The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/05/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 7/3/2021 7:38:46 PM
Slow Roasted Pork Hash

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 7/5/2021 5:31:36 AM
Morning!  I slept in until 8 this morning.  That's what happens when I stay up past midnight.
buzzsawmonkey 7/5/2021 7:12:49 AM

I had a brilliant thought this morning, and now I can't remember what it was.

Oh, well.  In the meantime, it occurs to me that the Leftist legal establishment has replaced/is replacing the death penalty with the dearth penalty, under which very few people are punished.

Occasional Reader 7/5/2021 7:14:05 AM

You know that “[checks notes]” meme? Well…

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 8:00:33 AM
I think I know what everybody around here spent their stimulus money on.  Fireworks!  Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night, you didn't know which way to turn your head.  They were going off everywhere.  Some shows were quite professional.  Yes, they are semi illegal in Wisconsin. You can buy them, but you can't fire them off (makes sense doesn't it?) unless you have a permit and a permit is just about impossible to get.  I guess the police just turned their heads and ignored the noise if there were no complaints.  I have to admit, It was quite entertaining and we enjoyed the shows.
buzzsawmonkey 7/5/2021 8:04:30 AM

The House I Live In---Paul Robeson

The House I Live In---Frank Sinatra short film (10 min.)

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 8:07:16 AM

I so hope this is true!

JCM 7/5/2021 9:14:22 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 6:

Unfortunately it can not happen.

Once Congress certifies the election, that is it, it's done there is no legal mechanism, Constitutional or otherwise to undo that certification. After the oath of office is taken the ONLY remaining method is impeachment.

Let's say that we get absolute evidence that there was enough fraud to have swung the election, then Pelosi's (D) controlled House would have to bring the charges of impeachment. If she and the dems did, I can hear the argument in the Senate, Joe didn't commit a crime, others did.

Suppose a miracle happens and Joe is impeached.... we get Kamala. Further suppose we get really lucky and they impeach both at the same time we get Nancy.

Focus on th midterms, give the the reprehensible (R)s a strong majority in both Houses. Then on 2024.

doppelganglander 7/5/2021 9:25:40 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4:

I was hearing kabooms as late as 2 a.m. It was awesome.

buzzsawmonkey 7/5/2021 9:59:57 AM

You may remember this little ditty, which ran on PJ Media back in 2013, during the Obama years. It seems to stand up pretty well eight years later:

Let's Not Talk About "Race"
---apologies to Cole Porter, and "Let's Not Talk About Love"

My neighbors all spout the same drivel-idge
About how I'm enjoying "White Privilege"
I could talk about "race"---the topic's hot---
But some other things shouldn't be forgot

So, let's talk of Solyndra, and "green energy"
How investors robbed the public and then got off scot-free
Or how the President could be such a dolt 
To underwrite production of GM's Chevy Volt

Let's fly into some rages 'bout Obamacare's stages
And all the many thousands of its regulation pages
And think of how its ill effects will weigh on us for ages
But let's not talk about "race."

Let's talk about "Fast," "Furious" as well,
Holder walking automatic weapons to the cartels,
Let's speak of our last Secretary of State,
The death of the Ambassador she left to his fate.

Let's all of us get giddy-oh, 'bout what al-Qaeda did-eo---
Susan Rice flipped her lid-eo trying to blame a video
It's true we still have no clue to what they are keeping hid-eo
But let's not talk about "race."

Let's talk about jobs, and how they've declined---
How each month's glowing report one week later unwinds.
Let's talk of increased government giveaways
While we borrow from the Chinese at an increasing pace.

Why not discuss ascendancy of government dependency
And what the likely end will be continuing this tendency
Of over-regulation, 
Unrestricted immigration,
"Comprehensive" legislation, 
Executive usurpation,
Official dissimulation---
It makes one fear for the nation,
So let's not talk about---


If you drive a car, and fear new gas lines
Let's discuss the stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline.
Or, if you wonder why more folks don't protest
Let's discuss the biased policies of the IRS.

My friends, the time at last has come
To leave low-info voterdom
And so instead of dwelling in 
A world defined by melanin

Let's talk of how there's hell to pay
With OFA and the NSA
Data-mining every which way
Or how we cannot guarantee 
Any election's honesty without proper voter ID
Of topic's there's no dearth, you see
So let's not talk about "race."

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 11:28:47 AM

In #7 JCM said: the ONLY remaining method is impeachment.

