5/20/2021 5:45:12 AM
Morning, campers. Happy Thursday.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 6:39:27 AM
I'll echo Kosh's earlier observation; in real life, that lovely outdoor breakfast would be swarmed with bugs...
lucius septimius
5/20/2021 6:41:00 AM
Sure Happy It's
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 6:42:41 AM
In #1 vxbush said: Morning, campers Out of curiosity, I did a quick search about the exact origin of this term. This poster claims it stems from the post-WWII "holiday camps" in the UIK.
5/20/2021 7:08:12 AM
In #4 Occasional Reader said: the post-WWII "holiday camps" in the UIK. Interesting post; it's the first time I've heard of Butlin Camps since I was in England in '64. When I was living there as a 12-year-old, I read through a lot of novels built around the character of Billy Bunter, the "Heavyweight Chump of Greyfriars," a fat and greedy public-school boy at the imaginary Greyfriars school. The Bunter character has its origins in the boys' weekly papers that still existed then in various forms, but which started back around the turn of the 20th century; Orwell, in his superb essay "Boys' Weeklies," discusses the Bunter character at length. Bunter was also a character in cartoon adventures in Valiant, one of the weeklies I was fond of then. In any event, one of the novels I read back then involved Bunter and a number of his friends/acquaintances going to a Butlin holiday camp. I remember little about that particular book/story---they were all pretty much alike---but, having a head for verse whether or not I want to, this, from the book, has stuck in my head for over half a century: Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside! I do like a jolly Butlin camp! For of all of those places Where we see those sunny faces Butlin's is the champ! One has the suspicion that the Butlin camp people might perhaps have helped subsidize the publication of that particular volume.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 7:16:50 AM
My God, but do I hate rap/hip-hop.
/as it blares from the UPS truck parked near where I am sitting
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 7:18:20 AM
In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: One has the suspicion that the Butlin camp people might perhaps have helped subsidize the publication of that particular volume. Indeed, that’s about as clumsy a “product placement“ as Owen Wilson being handed a Coke in a particular scene in “behind enemy lines“.
5/20/2021 7:51:14 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:
Why do people who like horrible "music" think the rest of us want to hear it too? Would that be considered a microaggression?
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 7:51:18 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:
Up until this morning, I think the entirety of my awareness of that cultural phenomenon was represented by the holiday camp depiction in The Who's "Tommy". Interesting detail from you, thanks.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 8:04:34 AM
Per a general e-mail by my employer, we "do not tolerate discrimination of any kind".
So the next time I"m asked, for instance, "which date for this proposed meeting works for you?", I guess I'll have to decline to answer.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 8:11:46 AM
In #8 doppelganglander said: Why do people who like horrible "music" think the rest of us want to hear it too? Would that be considered a microaggression?
And the question prior to that one; why does anyone want to listen to this shit in the first place?
5/20/2021 8:24:06 AM
In #8 doppelganglander said: Why do people who like horrible "music" think the rest of us want to hear it too? Would that be considered a microaggression? No, it is an intentional macro-aggression. They know you don't want to hear it, which is why they play it loudly---effectively, daring you to do/say something, which you won't. It is also a way of creating a portable virtual bubble of the violent, hostile, chaotic environment in which they feel at home.
5/20/2021 8:32:17 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12: Most of the time they don't have a system for the volume, and overdrive the speakers, so everything is distortion on top of the lousy music.
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2021 8:34:51 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: Good morning, Migrants! I'm your Auntie Kamala and I'll welcome you to Biden's Holiday Camp! The difference Never mind the weather When you come to Biden's You get to stay forever!
5/20/2021 8:37:37 AM
In #13 JCM said: Most of the time they don't have a system for the volume, and overdrive the speakers, so everything is distortion on top of the lousy music. Which only confirms the music is designed to be tribal, that is, the only thing you can hear are the drums. There is no attempt at any melody or harmony, usually. It isn't music.
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2021 8:43:12 AM
In #15 vxbush said: Which only confirms the music is designed to be tribal, that is, the only thing you can hear are the drums. There is no attempt at any melody or harmony, usually. It isn't music.
And thus, if you don't like it, you are racist////////////// The correct way to spell the type of music is "crap" - the only word with a silent "c"/
5/20/2021 8:46:50 AM
In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: And thus, if you don't like it, you are racist//////////////
The correct way to spell the type of music is "crap" - the only word with a silent "c"/ Heh. Have folks been following the news of the Mericopa County recount of the 2020 general election?
