5/16/2021 5:46:12 AM
Armalite needs to push for "Talk Like a Gun Owner Day"---AR!
5/16/2021 9:49:18 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2: Saw that. Thought it was very funny---but I was surprised it didn't end with the third little pig being hauled into court for using an unregistered weapon.
5/16/2021 10:38:09 AM
I'm pretty sure I put a picture in.... *shrug*
Kosh's Shadow
5/16/2021 1:13:16 PM
Reply to JCM in 4: Be sure to wait until the post shows up with the picture, or the post might get lost. I saw the same thing Wednesday, but fixed it. (I checked after I saw this one)
Kosh's Shadow
5/16/2021 1:14:15 PM
Did some errands today. On a side street, one house had a "Black Lives Matter" sign. Across the street, "MA Supports Law Enforcement" I wonder how well those neighbors get along.
Occasional Reader
5/16/2021 3:34:11 PM
In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: one house had a "Black Lives Matter" sign. I have yet to encounter a single person who can give me a coherent explanation of what that slogan means.
Kosh's Shadow
5/16/2021 3:43:19 PM
In #7 Occasional Reader said: I have yet to encounter a single person who can give me a coherent explanation of what that slogan means. If the lives of black people really mattered, the police would be encouraged to go after the gangs, who kill far more blacks than the police. I note a black Boston community leader is quite pro-police; he applauds the police effort to get illegal guns off the street. But then, the Boston police department is quite professional, and their shootings of blacks have been clearly proper. (One case an officer approached a car, and was shot in the face. His partners gave chase, while the perp was shooting back at them. He got killed, and not only did the first officer survive but is back on duty. The police showed surveillance video to community leaders who agreed this was a valid use of force. In another case, a black Muslim went after police with a knife, and was killed. Only Muslims and his family made a stink, and they were too few to cause trouble. I don't know what it is, but despite the leftist leaning in Mass., we don't have the insanity of the left coast. Even our Squad member, Pressley, does not join the attacks on Israel, but it is quite possibly because of all the Israeli companies in the area, and their US employees.
5/16/2021 3:47:08 PM
The Pasadena, CA police shot and killed a young black man last summer and there were a lot of questions about the shooting. He was shot in the back and was running away. Tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 two attorneys and the George Floyd family will be having an event in front of city hall. I hope people will remain calm.
5/16/2021 4:11:42 PM
In #7 Occasional Reader said: I have yet to encounter a single person who can give me a coherent explanation of what that slogan means.
Science has established the existence of "dark matter," but has not established the existence of "black lives" matter.
Kosh's Shadow
5/16/2021 4:21:00 PM
In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: Science has established the existence of "dark matter," but has not established the existence of "black lives" matter. "Dark matter" is theorized because stars in galaxies orbit faster than would be the case for the visible matter, but no explanation of what "dark matter" is has been successful. It is also possible the law of gravity is not quite what we think it is on such large scales. After all, the current best gravitational theory, General Relativity, is not compatible with quantum mechanics. Black Lives Matter signs make even less sense, as they discount all the black lives lost to other blacks. Wolf lives matter! (See my #2)
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