Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 5:27:01 AM
Why hasn’t that church in the background been replaced with a mosque yet?
5/27/2021 5:28:11 AM
Yesterday, Kosh wrote in response to a person's podcast about "decolonizing science": I guess we need to go back to tribal magic. Funny how all that superior African magic was so easily defeated. I have seen a lot of troubling articles that are demonstrating that is exactly what is happening. - Articles where math is completely disconnected from any application of math, but only seen as a tool to push critical race theory.
- Articles where people eschew physics and science and say that magic is the more holistic way to go.
- Articles where people are going to bring down buildings with incantations and spells.
Any one of these articles in isolation makes it look like the people in question are freaks. But put these together and it is not too much of a conspiracy theory to think that the intent is to prevent people from being able to think logically, being able to create, or maintaining the technology we have. Why? Because people in power can stay in power if the masses can't think, can't argue logically, and only the ones in power can maintain the equipment. I'd argue the intent is to decolonize the masses but keep the colonialist powers in place.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 5:33:23 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: Where are you seeing these articles?!
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 5:46:22 AM
Today is my son‘s “show and share“ day in kindergarten. Should I have him show and share my Kimber M1911?
lucius septimius
5/27/2021 6:03:10 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: A letter to the editor in the WSJ on Monday put the California push, at least, into context. California schools have been failing minority students consistently. They can't meet the standards. This is an embarrassment -- to the unions and administrators. The solution, of course, is to eliminate standards completely. This way they can claim all kinds of "success" and get their bonuses. It's completely cynical and a gigantic distraction from the real story -- venal and incompetent school administration. Similar is was the subtle transformation of "STEM" (which everyone I know in the S part thought was dumb to begin with) into "STEAM" by adding art into the mix. That way you could claim that students were learning "science! engineering!" by drawing crayon pictures of machines. No, seriously. The principal of our local elementary school made loud noises about how the school was going to become a center for "STEM." Then it became "STEAM." Youngest boy had several "science" projects that were really just art projects. "Design and build a bridge!" but not one that would work or could be tested as in physics of yore. "Design a flying car," with no reference to any science behind the idea. Of course I had him go through the paces and do real projects. The cherry on the sundae was a fifth grade "engineering project" that was nothing short of a nightmare. They kids got a 40 page pdf of "instructions." I traced it back to a website with general ideas about projects for high school students. They cut and pasted from the site to make their "project." And they didn't get all the pages -- they left out important parts. The teachers, none of whom had ANY science background, had no earthly idea how to manage the project. I don't even think they'd read the instructions -- if they had, they would have known that the project was impossible to execute. it contained more or less random parts of about five different and distinct project outlines for different grades. The kids weren't ready, they assignment was missing key elements, the teachers couldn't teach it, and the parents were utterly out to sea as to what was required. The next summer we got an email that the principal had been picked to head up a "STEM Magnet School." Mission accomplished.
lucius septimius
5/27/2021 6:03:54 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 4: Shit, if he bites a pop tart into something vaguely resembling a weapon he'll be banned from school for life.
lucius septimius
5/27/2021 6:04:43 AM
Today number 2 son graduates from high school. My first kid graduation (oldest boy dropped out and took the GED). I'm kind of excited.
5/27/2021 6:45:31 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 7:
As you should be. We remember what you went through and how hard he worked to reach this milestone. Congratulations!
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 6:50:09 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 5:
Wow. Thanks for sharing, depressing as that all may be.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 6:50:36 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 6: Look, I'd have the weapon in "Condition Three" during show and share... I'm not a madman, you know...
5/27/2021 6:59:26 AM
In #9 Occasional Reader said: Wow. Thanks for sharing, depressing as that all may be.
Gives you an idea of the obstacle course that's being prepared for Little OR.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 7:54:36 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 11: to put it mildly, I am worried about this.
5/27/2021 8:13:26 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:
For the cost of private school, you could probably get together with a few other families to hire a teacher. I don't know what the homeschooling laws are in DC but it might be worth a shot.
5/27/2021 8:14:04 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: Where are you seeing these articles?! Not trying to ignore you, but several metaphorical fires broke out here at work. And I will need to soon head home to take care of something there. A quick summary will have to do:
- Articles where math is completely disconnected from any application of math, but only seen as a tool to push critical race theory--I have seen articles on this at PJMedia, although I want to say that Legal Insurrection had some as well.
- Articles where people eschew physics and science and say that magic is the more holistic way to go--I cannot remember exactly where I saw this, but it was some college-age chick who said magic was just as effective as physics for determining physical phenomena. I just about gagged.
- Articles where people are going to bring down buildings with incantations and spells--I seem to recall this happened at some point during the last 4 years, where they were trying to bring Trump down with magic, or maybe it was something to do with the federal reserve system.
I should have links to the specific articles stored in my home email, but I'm not going to get to that today, the way things are going.
