Occasional Reader
7/30/2021 6:57:37 AM
Bleah. I was awake too much of the night with post-nasal drip and a mild, but persistent cough. I'm 90% sure it's a head cold, since it's the same thing my son's mom had a week ago, but I'll probably do a home Covid test just to be sure. No fever... but just tired. Other than that... happy Friday!
7/30/2021 7:16:54 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 1: DEAR G-D! I hope you are six feet from the computer and wearing a mask when you posted that! *furiously sprays screen with Lysol*
I ran to pick up a couple items at the store last night, heard one lady scream, yes scream at some "STAY SIX FEET AWAY". I so wanted to say, "You know there is no study that shows social distancing works?"
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 7:21:42 AM
In #2 JCM said: I ran to pick up a couple items at the store last night, heard one lady scream, yes scream at some "STAY SIX FEET AWAY".
I so wanted to say, "You know there is no study that shows social distancing works?" And screaming is more likely to spread diseases!
Occasional Reader
7/30/2021 7:26:16 AM
In #2 JCM said: heard one lady scream, yes scream at some "STAY SIX FEET AWAY". "If I put you six feet under, does that count?"
7/30/2021 7:31:30 AM
In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: Could Fauci's fixation on masks be due to his subconscious feeling guilty about a coverup? Fauci is a narcissist and incapable of feeling guilt or remorse. When someone responds with lies, excuses, and anger, that's the tell.
7/30/2021 7:32:25 AM
In #2 JCM said: I so wanted to say, "You know there is no study that shows social distancing works?" Everyone, it seems, has watched the video showing how a masked person's droplets don't go as far with a mask on, so in their minds that is definitive proof that it works. Who needs science when you have a good video?
7/30/2021 7:53:03 AM
Reply to vxbush in 7: As opposed to 3 studies IIRC I've come across which say the mask aerosolized the droplets? Those "big" on camera droplets fall out of the air fairly quickly. The drops that are aerosolized going through the mask stay in the air much, much longer. But who I'm I to argue with YouTube.
7/30/2021 8:15:53 AM
In #2 JCM said: I ran to pick up a couple items at the store last night, heard one lady scream, yes scream at some "STAY SIX FEET AWAY".
I so wanted to say, "You know there is no study that shows social distancing works?" Six Foot Space —apologies to Tennessee Ernie Ford and “Sixteen Tons”
You keep six-foot space, what do yet? A semi-assurance you’ve got no virus yet St. Peter, don’t you call me, ‘cause I can’t go I’ve got toilet paper on reserve at the store
I woke up one morning and the town was locked down I walked out my front door and ambled around I had to keep six feet away from everyone So how’s a young fellow ‘sposed to have any fun?
You keep six-foot space, what do yet? A semi-assurance you’ve got no virus yet St. Peter, don’t you call me, ‘cause I can’t go I’ve got toilet paper on reserve at the store
You meet folks on the street and you both do a dance That’s what they call “observing social distance” When you get home don’t dare to touch your hands to your eyes Until you’re sure you’ve been thoroughly sanitized
You keep six-foot space, what do yet? A semi-assurance you’ve got no virus yet St. Peter, don’t you call me, ‘cause I can’t go I’ve got toilet paper on reserve at the store
You can’t walk around unless you have a mask You can’t work unless you have an essential task You just have to hunker down and shelter in place And try to recall what it’s like seeing a face
You keep six-foot space, what do yet? A semi-assurance you’ve got no virus yet St. Peter, don’t you call me, ‘cause I can’t go I’ve got toilet paper on reserve at the store
You can’t go to a restaurant to eat some food Can’t go to the park or to the beach if you're in the mood Try to go to a church, they’ll hit you with a fine So just stay at home and order online
You keep six-foot space, what do yet? A semi-assurance you’ve got no virus yet St. Peter, don’t you call me, ‘cause I can’t go I’ve got toilet paper on reserve at the store
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 8:33:59 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9: +++++++++++++++++
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 8:39:58 AM
If you want a picture of the present, imagine Anthony Fauci in studded leather bullwhipping hordes of the unvaccinated and unmasked until they learn to experience their punishment as pleasure. Or you could just read this Rolling Stone article from a few days ago that expresses the spirit of the moral revolution reshaping American society more pointedly than any intellectual analysis: “Meet the Dommes Who Are Demanding Their Submissives Get Vaxxed.”
In 10 words, the headline conveys the supreme value of health, safety, transgression, and bureaucratic regulation to the American professional classes, as well as the new status hierarchy constructed by the stakeholders in that regime. We pledge allegiance to our sainted dominatrixes and to coercive power wielded through symbolic proxies in the name of public wellness. If only social media were somehow more directly involved, you’d have a full hymnal for the new American religion.
