/12/2021 2:50:45 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 13: ++++++
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