The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/05/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 6/4/2021 7:15:30 AM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 6/5/2021 7:39:54 AM
I can feel my arteries clogging up just looking at that.
Occasional Reader 6/5/2021 8:22:33 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Yeah, that’s a bit much.

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 8:23:59 AM
Defense Intelligence Agency is rumored to have a Chinese defector with information connecting COVID and the Chinese bioweapons program.
Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 8:25:59 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: I can feel my arteries clogging up just looking at that.

Yes, but it's such a good feeling, isn't it?

JCM 6/5/2021 8:30:32 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Yeah, but it tastes sooooo good!

JCM 6/5/2021 8:42:55 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4:

Sometimes the comfort aspect of food outweighs the health aspect.

But not too often.

JCM 6/5/2021 8:43:54 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4:

Sometimes the comfort aspect of food outweighs the health aspect.

But not too often.

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 8:53:16 AM

In #7 JCM said: Sometimes the comfort aspect of food outweighs the health aspect.

Well there's "comfort food" and then there's "health food".  I often choose comfort over health.  Not always, but often.

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 8:54:32 AM
I thought we were supposed to believe that feelings were more important than facts now anyways.
Occasional Reader 6/5/2021 8:55:31 AM

The collapse of American institutions continues.

Occasional Reader 6/5/2021 8:58:06 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

yes, I posted that link yesterday. The craziest part is that the defense intelligence agency allegedly felt the need to keep this person‘s identity a secret from the FBI, CIA, etc.; because of fears that those institutions were heavily penetrated by Chinese intelligence. Think about that.

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 9:09:35 AM
For those of you that watch NewsmaxTV, Donald Trump address at the North Carolina GOP Convention is on tonight from 6:00pm to 7:00pm central time.  Don't know if any of the other networks will carry it.
Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 9:29:45 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: defense intelligence agency allegedly felt the need to keep this person‘s identity a secret from the FBI, CIA, etc.; because of fears that those institutions were heavily penetrated by Chinese intelligence

I'm not surprised, and most of the Democratic Party also has ties to China, as does Big Tech.

They are all part of the Swamp. Up to now, the Defense Dept has been largely able to stay out of it, but it is pushing its way there now.

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 9:31:47 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: The collapse of American institutions continues.

This is the result of years of Black Panther and NOI racism becoming mainstream.

lucius septimius 6/5/2021 10:29:37 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

So they took the Communist Manifesto, crossed out "Bourgeoisie" and replaced it with "White People."

lucius septimius 6/5/2021 10:31:28 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: fears that those institutions were heavily penetrated by Chinese intelligence

Eric Swalwell assures us that Fang Fang Bang Bang always tell truth and never tell CCP pillow talk.

Occasional Reader 6/5/2021 11:19:03 AM

Oceania has *always* been at war with Winston Smith.

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 12:38:46 PM

Apparently some bird names are racist

What a load of raven lunacy!

Can we still call them "blackbirds"?

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 12:51:33 PM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: Apparently some bird names are racist

While the names are nothing to crow about, they are thinking of robin ornithological history.

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 1:11:52 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

A bird-brained idea. I wonder if people are already mocking it?

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 1:22:39 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 18:

I get "server error in '/' application.  What is the gist of it?

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 2:00:21 PM

In #21 Alice in Dairyland said: I get "server error in '/' application.  What is the gist of it?

When doing what? Sometimes the server this uses glitches. If refreshing the page doesn't fi it right away, try 5 minutes later. 

I'm not paying for guaranteed uptime, so there's no redundancy, and at least two servers need to be up - the web server and a database server. If the DB server goes down, there will be an error until it comes back up.

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 2:03:10 PM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: Apparently some bird names are racist

I'd expect someone to have egg on their face over this.

(Come on, I am giving people time to post before I use up all the puns, but the thread has been dead as a dodo)

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 2:12:29 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

The way things are going, all names suspected of connections to racism will be ill-eagle.

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 2:14:21 PM

In #23 Kosh's Shadow said: When doing what?

That's what comes up when I click on the link.  Says the resource cannot be found, must have flown the coop.  There was an article on James Woods' twitter about birds shouldn't be named after white slave owners/racists.  Is that what it's about?

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 2:19:28 PM
Wait 'til they find out I named my pet crow "Jim".  That ought to make 'em owl.
Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 2:27:01 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 25:

Fixed the link; corrected here

Occasional Reader 6/5/2021 2:35:05 PM

In #21 Alice in Dairyland said: I get "server error i

You can't get good help these days. 

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 2:37:45 PM

In #28 Occasional Reader said: You can't get good help these days. 

Yeah, but Kosh is worth his weight in gold.

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 2:38:43 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27:

Thanks for giving me a birds' eye view now.

Occasional Reader 6/5/2021 2:51:44 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 29:

(I was just making a pun about "server error", like your servant tripped and spilled the soup or something...)

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 2:53:54 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 30:

You're welcome.

Does anyone think the ornithological community will budgie?

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 3:03:14 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 31:

Oh, I got it.  I was making a joke about Kosh being our servant/server.  Oh well, I guess if you have to explain it then it wasn't a very funny joke.

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 3:05:07 PM

In #32 Kosh's Shadow said: Does anyone think the ornithological community will budgie?

Oh now you're just Heckle and Jeckle'n us.

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 3:05:35 PM
But it was awful Tweety of you.
Occasional Reader 6/5/2021 3:10:23 PM

In #32 Kosh's Shadow said: Does anyone think the ornithological community will budgie?

They would ceratainly have to eat crow if they did. I can't imagine pigeon' this idea to them. 

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 3:16:23 PM

Matt Walsh-somebody declined over $100,000 to help AOC’s abuela –

Speaking of tweets.  

Alice in Dairyland 6/5/2021 3:37:44 PM
Twenty-five minutes until Trump speaks at the North Caroline GOP Convention.  One of the stations carrying it is Newmax, I'm sure there are others.  He's supposed to be on at 6:00pm central time.  I hope he's on time!!!  I've been waiting all day for this.  I know, it's sad isn't it?
Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 4:01:41 PM

Twitter declares access to it a "human right"

Does this mean Trump will get his account unblocked?///////

To those twits, conservatives are not human (but jihadis are)

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 4:20:11 PM

And some birds were racist.

Robert Byrd

Kosh's Shadow 6/5/2021 6:22:27 PM
There was a big horse race today. Jukebox

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