4/14/2021 5:37:59 AM
Morning, campers. FYI, for those who are interested: I had asked about discussion points that the virus that causes COVID-19 had not actually been isolated, but no one had any idea on this. I found one article on it, but it was short on details. Go to Jon Rappoport's page to read up on it.
4/14/2021 5:38:23 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: I need to track down the three people mentioned in the article and see what I can learn about them and their position.
4/14/2021 6:24:21 AM
Happy birthday to me! It's my Oral Sex Birthday---i.e., 69.
4/14/2021 6:38:12 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:
Happy birthday!
4/14/2021 7:13:17 AM
I'll tell you whats walking Salem - Vengeance is walking Salem. We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law! ---John Proctor, "The Crucible" The above quote from "The Crucible" came to mind yesterday during my Re-Education Camp session. I may have said this after my last bout with this vile program, but aside from the fact that the "microaggression" con game gives carte blanche the person who wants to be offended, its other salient feature is that it gets you coming and going; you can't notice "differences," and you can't not notice them. My "cohort leader" took care to tell us that she was not only black, and a woman, but that she had been born in South Africa, and that her given name had specifically not been Anglicized, because a non-Anglicized name was a symbolic pushback against some former apartheid stricture. She spent much time telling us that it was/is not OK to ask people "where they're from," or about their names, or to compliment them on their English-speaking ability if they "appear foreign," etc.---yet we were all supposed to listen to her tell us all about a number of these various things, and more, and to applaud her for having done so. Can't notice, can't not-notice. That other people have changed their names for the sake of professional advantage, that the question "where are you from?" may refer to "ancestry" or to town of origin or prior residence, and is in any event merely what you make of it, that the way for people to "not judge you" on your sex, sexual proclivities, ethnicity, etc. is to not make an issue of it, does not seem to occur to these people---or, rather, it is that they want the benefits of professional advantage without having to make the compromises others have naturally understood---or at least learned---are a part of normal life. They want to eat their cake (and yours) and have it, too. "Microaggressionism" is "participation trophies" transplanted to the adult world.
Kosh's Shadow
4/14/2021 7:15:55 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3: Happy Birthday!
Kosh's Shadow
4/14/2021 7:23:52 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: From what I have read, there certainly is a disease, and the vaccines help. I think some news in some country would be reporting otherwise if it were different. I forgot who here linked to a Hong Kong virologist's paper on it, too. The best source I've found for news is the Jerusalem Post. For example, that was the only place I've read that the Director General of WHO admitted they could not do a proper investigation of COVID origins because they only could get data the Chinese government wanted them to see. Also in jpost, around 30% of people get some neurological or psychological symptoms - there is something more to this than we are generally being told. (Two British reports, at 3 and 6 months into a study of COVID survivors; the only place I have seen that is jpost)
Kosh's Shadow
4/14/2021 7:39:49 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5: It is all about control. Make everyone scared of saying the wrong thing and they won't say or do much, and by seeing how people behave it is easier to find the true believers, reward them and keep everyone else down.
4/14/2021 7:42:37 AM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: From what I have read, there certainly is a disease, and the vaccines help. I think some news in some country would be reporting otherwise if it were different. Some more research lead me to discover a few things: - Two of the people who signed that declaration are not medical doctors but are naturopaths. The second doctor on the list voluntarily turned in his medical license in California.
- The last signer of the document, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, is a medically trained psychiatrist who was reviewed last year in a McGill article about this declaration. It was moderately useful, but the author only gave a brief overview of how viruses are isolated today, and I think that issue could have used a much larger explanation, as that was the main tenant of Kaufman's declaration.
What was interesting was seeing the article include the claim that Kaufman's position on "that masks simultaneously have pores too big to block the 'virus' (whatever that means for him) but small enough to significantly reduce your oxygen supply" and imply that this claim is debunked, without actually providing any evidence about it. If the author had talked to someone with asthma or even a pulmonologist, he could have gotten more than enough information to understand the issue of reducing air intake. Instead, he assumed that debunking one claim was enough to debunk all claims or at least imply that all the claims are debunked.