So you agree there's a chance.  If we wait until after the midterms to impeach both resident and vice-resident, Nancy may not be the speaker any longer!  Sorry, I've got to keep my dream alive.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 11:29:57 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:

God bless America!

lucius septimius 7/5/2021 11:33:30 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:

Daughter called you, eh?

JCM 7/5/2021 11:42:05 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 10:

Rabbit Bait gave us Reagan.

Remember that.

As too a Republican Congress impeaching and convicting Biden. I don't want to make impeachment a the political norm. If we could find enough absolute evidence that fraud swung the election then maybe.

I don't want Kevin McCarthy anywhere near the WH, he was Boehner's hatchet man who threatened the Tea Party Reps in 2010. The worst sort of RINO.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 11:53:23 AM

Bill Gates Announces Will Go To Space

It's only fair he should suffer the pain of his own updates.  I hope I'm not the only one who thought this was quite funny.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 11:59:00 AM

In #13 JCM said: I don't want Kevin McCarthy anywhere near the WH

Once again, keeping the dream alive.  The speaker does not have to even be a member of the house.  Now what would you say to Trump becoming the Speaker of the House?  I'll let you borrow my hat if it makes this any easier for you.

buzzsawmonkey 7/5/2021 12:35:33 PM
For the holiday: God's Country, by Harold Arlen
Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 1:25:06 PM

Now I understand the "Critical" part of Critical Race Theory, and that explains why it is useless to try to use logic to change its proponents' minds.


Critical race theory is a variant of critical theory, Guelzo explains, and has its “origins in a reaction against the Enlightenment and against the confidence that scientific reason could discover the answers to things.” Of particular note: Immanuel Kant, a 19th century philosopher, developed “a critique of reason, a critical theory, if you will.”

This “set off a chain reaction of romantic investigations for non-rational explanations of reality.” For example, “you might think that economics functions as what Adam Smith called a natural instinct to truck and barter.” But Karl Marx saw it as “governed by the oppressive relations of class”—a struggle between the oppressor class (capitalists, employers, the bourgeois) and the oppressed class (workers, the proletariat). Marx further asserted that overcoming this “structure of oppression” requires revolution.

And more on CRT

CRT also envisions group rights replacing individual rights, and the destruction of capitalism and the institutions of American democracy. Because they are seen as “systemically” racist, they must be “exploded,” as CRT advocate Derrick Bell wrote.

And, of course, Martin Luther King’s dream of American children one day living “in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” will be relegated to the dustbin of history (to borrow a phrase from critical theorist Leon Trotsky).

So how long before MLK gets canceled?

buzzsawmonkey 7/5/2021 1:35:37 PM

In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: So how long before MLK gets canceled?

He was already canceled in spirit some time ago.  

The only reason it hasn't been made formal is that he still looms so large over the race issue---since there are people who still remember him---that it benefits the CRT racists to continue to wear his tattered pelt as a skin suit.  That is, of course,  precisely what the previous generation of race hustlers did, too---and, since it was they who primarily benefited from King (whom they were aggressively sidelining) being converted from a live moral voice into a dead martyr, that is the reason I continue to believe that King was assassinated by his erstwhile "allies."  

JCM 7/5/2021 1:45:16 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 15:

Oh, I'm with you on the dream.

I'm looking for real solutions.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 1:53:29 PM

Reply to JCM in 19:

I'm relying on faith and prayer.  I'm afraid I'm at the point where God is my only hope now.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 1:58:01 PM
I FEEEEL the harder I believe, the more faith I have, the more sincere my prayers, the better the chance of my miracle being granted.
Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 1:59:25 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 18:

Agreed. Farrakhan is an outright black supremacist; I think Sharpton is just a hustler out to make a name and money.

Maybe MLK's "allies" did have him killed; maybe they just enabled a white supremacist to get to him and took advantage of it. They certainly got riots organized quickly. I remember those - took a longer route home that did not take me through the ghetto areas. (Instead of going from school towards my neighborhood, all via subway and bus, I took the subway into downtown Boston and a different line to where I lived.)

I do think Malcolm X was killed by those who thought he was turning to support a color-blind community and not black separatism.

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 2:07:12 PM

In #20 Alice in Dairyland said: I'm relying on faith and prayer.  I'm afraid I'm at the point where God is my only hope now.

