The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/17/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 6/12/2021 6:22:16 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 6/16/2021 8:41:57 PM

You thought the Twilight Zone was frightening?

The Woke Zone

lucius septimius 6/17/2021 5:35:26 AM
Not quite sure I understand the egg in the banner.
vxbush 6/17/2021 5:58:29 AM

In #2 lucius septimius said: Not quite sure I understand the egg in the banner.

I don't understand the green stuff. Who eats leafy green stuff for breakfast???

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 6:11:26 AM

In the Boston area, today is Bunker Hill Day, celebrating the Battle of Bunker Hill during the Revolutionary War. (The battle was actually fought on Breed's Hill)

Probably most people don't know this saying comes from the battle:

As the British Army advanced in columns against the Americans, Prescott, in an effort to conserve the Americans’ limited supply of ammunition, reportedly told his men, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” When the Redcoats were within several dozen yards, the Americans let loose with a lethal barrage of musket fire, throwing the British into retreat.

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 6:12:37 AM
In #22 Kosh's Shadow said: The 1970's Black Panther crap writ large

The Panthers were openly Maoist, as is CRT.

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 6:17:51 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

Hasn't anyone said yet that "don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" is proof of American white-supremacy, and confirms the validity of the 1619 project?

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 6:27:53 AM

In #6 buzzsawmonkey said: Hasn't anyone said yet that "don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" is proof of American white-supremacy, and confirms the validity of the 1619 project?

I don't think the people who would say that know enough history to know the quote.

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 6:51:59 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

It is impressive to see the way volley-fire actually worked; the climactic battle in the film Zulu is a good example of this.  The usual tactic was to have a front rank and a rear rank; the front fired the first volley, and the rear rank the second as the front rank re-loaded.  In Zulu, the heavily-outnumbered British had a wall of sandbags, with a third rank behind it, the first two ranks before it; as the Zulus attacked, the orders were "front rank, fire!", "rear rank, fire!", "third rank, fire!" and the extra volley was sufficient to arrest the onslaught momentum of the vastly-greater opposing force.  

This was basically the battle tactic from the time of the Revolution and the Napoleonic wars through WWI; while effective in its day, especially against less-disciplined troops, with the advent of machine guns it resulted in the appalling casualties that distinguished WWI.

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 7:00:52 AM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: The Panthers were openly Maoist, as is CRT.

Does that make BLM riots the beginning of the Mao-Mao rebellion?

vxbush 6/17/2021 7:12:16 AM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: This was basically the battle tactic from the time of the Revolution and the Napoleonic wars through WWI; while effective in its day, especially against less-disciplined troops, with the advent of machine guns it resulted in the appalling casualties that distinguished WWI.

Thanks for that explanation. My husband was never able to explain why that tactic was used pre WWI and why it stopped being used. (Well, in his defense, he's all about the naval battles in WWII in the Pacific.)

JCM 6/17/2021 7:21:01 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

Looks poached.... call the game warden!

JCM 6/17/2021 7:24:02 AM
Let's keep the fear dial cranked to 11!

Worry and anxiety about the return to normalcy as Washington approaches reopening

vxbush 6/17/2021 7:26:09 AM

In #12 JCM said: Let's keep the fear dial cranked to 11!

I just looked at the data of cases and deaths for our state, and while grocery stores are not requiring masks, doctors offices still are, despite the fact that we have about 1% of the tests for COVID coming back positive, and the number of tests have dropped significantly. We should be fully open (that's even more obvious when you look at Texas and Florida), and yet the medical facilities are still masking up. Ridiculous.

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 7:28:59 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

The ranks and volleys were needed because of the time it took to reload. That way, enough fire could be maintained.

With cartridge ammo, a much faster rate of fire could be maintained by each soldier. Even a bolt-action can be worked in seconds.

JCM 6/17/2021 7:32:05 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

Also ball ammo and smooth bore were incredibly inaccurate, mass fire made it more likely to hit something. The introduction to combat of rifling and mimi ball before for the Civil War was one of the many reason for the death toll. They still used massed lines but the accuracy had increased.

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 7:41:57 AM

In #10 vxbush said: Thanks for that explanation. My husband was never able to explain why that tactic was used pre WWI and why it stopped being used. (Well, in his defense, he's all about the naval battles in WWII in the Pacific.)