4/14/2021 7:46:00 AM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: The best source I've found for news is the Jerusalem Post. For example, that was the only place I've read that the Director General of WHO admitted they could not do a proper investigation of COVID origins because they only could get data the Chinese government wanted them to see. I have learned that it's great to have one source, but errors and mistakes and rumors are pervasive. By tracking down this stuff myself, I learn enough to debunk those rumors that are nonsense and filter out those rumors that have some merit. Yes, I have no doubt that I seem like a nut tracking all this stuff down, but I like to verify stuff. It takes time, but for some topics I have to do this.
Kosh's Shadow
4/14/2021 7:53:41 AM
Reply to vxbush in 10: That's not my only source. I have the paper from the virologist; there have been good articles in Tabletmag and other sources, and a Technology Review article that gave some reasons that people who believe it is a lab leak are being to some extent suppressed. (I am 100% convinced it was a lab leak. The official explanation does not make sense- how could a virus get good at infecting people without actually infecting people so it would be found, unless it was artificially done? And if it naturally develop in Yunnan, why was the outbreak in Wuhan, 1000 miles away?)
Occasional Reader
4/14/2021 8:02:04 AM
In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: Happy birthday to me! It's my Oral Sex Birthday---i.e., 69.
Happy birthday to... ewwww...
Occasional Reader
4/14/2021 9:06:51 AM
In #13 Occasional Reader said: Up to Over 50% of LIberal, White Women Under 30 Have a Mental Health Issue
4/14/2021 9:14:02 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3: Happy birthday, Buzz.
4/14/2021 9:28:44 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 13: I keep getting an "Error" message when I try to access the story.
4/14/2021 9:36:47 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 13: Of course, when someone is told every little thing causes a mental health issue.....
Occasional Reader
4/14/2021 9:38:22 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 16:
Works for me. Maybe try copying and pasting the address:
Kosh's Shadow
4/14/2021 9:43:32 AM
In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: I keep getting an "Error" message when I try to access the story. Probably the heavy load of RB'ers hitting their site/// (But back in the LGF days, sites would get overloaded if LGF had a link. OK, those sites weren't configured for heavy loads) What does the error message say? There is usually a code like 503 (server error)
4/14/2021 9:49:29 AM
In #17 JCM said: Of course, when someone is told every little thing causes a mental health issue..... You stole the words out of my mouth, I'm telling ya.
4/14/2021 9:52:10 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: Nope; doesn't help. Might try restarting the machine later to see if that makes a difference. Meanwhile...given the recent news of Patrisse Cullors' burgeoning real-estate acquisitions, can she be properly referred to as a "House Negro?"
Alice in Dairyland
4/14/2021 9:55:17 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3: Happy Birthday! Hope you an an enjoyable day. Remember, if you want to have your cake and eat it too, you'll have to buy two of them!
Alice in Dairyland
4/14/2021 9:57:07 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21: I don't know. Would she have had to purchased them on the black market to qualify?
Occasional Reader
4/14/2021 10:19:18 AM
In #21 buzzsawmonkey said: Patrisse Cullors I have no idea who this is, but based on your post, I assume it is a Person of Cullors.
Alice in Dairyland
4/14/2021 10:23:31 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: She's one of the founders of black lives matter.
Alice in Dairyland
4/14/2021 10:26:53 AM
In #25 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: You know, one of those poor, oppressed black people who happen to own 3?, 4?, or 5? $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 homes.
4/14/2021 10:40:05 AM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 26: She's just a homegirl at heart.
Alice in Dairyland
4/14/2021 10:49:37 AM
In #27 buzzsawmonkey said: She's just a homegirl at heart. She has no heart. She's just another grifter. Found a way to make a few (million) bucks.
4/14/2021 10:50:29 AM
One of the things they said at Re-Education Camp yesterday was that it was a "microaggression" to "tell someone to smile." I really wanted to play this song into the feed, but couldn't think quite how to do it.