5/27/2021 8:18:11 AM
In #12 Occasional Reader said: to put it mildly, I am worried about this. Understandably so, on three counts---as far as the academic standards in general are concerned; as far as the amount of racist and ahistorical gibberish which is, it seems, being gratuitously injected even into formerly-high-standard educational institutions; and as far as the issue of to what extent Little OR, clearly an extremely bright and precocious child, will be subjected to lowered expectations and racist nonsense solely on the basis of his skin tone.
I know I'm way, way overdue in sending you that Silverstein book of verse---though I think he'd still enjoy it---but once I get that off to you I will, if you'd like, take some inventory of the vintage schoolbooks I've acquired and see if there's anything that might be, or soon be, age-appropriate (my stuff is mostly oriented to the middle school/high school level). I tend to pick up old schoolbooks when I find them, as I may have mentioned, simply because they often contain valuable material that has been dropped by the wayside; as I age, and have no children or grandchildren to bequeath them to, I'm trying to figure out where they might do the most good.
5/27/2021 8:39:03 AM
BTW, OR---I have at least one spare unabridged dictionary, dating to the middle of the last century (we took, I think, at least 2 out of my mother's house; there were, I think, six) . If you'd like one for Little OR, so that he can get used to looking things up in print, not merely online---and to understand that words and definitions change over time, I'd be happy select one from the accumulation. Not that you can't find one yourself, but "free" ain't to be sneezed at. The constant mantra in my house, growing up, was "Look it up!" It's a good habit to get into.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 8:59:53 AM
In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: BTW, OR---I have at least one spare unabridged dictionary Thanks, but we've got an OED, which occupies a pretty big footprint in my smallish living space as it is, so i will regretfully pass on your generous offer.
Kosh's Shadow
5/27/2021 9:09:38 AM
The US is re-opening a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem. Too bad Israel can't open one for Mexicans in LA
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 9:12:33 AM
Looking around the web...
I can't believe the news today I can't just close my eyes and make it go away
5/27/2021 9:12:46 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: Start with a long look in the mirror Gavin.
5/27/2021 9:16:29 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 20: I spend less and less time looking at news. Not that it's bad, it's so much bullshit. Oh Faucki wants to investigate Wuhan.... when the entire Democrat Media Complex spent the last year calling it hoax and memory holing any mention of that.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 9:39:05 AM
In #22 JCM said: Oh Faucki wants to investigate Wuhan.... when the entire Democrat Media Complex spent the last year calling it hoax and memory holing any mention of that.
I'm wondering what the angle is, now.
Kosh's Shadow
5/27/2021 9:42:36 AM
In #22 JCM said: Oh Faucki wants to investigate Wuhan.... when the entire Democrat Media Complex spent the last year calling it hoax and memory holing any mention of that. And Farcebook has removed its ban on posts saying the virus was manmade.
5/27/2021 9:53:39 AM
This NPR excerpt from Morning Sedition aired today. The congregation aggregation is in my neighborhood. I am not familiar with this lesbian "rabbi"; the prior "rabbi" of the congregation aggregation was also a vocal Leftist lesbian. I think I'll leave it at that. Keep a spare airline-sickness bag handy.
lucius septimius
5/27/2021 10:04:45 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 20: Except it's not Sunday.
5/27/2021 10:10:02 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24: Oceania has always been at war with Asiana.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 10:51:31 AM
China and Russia army recruiting ads, vs. the current US version.
Plot spoiler: Theirs are about war-fighting, ours is about “Heather has two mommies“.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 10:52:57 AM
In #27 JCM said: Asiana “Eastasia”
5/27/2021 11:14:52 AM
In #17 Occasional Reader said: we've got an OED, which occupies a pretty big footprint in my smallish living space as it is, so i will regretfully pass on your generous offer.
Sounds like you're set, then. Good. I'm willing to make the offer general, in that I've got more than one mid-20th-century unabridged dictionaries, if someone wants to add one to their, or their kids'/grandkids' resources.
Kosh's Shadow
5/27/2021 11:22:13 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 31: If I had grandchildren, I'd be interested. But the poodle my daughter is getting (my wife says we're getting a grandpoodle) would not be interested in any book that isn't scratch and sniff./
Kosh's Shadow
5/27/2021 11:23:19 AM
Reply to JCM in 30: Well, crime did increase - in cities controlled by Democrats, despite action taken by the Feds.
Occasional Reader
5/27/2021 11:23:35 AM
Reply to JCM in 30: Yeah, violence exploded in places like Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, NYC, Chicago... right-wing Republican strongholds, the lot of 'em.
5/27/2021 11:33:11 AM
Kosh's Shadow
5/27/2021 11:39:39 AM
Reply to vxbush in 35: Now, that is speaking "truth to power"
5/27/2021 12:33:05 PM
Reply to vxbush in 35:
*standing ovation*
5/27/2021 2:39:20 PM
In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: The US is re-opening a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem.
Too bad Israel can't open one for Mexicans in LA There's a "consulate-tion prize" joke in there somewhere...
5/27/2021 2:49:32 PM
It would be interesting to see a female rapper performing under the stage name "Sistah McRacism."
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