It is said that Mashiach will come when all the governments of the world are heretical. With the Dems in power here and the Israeli ruling coalition relying on an Islamist party, we are very close, if not there.

buzzsawmonkey 7/5/2021 2:13:19 PM

In #22 Kosh's Shadow said: I do think Malcolm X was killed by those who thought he was turning to support a color-blind community and not black separatism.

Farrakhan was implicate in Malcolm X's murder.  Malcolm X had broken with the NOI after his hajj, partly as a result of seeing the polychrome of the pilgrims there, which prompted him to begin thinking beyond strictly racial lines, and partly because various irregularities (I believe both sexual and financial) by Elijah Muhammad had shaken his faith in his former mentor.

Muhammad was both enraged at Malcolm's defection (and his attempts to set up a genuinely-Muslim mosque), and worried both over the possibility of Malcolm's spilling the beans about his irregularities and his moving away from the NOI's racist ideology.

Regarding King: to quote Eric Ambler, in an assassination what is important is not who fired the shot but who paid for the bullet.  There was no reason for a "white supremacist" to target King at that point, his star was fading.  He had, however, been standing up to the "black power" advocates who were making increasing inroads in the Civil Rights Movement, including denouncing the antisemitism and anti-Zionism of many of these advocates (remember, Stokeley Carmichael, later "Kwame Ture," was a vocal Jew-hater, and he had plenty of company).  Again, King was very useful as a dead martyr---a slain Nobel Prize winner was a great sheep's pelt under which to get lots of legislative perks---while alive, he was just in the way.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 2:26:14 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

The Mashiach saves the Jewish nation.  What about the rest of us?  Or do I have that wrong?

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 2:44:20 PM

In #25 Alice in Dairyland said: The Mashiach saves the Jewish nation.  What about the rest of us?  Or do I have that wrong?

When Mashiach comes, everyone sees the true world, at least as much as people can, and all are saved. Now, the remaining nations do come to Israel to honor G-d's people, but willingly. I think true Christians, those who worship G-d and Jesus (and realize Jesus was a Jew) as opposed to worshipping social causes, will also be saved. (As for the "Jews" who worship social causes, I fear for them. It is said that when the Israelites left Egypt, 4/5ths were left behind. 

From an analysis I did of Matishahu's music:

There is a tradition that among the Israelites in Egypt were sinners who did not want to leave. They wanted to stay in Egypt. They could not stay, because G‑d had promised Abraham that his descendants would leave. Thus, they had to die, and this could not be seen by the Egyptians, lest they say G‑d brought the same plagues upon Israel. They died during the plague of Darkness, and were buried during the time the Egyptians could not see. (Midrash, Bo, 14:3,) The percentage, 4/5ths, comes from Rashi (p. 146). The Torah says the Israelites left armed (chamushin, חמשים), which Rashi says can be understood as being derived from chamishah, חמשה, which means five. Since vowels are a late innovation in Hebrew, there are many cases where Torah interpretation relies on subtle differences between words. Rashi states that in this sense, it means that only 1/5th left Egypt; the others died there.

Link to the song

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 2:55:06 PM

And on a related subject, I think the "ultra-Orthodox", the Haredi, are like the spies who said the Israelites could not conquer Canaan.

It is said they did so because they did not want to leave the spirituality of the desert, where they were close to G-d and He fulfilled their needs.

Once in Canaan, they would have to actually work in this world. 

In Judaism, the mission is to combine the physical world with the upper spiritual worlds. G-d cannot do it Himself - it takes beings with roots in both extremes to do it. And it is a contradiction to us - making the mundane holy - but G-d's logic is not ours. He created mankind to do this job, and we can. We just don't understand how. That is what, I believe, Mashiach will bring - the understanding to finally connect the worlds; to see that what we perceive of as reality is just a veil over the upper, more spiritual worlds.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 2:57:42 PM

In #26 Kosh's Shadow said: I think true Christians, those who worship G-d and Jesus (and realize Jesus was a Jew) as opposed to worshipping social causes, will also be saved.

Well, that certainly makes me feel better.  What was that old commercial for Motel 6?  They'll leave the light on for you.  I'll just go towards the light.  You'll recognize me when we get there.  I'll be the one in the tinfoil hat, eating cheese curds!  You know, the Dairyland thing.

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 2:59:21 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27:

And I never got to my point that the Haredim want to live a purely spiritual life, and do not see the value or reason to work outside in the physical world. But Jews are to bring Torah to the physical world, not keep it locked up.