4/14/2021 10:51:40 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3: Happy birthday buzz! Many more happy returns my friend.
Kosh's Shadow
4/14/2021 11:02:06 AM
In #29 buzzsawmonkey said: One of the things they said at Re-Education Camp yesterday was that it was a "microaggression" to "tell someone to smile." I guess that's because photographers either see things in black and white, or are concerned about color.
Alice in Dairyland
4/14/2021 11:02:50 AM
In #29 buzzsawmonkey said: it was a "microaggression" to "tell someone to smile." What about threatening to "wipe that smile off their face"? I don't know how you were able to sit through all the BS. I give you credit for not going off the deep end. You seemed to be able to remain quite composed with your comments to them.
4/14/2021 11:16:39 AM
In #32 Alice in Dairyland said: I don't know how you were able to sit through all the BS. I give you credit for not going off the deep end. You seemed to be able to remain quite composed with your comments to them.
Oh, as a mere adjunct I'm quite likely to be walking a knife-edge regarding this crap; fortunately, I have over a decade of stellar evaluations, so that's something---but if the wokies really want my head, they'll probably get it. Again fortunately, I don't need the money, though I enjoy the teaching---and believe that the kids need me whether or not they know it. Meantime, I've got one more Re-Education Camp session to attend, next week. If there were a way to attack this garbage directly through the school power structure, I'd consider it---but it is clear that the hierarchy is all-in with it. I think it tragic that so many of these wokie bureaucrats are women; I'm not sure if it argues that wokie women, as women, are really irreparably damaged, or whether it's "wokieness" regardless of sex. I don't think I want to do too much close investigation. I normally do not wear T-shirts as anything but underwear, but I am toying with the idea of making an "I Survived Re-Education Camp" T-shirt to wear for my distance-learning classes.
4/14/2021 11:26:21 AM
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes/congrats, whether expressed or unexpressed.
4/14/2021 11:37:58 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 29:
The concept of microaggressions is stupid, but I think they have a minor point about these two examples. It's often men telling pretty young girls to smile. At best it can be seen as unwelcome flirtation, and at worse it's bullying. She may have a very good reason for not smiling, and in any case he's not entitled a smile. As far as "Where are you from," I was just having this conversation with my daughter last night. She's dating a man of Egyptian descent who grew up in Pennsylvania. She didn't ask about his ancestry, he volunteered it. Some people do take offense at the question, which is silly IMO. I usually go with "Where did you grow up?" It's a standard getting to know you question and it leaves room for the person to tell you as little or as much as they want. And yes, I say the same thing to people of all backgrounds.
4/14/2021 11:48:16 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 35: My point, at yesterday's Re-Education Camp session, was that such questions, or statements, may be out of line---but the question is how you approach them. There were/have been several concentration-camp survivors who have said, in post-WWII writings, that you cannot always control what someone will say/do to you, but you CAN control, or DECIDE, how you will take it or respond to it. Let's assume that Clueless Lout tells some female underling to "smile." Is it an unwelcome flirtation? Maybe. Is it an oblique suggestion that lower-level front-office personnel have an obligation to present an at least moderately-cheerful countenance to those coming to the office, since they are the First Face of the Firm? Maybe. Is it merely an attempt, however maladroit, to make someone simulate cheerfulness in the belief if they do so that their internal emotions may follow their outward simulation? Maybe. Is it a "microaggression" that is "oppressing" the other person? I'd have to say that of all the possible interpretations, that one is the most stupid and useless.
Occasional Reader
4/14/2021 12:46:14 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 36:
Bingo. Once upon a time, what are now called "microaggressions" were called, at most "being rude". There were, perhaps, social consequences to being rude; and if taken to an extreme, official consequences in terms of employment. Now, of course, every microaggression calls for the use of coercive/official power, in response.
lucius septimius
4/14/2021 2:35:28 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3: mazal deyn geburstag!
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