lucius septimius
5/14/2021 5:48:12 AM
Well after my plans for today were sort of scotched yesterday, this morning the revised plans were scotched again.
Kosh's Shadow
5/14/2021 6:07:31 AM
In #1 lucius septimius said: Well after my plans for today were sort of scotched yesterday, this morning the revised plans were scotched again. Scotched? You kilt the thread.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 6:55:31 AM
In #1 lucius septimius said: Well after my plans for today were sort of scotched yesterday, this morning the revised plans were scotched again.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!
lucius septimius
5/14/2021 7:12:46 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: I had planned for oldest boy to do some yard work today; for myself I had errands to run. But then I found out at the last minute about yet another zoom meeting this afternoon and he announce he was leaving to go to his mom's this afternoon. I found out this morning that it was because he had a dentist appointment -- which no one told me and which no one bothered to put on the calendar. OK, push afternoon plans into the morning and expect not to get anything done this afternoon. Then at 8:30 this morning his mother calls says she's going to pick him up NOW rather than at 3:30 per the original plan. So had to get him up etc. I'll make Number 2 son cut grass tomorrow when he gets here. In the meantime rearranging my day's plans yet again. In the greater scheme of things it's not a huge problem, but it threw me off my stride. The woman has an innate ability to create chaos. Honestly, I wonder every day what the next little chaos bomb will be -- can't go more than about three days without her tossing one in somehow.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 7:25:58 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4: Okay. (But I was really going for the Whiskey/Scotched pun...)
Yeah, I feel ya. (Not literally, i mean.) My own plans to get Little OR out in the sunshine this morning were scotch-whiskey-tango-foxtrotted by last-minute requests to participate first in 9:30 virtual meeting, then another 10:30 one, then one at 11:30, and then of course at 12:30... online kindergarten begins. Meanwhile he's been bouncing off the freaking walls.
Kosh's Shadow
5/14/2021 8:10:56 AM
the best-laid schemes o'mice an' men Gang aft agley
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 9:54:01 AM
In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: o'mice an' men Tell me about the rabbits.
5/14/2021 10:04:05 AM
In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: o'mice an' men Meissen men? Little mittel-Europan china figurines?
Kosh's Shadow
5/14/2021 10:25:13 AM
In #7 Occasional Reader said: Tell me about the rabbits. We usually have rabbits in our yard and our dogs really want to catch them. But one of them didn't move as a rabbit ran by him - the rabbit could have said "Eh, what's up, Dog?" and still gotten away.
lucius septimius
5/14/2021 11:15:42 AM
In #10 Occasional Reader said: So, apparently, there's an acceptable level of rocket attacks on Israel. Reginald Maudling call your office.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 11:17:37 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 11: I had to look that up, but; yeah.
Kosh's Shadow
5/14/2021 11:29:55 AM
In #10 Occasional Reader said: So, apparently, there's an acceptable level of rocket attacks on Israel. Sure. One that doesn't injure or kill any black and brown people, only Jews (and black Jews are considered white for this purpose) --- The Democrats
5/14/2021 11:42:48 AM
Lots of people think that the nations of the Middle East go back to some ancient time. Not true. Here's a list of the dates on which these Arab states became independent: Saudi Arabian independence: 1932. Jordan independence: 1946. Syrian independence: 1936. Lebanon independence: 1943. Iraq independence: 1932. Yemen independence: 1967. Egypt independence: 1922. All of these were "granted independence" as an indulgence of the colonialist powers that ruled them. Israel is the only nation in the Middle East that fought for its own independence againstcolonialism---and, while it is a quarter-century-plus younger than "Egypt," it is older than Yemen.
Kosh's Shadow
5/14/2021 11:56:18 AM
In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: Sure. One that doesn't injure or kill any black and brown people, only Jews (and black Jews are considered white for this purpose)
--- The Democrats I am not kidding in this - here's a statement from Jamaal Bowman, who ran as a "Pro-Israel progressive" Yesterday, responding to the onslaught of Palestinian violence against Israel, Congressman Bowman had this to say to his constituents: “Whether it’s the infringement of human and civil rights of Palestinians living in Sheikh Jarrah, the violence against those praying in the Al-Aqsa mosque during the holy month of Ramadan in East Jerusalem… my heart is breaking for people around the world experiencing oppression and hurt.” And in case the virtue signal wasn’t heard loudly or clearly enough, Bowman added in a tweet, “enough of Black and brown bodies being brutalized and murdered.”
The rest of the progressives are worse.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 11:57:11 AM
In #14 buzzsawmonkey said: Lots of people think that the nations of the Middle East go back to some ancient time. Not true. See, also, "historically black neighborhood".