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 8:47:40 AM
In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: No, it is an intentional macro-aggression. They know you don't want to hear it, which is why they play it loudly---effectively, daring you to do/say something, which you won't.
It is also a way of creating a portable virtual bubble of the violent, hostile, chaotic environment in which they feel at home.
Your observation here is quite blunt... and, sadly, quite likely true.
5/20/2021 8:51:29 AM
In #18 Occasional Reader said: Your observation here is quite blunt... and, sadly, quite likely true. We all need to learn this maneuver.
5/20/2021 8:51:30 AM
In #18 Occasional Reader said: Your observation here is quite blunt... and, sadly, quite likely true. We all need to learn this maneuver.
5/20/2021 8:57:08 AM
In #19 Occasional Reader said: Cinematic reference... "I just killed your f**kin' radio" Meh. I prefer my version.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 8:57:08 AM
In #20 vxbush said: We all need to learn this maneuver.
Heh. For one of the "bad" (even-numbered) ST-original-cast movies, that flick certainly had a lot of memorable scenes.
5/20/2021 8:58:43 AM
In #23 Occasional Reader said: For one of the "bad" (even-numbered) ST-original-cast movies, that flick certainly had a lot of memorable scenes. I think Leonard Nimoy did a good job of keeping his tongue firmly in his cheek directing that movie. After putting up with the Spock comparisons for two decades, he crafted a movie that had fun with the entire Star Trek genre.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 9:00:59 AM
Reply to vxbush in 24:
"Just a damn minute, Captain"
-Best line in the movie
5/20/2021 9:03:56 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12:
Yes. It's designed to make the listener angry, and it works. It dominates the space by being aggressively obnoxious and you can't do a thing about it.
5/20/2021 9:32:17 AM
In #18 Occasional Reader said: Your observation here is quite blunt... and, sadly, quite likely true. Now you know why they loved me so much in my Re-Education classes.
5/20/2021 9:44:44 AM
The Latin verb "to love" conjugated for gun owners: Ammo Amass Aim it
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 10:38:29 AM
In #28 buzzsawmonkey said: Amass
Good luck with that part...
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 11:31:18 AM
And once again, I just walked into my local liquor store wearing a mask and with a gun in my pocket. I find that situation kind of funny. I went to the finest finishing schools on the East Coast, and look at me now...
/OK, so I did not actually attend finishing school
5/20/2021 11:52:04 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 30: Hey everyone! Hear that! OR didn't finish school!
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2021 11:52:43 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 30: Finishing school? Is that where you learn to sand, stain, and varnish woodwork?///////
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 11:59:55 AM
Reply to JCM in 31: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 32:
I've never been entirely clear what "finishing school' even is, truth be told...
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 12:01:11 PM
In #32 Kosh's Shadow said: stain I've actualy stained plenty of furniture, although never intentionally.
5/20/2021 12:09:58 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 33: When you grab that sheepskin and yell "I'm finished with school"?
5/20/2021 12:11:32 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 33: I was under the impression that it was for well bred young ladies to learn the finer points of edicate of polite society.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 12:13:08 PM
"Why? Because."
This includes a good recap of what is actually happening in Gaza. But I feel like we're beyond the point of using reason and facts to change anyone's minds.
5/20/2021 12:29:29 PM
The current imbroglio in the Middle East brings it all into sharp relief: The Left vents its Jew-hate by focusing on Israel and "anti-Zionism." The Right vents its Jew-hate by claiming to support Israel to the hilt and slagging American Jews for voting Leftish and for insufficiently supporting Israel. Mirror images of each other.
lucius septimius
5/20/2021 12:35:32 PM
In #34 Occasional Reader said: I've actualy stained plenty of furniture, although never intentionally. TMI
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 12:55:03 PM
In #38 buzzsawmonkey said: The Left vents its Jew-hate by focusing on Israel and "anti-Zionism."
The Right vents its Jew-hate by claiming to support Israel to the hilt and slagging American Jews for voting Leftish and for insufficiently supporting Israel. I... don't really see those two as mirror-images. Yes, there are Jew-haters on the Right, but you won't generally find them slagging American Jews for insufficiently supporting Israel. And while there are Jew-haters on the Right who will become spittle-flecked in denouncing American Jews (without any distinction among them) for voting Left, it's not the case that anyone who bemoans the fact that American Jews DO, as a bloc, vote very much to the Left, is a Jew-hater.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 12:56:57 PM
In #39 lucius septimius said: TMI
And don't even ask about the potted plants...