You've got to remember that re-loading took some time, until relatively recently.  The Winchester repeating rifle was, I believe, introduced in the 1870s; prior to that, I believe, it was necessary to eject a spent shell and insert another---and even that was, of course, faster than the older muskets which required not only insertion of powder and ball in the gunbarrel but priming before it would fire.  You can see that in the battle scenes of The Patriot.  

WWI battles basically involved masses of men clambering out of the trenches, running across No-Man's Land into a withering volley of fire from the opposing trenches---both from rifles and machine guns.  The few who managed to make it across would shoot/bayonet the people in the opposing trenches, after which they'd be counterattacked by the remaining soldiers from the rear ranks of the opposing army.  This would go back and forth, sometimes for days---accented by artillery barrages in support of one side or the other.  That's why the trench fronts of WWI were so static.  

WWII was a much more mobile conflict, with individual foxholes instead of massive interlocking trenches.

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 8:00:22 AM

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 8:02:40 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17:

Thank God Merrick Garland is not (yet) on the Supreme Court.

vxbush 6/17/2021 8:12:01 AM

In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: Thank God Merrick Garland is not (yet) on the Supreme Court.

Don't be too thankful. If he wasn't put on the supreme course, it's only because there's someone that they want to get on the court *more*, who is even more radical. 

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 8:18:09 AM

In #19 vxbush said: Don't be too thankful. If he wasn't put on the supreme course, it's only because there's someone that they want to get on the court *more*, who is even more radical. 

I'm still betting Harvard prof Larry Lessig is on the short list.  He's one of the biggest anti-copyright copyright lawyers in the country, one of the founders of Creative Commons, the anti-copyright scam that's doing quite well in academia, and is firmly in the back pocket of Big Tech.  He also has a tale of sexual molestation in his past, so he can wave a Victim Card.  Sadly, he's also been praised as "brilliant" by supposedly-conservative legal mind Richard Posner, and, I believe, clerked for Scalia back in the day, so he can claim "bipartisan" cred.

He would be a disaster.

vxbush 6/17/2021 8:26:52 AM

In #20 buzzsawmonkey said: He would be a disaster.

Sundance has a different take on it. 

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 8:35:55 AM

Reply to vxbush in 21:

Possible, and plausible.  It doesn't mean Lessig isn't on the short list, though---were the Jackson nomination to happen, and to not go through (could happen), Lessig is still a potential candidate.  And, of course, if more than one vacancy arose, short-list Lessig is still a possibility.

Understand that destruction of the concept of property, especially of property that you've created yourself from nothing, is the starting point for the larger destruction of the concept of ownership.  Lessig is a major exponent of this destruction, though he cloaks it well.  As a white male, he'd be a good foil nominee after an obvious affirmative-action pick; as a youthful victim of sexual abuse, he'd be viewed highly sympathetically, and his pernicious ideology would be shunted to the side. 

Occasional Reader 6/17/2021 8:38:02 AM

And the there’s “ don’t fire until you see the whites!“:

An “atmosphere of hate“ created by whom?

Occasional Reader 6/17/2021 8:43:23 AM

In #23 Occasional Reader said: And the


Occasional Reader 6/17/2021 8:46:08 AM

In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: The Winchester repeating rifle was, I believe, introduced in the 1870s

The Spencer repeating rifle preceded that, and was used by the union in the Civil War, to some extent. But yes, most troops on both sides in the Civil War were still using muzzleloading percussion cap muskets.

Occasional Reader 6/17/2021 8:50:29 AM

In #15 JCM said: mimi ball

Minié ball

JCM 6/17/2021 9:00:49 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 26:

Thanks I knew that just brain short.

Occasional Reader 6/17/2021 9:02:26 AM

Reply to JCM in 27:

“Mimi Ball” happens to be my drag queen stage name, and I will ask that you treat it with respect!

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 9:09:42 AM

In #28 Occasional Reader said: “Mimi Ball” happens to be my drag queen stage name, and I will ask that you treat it with respect!

It could be "Minnie Ball," and you could perform with a "drag king" named "Mickey Ball," but the Disney legal department would be after you.