Are “trans women of color” and “dommes” genuine authorities in America? No, but they are made into public idols that real power can hide behind. In theory, these totems of the marginalized are being “centered” by social justice movements that overturn historical power structures. In practice, the dominatrix, stripped of all authentic erotic power and allure, becomes a new kind of patriotic hero defending the civic virtues of the American middle class.
Somehow the whip of the domme and the warm embrace of the nanny state have become one and the same. There is no actual phenomenon of dominatrixes enforcing COVID morality. That is a fantasy, perhaps sexual in its own repressed way, that exists in the minds of the journalists who concoct this kind of story to dramatize the public morality that they have so thoroughly internalized. Everything in the Rolling Stone article may be strictly true and yet remains utterly false. Don’t you get it? You’re all the subs, and we magazine writers are the real dommes whipping you for your own good. Ha. What a jolly joke. But just imagine! It’s all enough to make you feel bad for the real perverts out there, who have to see the symbols of their deviance so remorselessly conscripted into the service of bureaucratic moralizing. Until you realize there are people even worse off—and it’s us.
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 8:41:23 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11: Seems like they toned down the first line since yesterday. Here is the original: If you want a picture of the present, imagine Anthony Fauci in studded leather and assless chaps bull-whipping hordes of the unvaccinated and unmasked until they learn to experience their punishment as pleasure.
Occasional Reader
7/30/2021 8:53:22 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12: Aren’t chaps, by definition, “assless”? So maybe the editor was simply trying to eliminate the redundancy…
7/30/2021 9:01:20 AM
In #13 Occasional Reader said: Aren’t chaps, by definition, “assless”? Yes, but I've seen "assless chaps" as a common online usage going back to the old SOB days.
7/30/2021 10:25:52 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9: +++++++++++++++++++++++ Perfectly encapsulates it.
7/30/2021 11:14:48 AM
Listened to part of the Dan Bongino show.... he said something about CDC and the mask recommendation that got me spelunking CDC data. Since CDC rescinded mask recommendation on May 13th, recorded covid deaths drop from 562 to 296. (7 day rolling average). Cases went from 33.8k to 66.6k. That gives me a very important data point. The much vaunted Delta Variant... is less virulent... doesn't make people as sick.
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 11:24:45 AM
In #16 JCM said: The much vaunted Delta Variant... is less virulent... doesn't make people as sick. That is often the case - a disease that kills its host doesn't reproduce as well in the long term. Very virulent diseases do not kill their hosts, at least not quickly, or make them so sick they can't infect others. Now, there are diseases that kill people quickly, but not their native hosts, but this one is clearly designed for humans.
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 1:40:56 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17: And some diseases kill threads
7/30/2021 1:48:29 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 18: Yet each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word, The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword! ---Oscar Wilde, "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" -- ---
Occasional Reader
7/30/2021 2:02:59 PM
In #16 JCM said: that got me spelunking Ewww!
Oh, wait... I misread that..
Occasional Reader
7/30/2021 2:03:54 PM
In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: a disease that kills its host doesn't reproduce as well in the long term With the exception of socialism.
7/30/2021 2:06:21 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 20: LOL!
Occasional Reader
7/30/2021 2:06:36 PM
In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: Oscar Wilde, "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" Subtitle: "Or, How I Learned The Hard Way To Be a Bit More Strategic-Minded In My Lawsuits"
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 2:25:11 PM
In #21 Occasional Reader said: In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: a disease that kills its host doesn't reproduce as well in the long term
With the exception of socialism. Well, socialism is reproduced unnaturally - by hiding via propaganda the illness of places infected with it.
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 3:00:53 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24: Or, to put it another way, socialism is a socially engineered virus
7/30/2021 3:43:34 PM
Report: Half of Seattle police calls don't need cop response No data included in the story. How do they determine a cop wasn't needed? On the type of call? On the report filed? Also this entirely leaves out a very important factor, the first level on the Use of Force Continuum. Officer Presence. How many incidents where calls were made descalated just because a uniformed, armed cop showed up? Would those incidents have descalated without a cop? Over all a smell a study which folded, spindled and mutilated data to achieve a predetermined conclusion.
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 3:54:23 PM
Reply to JCM in 26: I am waiting for the first place to try sending social workers instead of police. I give a month before the social workers quit unless they have cops with them, especially after a few get injured or killed. Best solution is better police training. Train the police how to handle all these situations with mentally ill.
7/30/2021 3:55:45 PM
"Who was that masked mandate? I wanted to spank him."
7/30/2021 4:12:07 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27: And better training... costs money. What is the left doing? Cutting funding. The useless idiots can't see it. But the leadership demanding the cuts can. Cutting funding will result in more incidents, which "proves" the left's point.
Kosh's Shadow
7/30/2021 4:35:09 PM
In #28 buzzsawmonkey said: "Who was that masked mandate? I wanted to spank him." Hi-o-Covid! Away! With his faithful Chinese sidekick, who calls him Covid Sabe
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