("Doing a Harvey", we could call it)
5/20/2021 12:59:09 PM
Hooray for Paliwood!
That sloppy Photoshoppy Paliwood!
Where a jihadi-o can make a video
Of someone who’s been knocked flat
Though blood is scattered, it doesn’t matter
He’ll be back up and walking just like that
Hooray for Paliwood!
They work at making genocide look good
It barely takes them even half an instant
To take an infant, or a woman in a hood
Who looks like a ninja, and make ‘em look injured—
Hooray for Paliwood! Hooray for Paliwood!
Emoting and exploding Paliwood!
Kids go on television to spout their vision
Of blowing up amidst some Jews
It's so commonplace that when they self-erase
It barely rates a mention on the news
Hooray for Paliwood!
They invite doctors who want to do good
Then interview them as they loudly bewail
The way that they fail
To save all the lives they should
It never is revealed they're used as human shields---
Hooray for Paliwood! Hooray for Paliwood!
That struggling, weapons-smuggling Paliwood!
Where armaments assorted will be transported
In a Red Crescent ambulance
But don't dare object for if you detect it
You'll be killed as soon as they get the chance
Hooray for Paliwood!
They work at making genocide look good
It barely takes them even half an instant
To take an infant
Or a woman in a hood
Who looks like a ninja
And make ‘em look injured—
Hooray for Paliwood!
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2021 1:18:25 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 42: +++++++++++++++++++ And the media plays it up as if it was real!
lucius septimius
5/20/2021 1:19:46 PM
If FDR was so great, why did we enact a constitutional amendment to make sure he could never happen again?
5/20/2021 1:25:49 PM
My sister got this link from a friend of hers in Israel. Gives you an idea of what Hamas has been spewing out.
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2021 1:27:03 PM
In #44 lucius septimius said: If FDR was so great, why did we enact a constitutional amendment to make sure he could never happen again? True, man.
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2021 1:28:46 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 45: And yet the world only complains about children in Gaza (never mind most of those killed or injured were hit by Hamas rockets that fell short) If they really cared about the Gazans, they'd be pushing to get rid of Hamas.
5/20/2021 1:31:44 PM
In #47 Kosh's Shadow said: If they really cared about the Gazans, they'd be pushing to get rid of Hamas.
Gaza has beautiful beaches and a superb climate. If the Arabs there wanted to, they could make it a tourist destination to rival Monte Carlo, and enjoy even more prosperity than is evident from the many large buildings, and markets full of food, that are seen in photograph after photograph. Indeed, when the Israelis left Gaza, and consigned it entirely to the Arabs, they specifically left the vast array of greenhouses which they had built there during the occupation, so that the Gazans could prosper by continuing the cultivation of fruits and vegetables there. Hamas destroyed the greenhouses because they'd been built by Jews, and used the hulks as missile-storage sites. Any and all of the misery experienced by the Arabs of Gaza---Arabs so toxic that Egypt wouldn't take Gaza back when Israel offered it to them---is on the Gazans and Hamas.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 1:34:11 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 45:
Leftists yelling that Israel should somehow magically "de-escalate" remind me of Leftists yelling that that cop in Lancaster, PA should have magically "de-escalated" the nutter charging at him with a knife from mere yards away. I despair of being able to reason at all with anyone on the Left, at this point.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2021 1:51:38 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 47: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 48:
It is a supreme irony that the Palestinian Arabs would, as a group, be far, far better off if the world "cared" much less about them.
5/20/2021 2:45:29 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 50: Parallel to blacks in America. Told they are the victims, stick with us will get you everything you want. Benign neglect works so well. You are on your own have fun!
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2021 2:54:29 PM
Reply to JCM in 51: And BLM specifically says they care about the Palestinians. About as much as they care about the blacks killed by other blacks; they just have roots in the Jew-hating leftist part of the black community.
lucius septimius
5/20/2021 3:31:32 PM
Lori Lightweight says she'll only give interviews to "black and brown" journalists. I wonder if she hung a paper bag on the wall in her briefing room.
5/20/2021 3:39:48 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 54: Todd Herman on his radio show announced he would only accept phone calls from whites. Trolling in shallow water......
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