Occasional Reader 6/17/2021 9:12:20 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 29:

I was just about to post, “Minnie Balls” really would be quite a funny drag queen name, but very few people would get it.

JCM 6/17/2021 9:45:11 AM

Supreme Court has a reading comprehension problem.

'Obamacare' survives: Supreme Court dismisses big challenge
JCM 6/17/2021 9:48:46 AM

Reply to JCM in 31:

On the strict issue on hand of standing, there is room for argument. 

I'm thinking more O'care as whole.

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 9:59:10 AM

According to PJM, "Victoria's Secret" is looking to expand into the "trans" market.

That means the Lick 'er store will now be selling "package" goods.

doppelganglander 6/17/2021 10:00:58 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:
It looks like a poached egg sitting inside a red pepper ring.

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 10:06:27 AM

In #33 buzzsawmonkey said: According to PJM, "Victoria's Secret" is looking to expand into the "trans" market.

To update an old Jeff Foxworthy line, Victor/Victoria ain't got no secrets left.

vxbush 6/17/2021 10:53:19 AM

In #22 buzzsawmonkey said: Possible, and plausible.  It doesn't mean Lessig isn't on the short list, though---were the Jackson nomination to happen, and to not go through (could happen), Lessig is still a potential candidate.  And, of course, if more than one vacancy arose, short-list Lessig is still a possibility. Understand that destruction of the concept of property, especially of property that you've created yourself from nothing, is the starting point for the larger destruction of the concept of ownership.  Lessig is a major exponent of this destruction, though he cloaks it well.  As a white male, he'd be a good foil nominee after an obvious affirmative-action pick; as a youthful victim of sexual abuse, he'd be viewed highly sympathetically, and his pernicious ideology would be shunted to the side. 

That seems like a good synthesis of the two positions, and quite plausible. The question I would follow that up with is: who would be his third candidate? 

vxbush 6/17/2021 11:02:26 AM

Did you need to see another example of spin in a news article? This is at Breitbart, and while the headline is focused on the ideological split about the moral health of the United States, it hides what might be the even bigger story: 

Democrats are much less negative about moral values today than they were a year ago. Conversely, Republicans’ views of U.S. moral values have sunk to record lows,” according to the study, which was based on a poll conducted between May 3 – 18, 2021.

Republicans’ opinion of moral values is lower than it has been in two decades, with 66 percent rating the country’s values as “poor,” according to the study. Overall, 92 percent say moral values are getting worse, which tops the 90 percent recorded in 2007.
In stark contrast, Democrats are “exhibiting record-high optimism about the direction of moral values, with 46 percent saying they are improving,” the study reads, noting that 49 percent of Democrats  — slightly under half — still say things are getting worse. 
Gallup has been collecting data on the public’s opinion of moral values in the U.S. since 2002, which they noted has worsened overall since the start of their reporting....

So rather than focus on the fact that a near majority of Democrats agree with Republicans about the moral campus of the US, they focus on the split in the parties, which have always been there. 

The implication is that people's opinions of the moral health of the country seems strongly tied to the party of the president, which isn't a good sign regardless of who is in power. 

vxbush 6/17/2021 11:15:52 AM

In #37 vxbush said: the moral campus compass


doppelganglander 6/17/2021 1:03:50 PM

Reply to vxbush in 37:

The poll does not mean what you think it means because Republicans and Democrats have diametrically opposed moral values. Dems are excited because their values appear to be on the ascendancy. Conversely, Republicans don't think drag queen story hour, trans children, homeless encampments in the park, legalized shoplifting in SF, Antifa riots, cuddling with Iran, and violating our civil liberties are good things.

Occasional Reader 6/17/2021 1:06:52 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 39:


vxbush 6/17/2021 1:15:45 PM

In #39 doppelganglander said: The poll does not mean what you think it means because Republicans and Democrats have diametrically opposed moral values. Dems are excited because their values appear to be on the ascendancy. Conversely, Republicans don't think drag queen story hour, trans children, homeless encampments in the park, legalized shoplifting in SF, Antifa riots, cuddling with Iran, and violating our civil liberties are good things.