Kosh's Shadow
5/14/2021 11:57:59 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14: Most of the mideast was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 1500's to after WWI It was carved up by the Picot-Sykes agreement into British and French spheres of influence.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 11:58:37 AM
In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: Black and brown bodies The Progs use this phrase obsessively.
It's downright fetishistic.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 11:59:43 AM
In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: Most of the mideast was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 1500's to after WWI Why did Constantinople get the works?
Kosh's Shadow
5/14/2021 12:05:56 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 19: Good one - it deserves an attaboy atta-turk
5/14/2021 12:09:05 PM
In #16 Occasional Reader said: See, also, "historically black neighborhood".
Oh, that's a favorite of mine. "Historically-black" Harlem was built by Jews, Germans and Irish; Bedford-Stuyvesant was an upper-middle-class white bedroom community when it was built. Ocean Hill, Brownsville, and East New York were neighborhoods built by working-class Jews. If you want to go to Chicago, Lawndale was the city's "Bronx"; a West Side neighborhood built by working-class and lower-middle-class Jews that became a black ghetto. Austin---prominently featured these days when they're tallying the weekend shootings---was an upper-middle-class white neighborhood as recently as when I was in high school. South Shore, where Michelle Obama hails from, was an upper-middle-class community from the inception (the South Shore Country Club, and the Southmoor Hotel, which was the spot for having a celebration if you lived on the South Side); it flipped, racially speaking, in one year---a lawschool friend of mine, who was slightly built, blonde, and blue-eyed, used to call up realtors to list his parents' house, pretending to be his mother, because he was tired of being beaten up in school.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 12:10:04 PM
In #20 Kosh's Shadow said: it deserves an attaboy atta-turk Hey, that's my schtick.
Occasional Reader
5/14/2021 12:12:10 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21: Reminds me of the "Brezhnev Doctrine":
What's ours, is ours forever; what's yours is up for grabs.
lucius septimius
5/14/2021 12:27:12 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14: But indigenous something something something ...
5/14/2021 12:33:40 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 23:
If you read The Rise of David Levinsky, a novel by Abraham Cahan (founder of The Jewish Daily Forward), it is somewhat long and turgid (a flaw Cahan shared with Sinclair Lewis), but it does discuss some very interesting things. Many neighborhoods in Brooklyn, and in the Bronx, were built by Jewish speculators who decided to buy lots and build on them in the hope that their sweatshop earnings would take them out of relative poverty. Blacks have never built a neighborhood, as far as I am aware, though they have taken over neighborhoods built by others. Wealthy blacks---be they Farrakhan or Jackson or Sharpton, or be they wealthy drug dealers/gangsters in the black community, have never attempted to build anything. There has never been an effort of which I am aware that "persons of color" have used a nickel of their money to improve "the black community."
5/14/2021 12:38:05 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14: A while back, Obama's first SOTU he said something about the US being a young nation that needed to learn. I researched the age of the governments of all the nations at the time. US has the oldest form of government on the planet. Sure, Egypt, Greece, Iran (Persia), China are ancient nations, but their current form of government is new that ours.
5/14/2021 1:35:15 PM
In #25 buzzsawmonkey said: Blacks have never built a neighborhood, as far as I am aware, I actually just found out about one today. It's called Flanner House Homes in Indianapolis. Much the way Koreans today pool their money to make private business loans to their neighbors, black families in the 50s and 60s helped one another build homes. There must be others. The article itself is about a woman who believes her home appraisal was lowballed because she's black. Having written USPAP-approved appraisal training, I think she may have a valid complaint. There are crooked appraisers in cahoots with dishonest real estate agents who set a low value on a home. Another member of the scheme buys the house cheap, maybe paints it, and sells it for its true, higher value. Minority buyers are often targeted because they are perceived as financially unsophisticated. Here's the link: https://amp.indystar.com/amp/4936571001?__twitter_impression=true
5/14/2021 2:23:23 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 27: Interesting indeed, if true. At the same time, what is even more interesting is the question of why black "race warriors" do not trumpet the existence of such neighborhoods from the rooftops. You'd think they'd be proud of evidence of de people doin' fo' theyselves. For some time---on SOB, on CC, and occasionally here---I have said that if black "leaders" actually wanted to benefit their supposed constituents, they would use the massive amounts of cash they'd collected to buy up as much property as possible in ghetto neighborhoods, and offer people the opportunity to earn owned apartments via the "sweat equity" of fixing up the real estate. Such a program would give people neighborhood pride, home ownership, marketable skills, a reason to keep order in/police the neighborhood, and improve the real estate---all good things. Nobody has ever attempted, or even proposed, such a program to my knowledge...which tells me something about the "black community leaders."
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