It requires going outside of their comfort zone. This is one place Chabad does it right, if not completely - bring the beauty of Judaism to Jews who don't see it.

As for contradictions, I think once Mashiach comes, we will see there is no real contradiction between the Jewish and Christian views of him - no matter how that seems contradictory to us now. Jews were chosen to be able to contact G-d directly; the rest of the world needed an intermediary to make it easier. (Please don't consider this an insult)

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 2:59:37 PM

In #27 Kosh's Shadow said: Once in Canaan, they would have to actually work in this world. 

Maybe that's why some of us find hard work so rewarding.

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 3:00:17 PM

In #28 Alice in Dairyland said: eating cheese curds!  You know, the Dairyland thing.

Could not resist the Monty Python quote "Blessed are the cheese makers"

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 3:02:16 PM

In #29 Kosh's Shadow said: (Please don't consider this an insult)

Nothing you "believe in" can possibly be an insult.  I respect what a person truly believes.  Or should I say I respect a person that truly believes in something, even if it is different from my own beliefs.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 3:02:49 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 31:


Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 3:05:03 PM
A man who believes in nothing falls for anything.
buzzsawmonkey 7/5/2021 3:17:15 PM

In #27 Kosh's Shadow said: And on a related subject, I think the "ultra-Orthodox", the Haredi, are like the spies who said the Israelites could not conquer Canaan. It is said they did so because they did not want to leave the spirituality of the desert, where they were close to G-d and He fulfilled their needs.

I think that shows the evils of welfare, even divine welfare.  The Israelites' needs were met by divine largesse in the desert; the manna for food, a miraculous well that followed them around, their clothes and shoes did not wear out, etc. Very nice indeed for the formerly-slave generation, which had to work for their Egyptian taskmasters, but it did not build strength or moral fiber---rather, it spawned dependency.  

One of my favorite passages in the Torah is Moses' description of the Land in his final oration to the Israelites---a land whose stones are iron, and from whose hills you can mine copper; a land of springs and streams, etc., etc.  

There are a lot of jokes---or at least, I've heard the same joke many times---about "what a crummy leader Moses was, leading the Jews to the only place in the Middle East without oil, hur hur hur."  Well, that description of the Land in the Torah is the point.  Egypt was a monoculture economy, entirely dependent on the Nile and its flow.  It still is, largely, even today---and if the Nile fails, Egypt is screwed.  Saudi Arabia is a monoculture economy, entirely dependent on oil, as are many other economies in the Middle East.  

The Land of Israel is different.  It has desert; it has fertile areas.  The deserts are mineral-rich, thanks to the Dead Sea. It has seacoast ports on the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf.  It has the Jordan, and many other springs and rivers; it has an inland sea; it has (or had) swamps and wetlands.  It has the highest peak in the region---Mt. Hermon---and the lowest spot on Earth.  It has hills and fertile valleys.  In short, the land itself encourages variation and innovation, and if one thing fails there's something else to keep you going.  It is indeed the gem of the lands in the region on that basis. 

The welfare recipients in the desert were afraid to take hold of this bounty, which is why they balked at entering the land. By the way, the two spies who did NOT balk---Joshua and Caleb---were of the two tribes (Judah and Benjamin) who made up the southern kingdom of Judea when the kingdom split.  The Northern Kingdom is where the other ten tribes dwelt---and they became the Ten Lost Tribes when Assyria conquered them.

Alice in Dairyland 7/5/2021 3:35:52 PM

In #35 buzzsawmonkey said: two tribes (Judah and Benjamin)

We named our son Benjamin.  It was suppose to mean "son of the right hand".  He has a very strong faith in God in spite of me keeping him away from "organized" religious teaching.

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 3:43:10 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 35:

MBS and the leaders of the Emirates are trying to move away from oil based economies, which is why the Abraham accords could happen.

If they want a modern economy, the only one in the area is Israel, so that really helps. I also note that Emirates airlines never discriminated against Jews or Israelis, unlike Air Jordan and Kuwait. They wanted business, so they did what works best. Maybe at one time Jews and Israelis could not enter the country, but they could change planes there.

Occasional Reader 7/5/2021 5:00:13 PM

Speaking of Messianic matters:

Little OR is currently scheduling events on his iPad calendar, for January 1, 1 A.D. 🤣

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