So based on your interpretation, you think that only 49% of Dems are glad about the moral situation in the US because we haven't moved leftward enough? I don't agree with that mostly because I can't imagine that all Democrats want that, and I think that was seen in the last general election. I agree with you that I can't assume what I did before, but on the same basis I'm not sure that your theory is right, either. 

vxbush 6/17/2021 1:20:57 PM
Minor note on the Frontier. 
Comment error 475 43
JCM 6/17/2021 2:02:28 PM

Boy comes to me and asks, "What does Siri dream of?"

I respond immediately, "Electric sheep."

His jaw drops.... he pauses.... "HOW DID YOU KNOW?"

I just smiled inscrutably.

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 2:05:17 PM

Excuse me---but I am so God-damned m*therf*cking tired of the Leftist media and the wokies whining about "discrimination against blacks in housing purchases."

I just got Ia "feed" from NPR which alluded to the "redlining" difficulties in Lawndale in Chicago which "prevented" blacks from "becoming homeowners."

Lawndale, on Chicago's West Side, has been a slum for about 70 years; before that---i.e., when it was built---it was a reasonably-stable lower-middle-class Jewish neighborhood.  As with many neighborhoods, it was the victim of its residents thinking, "What the heck?  Why not let 'em in? It's wrong to discriminate."  

I got this piece of garbage in my Wokie Feed from NPR, yabbling about the turrible, turrible discrimination against the swartfolk.  Sorry, swartfolk---you didn't get mortgages, and you don't get mortgages, because you don't qualify.

I would add that, as a self-employed solo practitioner, I don't qualify for a mortgage either.  It's not a race-based thing, it's a financial thing.  A friend of my mother's, now in her 70s, told me that she and her husband bought their first house in Illinois on contract---and they're white.  They later sold the house and, with the proceeds, bought one on a mortgage---but lack of qualifying for mortgages ain't a racial thing. 

I am so damned tired of hearing the wokies yammer about the turrible, turrible discrimination against de po', po' black folks---when de po' po' black folks were, in fact, able to buy property on contract if they could but only meet the damn rent.  You know, just like dey buys de Cadillacs.

I'm sorry; I'm probably being offensive.  But contract-buying---"rent-to-buy"---is a time-honored capitalist solution to the failure to qualify for a bank loan.  If you can do it on the car you can't afford, what's wrong with doing it on the house you can't afford?

JCM 6/17/2021 2:11:59 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 45:

Oh! I know! Let's repeat the sub-prime meltdown of 2008!

That'll fix EVERYTHING!

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 2:14:59 PM

In #46 JCM said: Let's repeat the sub-prime meltdown of 2008!

There's a "white sub-prime-acy" joke in there somewhere...

JCM 6/17/2021 2:45:44 PM

Oh NOES! The Federal Reserve is sending police to arrest me!

At least that was the phone recording said........

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 3:14:46 PM

Reply to JCM in 48:

I stopped getting calls like that when I had the printer pick up one as a fax call. I think their system recorded it as a fax number and stopped calling.

JCM 6/17/2021 3:20:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 49:

Next one I answer I think I may say the following, "Can you give me an hour? I have to dispose of the bodies" *click*

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 3:32:38 PM

Reply to JCM in 50:

I used the fax because they called 4 times 20 minutes apart to say my iPad account was compromised, and before using any Apple products.....

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 3:51:28 PM

Speaking of "creative people", guess whose artwork is selling for up to half a mil?

Who just paid $500,000 to buy a painting from novice artist Hunter Biden? We don't know. 

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 4:11:43 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 52:

Well, Hunter Biden is certainly procreative.

I wonder if he's selling his less-socially-acceptable children as "artwork."

JCM 6/17/2021 4:16:52 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 52:

Nah, nothing suspicious about that.

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 4:17:19 PM

In #53 buzzsawmonkey said: I wonder if he's selling his less-socially-acceptable children as "artwork."

He'll use a pseudonym "Art"

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 4:18:15 PM

Reply to JCM in 54:

It would be a front page top of the newscast scandal if any of the Trump family did it while he was president

buzzsawmonkey 6/17/2021 4:34:49 PM
Jukebox:  Jo-Jo the Cannibal Kid
Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 4:43:45 PM

In #57 buzzsawmonkey said: Jukebox:  Jo-Jo the Cannibal Kid

Are you making a modest proposal of what Hunter should do?

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