The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/29/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 6/27/2021 6:19:52 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 6/29/2021 4:18:31 AM

Last night:

I have found the Mass. COVID contact tracing app has been installed on my cellphone and my wife's. I never installed it (and she didn't either)

On mine, I thought it got installed due to the place I work, as I have a couple of their apps installed (required for access)

But hers? The phone is on my account. Did it get installed for that, or because they are just putting the app on everyone in mAss?

Turns out, they are installing it without asking on everyone's Android in Mass.

Search brings up a lot of articles on that

Kosh's Shadow 6/29/2021 4:34:24 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

Supposedly, you have to enable the notifications (and reporting your status) by going into settings (not an app- the app seems hidden) and turning it on

But I had to search settings to find it.

What is the point of installing the app if you have to notice it and then search for how to turn it on>
Or is there something sneakier going on. Maybe this will get turned on automatically at some time in the future?

Kosh's Shadow 6/29/2021 5:18:24 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Plus, if it can be used to determine if you have been near COVID carriers, next use - "We see you have spent a lot of time near Republicans insurrectionists"

vxbush 6/29/2021 5:29:16 AM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: What is the point of installing the app if you have to notice it and then search for how to turn it on> Or is there something sneakier going on. Maybe this will get turned on automatically at some time in the future?

It seems a small step to installing an app "to help you" to then install an app to track you for "the good of the people". As if marketing folks weren't tracking you enough. 

/straightens tin foil hat

Kosh's Shadow 6/29/2021 5:41:16 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

at least all the marketers do is try to sell you stuff.  They won't haul you in for questioning or cause you to lose your job (after all, how could you buy their stuff without a job to pay for it?)

Occasional Reader 6/29/2021 6:16:34 AM

Good morning.

Re-posting this from last night:  Tucker Carlson claims (and I believe him) that he and/or his staff were contacted by a whistleblower at NSA, who told them the NSA has been intercepting their communications, with the goal of forcing the show off the air.

He says the whistleblower proved his claim by reading back to Carlson messages that he, Carlson, had exchanged with his staff.

This is terrifying stuff.  

This is where we are.

This is what the Left has done to this Republic. 

Occasional Reader 6/29/2021 6:19:07 AM

Question: Is the "Delta variant"  a prank that was cooked up by Bluto, Otter, Flounder, et al?  

vxbush 6/29/2021 7:06:47 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: He says the whistleblower proved his claim by reading back to Carlson messages that he, Carlson, had exchanged with his staff. This is terrifying stuff.   This is where we are. This is what the Left has done to this Republic. 

At least some whistleblowers took the time to contact Carlson and reveal it. How long has this been going on, where they can read our text messages but we haven't known? I'm thinking it's been around for more than 10 years (maybe 15-20) just based on the fact that Obama did a lot of spying on journalists who weren't towing his preferred message in the media. 

vxbush 6/29/2021 7:11:29 AM

It looks like Toyota donated money to Republicans who were unwilling to certify last year's election. The wokeratti are all in an uproar, of course. I'm thinking that might be a reason to make my next car purchase a Toyota. 

vxbush 6/29/2021 7:12:13 AM

This time, with linky goodness and a correction. 

It looks like Toyota donated the most money to Republicans who were unwilling to certify last year's election.

Occasional Reader 6/29/2021 8:59:20 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

I'm rather astonished to see any news regarding Big Corporate supporting anything on the Right these days.  

JCM 6/29/2021 10:14:24 AM
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise....

Delta variant is forcing officials to rethink Covid-19 measures, even for the vaccinated

lucius septimius 6/29/2021 10:33:45 AM

So here I am, sitting in a hotel room in Florida with three kids, four hours away from our destination, with the car in the shop getting fixed.  Short story -- the entire cooling system has failed.  Water pump, thermostat, radiator, fan.  Looking like $1100 to get back on the road.

I wonder what it's like to get good news.

Occasional Reader 6/29/2021 10:57:10 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

Maybe check the hotel swimming pool this evening to see if (age-adjusted) Christie Brinkley is skinny-dipping?

Sorry to hear it.  I hope at least the hotel is comfortable, and the repairs go quickly (and are not as expensive as you fear). 

Occasional Reader 6/29/2021 11:05:14 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

And Lucius, once you get the car back, be sure to keep that tank topped up.  

lucius septimius 6/29/2021 11:05:32 AM

In #14 Occasional Reader said: Sorry to hear it.  I hope at least the hotel is comfortable, and the repairs go quickly (and are not as expensive as you fear). 

If anything they'll be worse.  I was hoping we would be done and can get out today, but it looks like we'll be stuck here another night.

Kosh's Shadow 6/29/2021 11:09:09 AM

In #13 lucius septimius said: I wonder what it's like to get good news.

Futurama would usually start with Dr. Farnsworth saying "Good news, everyone" followed by a description of something they had to do that was dangerous.

Occasional Reader 6/29/2021 11:50:29 AM

Two armed robbers held up a television news crew that was interviewing Oakland’s director of violence prevention outside City Hall on Monday afternoon, just hours after the police chief warned of worsening crime amid cuts to the police budget.

(Paywalled, sorry, but that's the gist of it)

lucius septimius 6/29/2021 12:38:36 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

Better get some social workers over there on the double.

Occasional Reader 6/29/2021 1:33:52 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 19:

I'm sure this was all due to something something WHITE RAGE. 

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