The Daily Broadside


Posted on 08/23/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 8/22/2021 3:30:33 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 8/23/2021 6:27:01 AM

Good morning, campers. How has Biden failed us today?

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 6:29:58 AM

That looks like a rooty-tooty, fresh n' fruity breakfast.

/remember that one, kids?

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 6:40:05 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Even the New York Times is having trouble maintaining its usual (D) Court Stenographer role, apparently, in the face of the Biden gang's manifest incompetence. 

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 6:57:56 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

NYT:  "As he has all week, Mr. Biden made assertions seemingly at odds with reality."

Yes, and I seemingly did not wake up next to Adriana Lima this morning.

JCM 8/23/2021 7:14:02 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

By not dying.......

Oh, wait that would gives Harris.

JCM 8/23/2021 7:16:49 AM

Back after the fall of Saigon Gov. Moonbeam reject having Vietnamese refugees in CA.

A lot were welcomed in WA.

Local Vietnamese Americans host, sponsor Afghan refugee families

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 7:17:36 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: Even the New York Times is having trouble maintaining its usual (D) Court Stenographer role, apparently, in the face of the Biden gang's manifest incompetence. 

I guess their Trump hatred blinded them to how incompetent Biden was before. Or they knew, but stuck to their socialist propaganda mode.

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 7:21:39 AM

More super duper COMPETENCE:

buzzsawmonkey 8/23/2021 7:27:00 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

I said last week that this botch was intended as a cover for importing quantities more of unvetted illegals; the leftist references to Vietnamese refugees after the fall of Saigon made that obvious.  

The bogus-visa thing, remarkably similar to last year's mail-in ballot scams, is clearly of a piece with that.

JCM 8/23/2021 7:29:34 AM

Cops can't even save lives the right way.

Mental health online: Police posts of crises may traumatize

Posting videos and stories about rescues is bad.

They way they drag people off a bridge to keep the from jumping is bad.

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 7:32:47 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: intended as a cover for importing quantities more of unvetted illegals; the leftist references to Vietnamese refugees after the fall of Saigon made that obvious.  

I don’t know if that is the plan, per se, or just reflexively how these people process this sort of thing.

vxbush 8/23/2021 8:01:13 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: I don’t know if that is the plan, per se, or just reflexively how these people process this sort of thing.

On this one, I agree with buzz. There is a definite interest by the Democrats to get rid of Americans who believe they have freedom and should be secure in their homes. Look at all the illegals pouring in. Why not throw in some Afghani's in the mix? Anything to get rid of the majority of Americans who see this as wrong. 

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 8:09:52 AM

In #12 vxbush said: There is a definite interest by the Democrats to get rid of Americans who believe they have freedom

I agree with that.  But even a well-planned, orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan would have led to massive numbers of Afghans seeking asylum; while also not making the Biden regime looks like incompetent fools.  So I'm thinking there is a lot of sheer incompetence in what we're witnessing here.  

buzzsawmonkey 8/23/2021 8:29:30 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: But even a well-planned, orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan would have led to massive numbers of Afghans seeking asylum; while also not making the Biden regime looks like incompetent fools.  So I'm thinking there is a lot of sheer incompetence in what we're witnessing here.  

The "incompetent fool" stuff, while reality in one sense, is also being deployed as cover for the importation of thousands of Afghans and other jihadis---both directly through evacuation, and indirectly through the wide-open southern border.  It is camouflage; people are so busy exclaiming over the incompetence of evacuating Americans, and the poor, poor refugees who trusted us, that there is no room left for saying, "OK, just who is it we're bringing in, other than our own people?  And, by the way, what about that southern border and what about all the weaponry we've given these hostiles?"

The administration can take the slagging because they are secure at least until the midterms; in the words of Lady Macbeth, "What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?"  

Put another way, the Left always fails upward---and the apparent failure is always cover for a larger agenda. My prime example is the old Dade County gay-rights ordinance referendum fight back in 1977; the "Anita Bryant controversy."  The gay-rights movement was fairly moribund in those pre-AIDs days, but it managed to get one of the Dade County councilmembers to introduce and pass a gay-rights amendment to the county civil rights ordinance.  

This sparked a huge outrage not only in the white conservative Christian community (then fairly strong in Dade County), but among the black and Hispanic communities ("wokeness" being a thing of the distant future), and they got enough signatures to put the thing up for referendum.  The pro-ordinance crowd ran what appeared to be a totally incompetent, guaranteed-to-lose campaign---and the ordinance did lose the referendum. BUT, the pro-ordinance crowd failed upward; it got "gay rights" national front-page coverage in newsmags like Time and Newsweek; it revitalized the gay-rights movement nationally; it created a national fundraising network for gay-rights agitation; it perfected the politics of personal destruction, destroying Anita Bryant's career.  In other words, it won far more by "losing" than it would have by "winning" the vote.  And, by the way, the defeated ordinance amendment was re-enacted, without a ripple of fanfare, in Dade County about 10 years later.

The Biden administration is "failing upward" to give the Taliban arms and hostages; to bring in a quantity of unvetted illegals; and to distract from the border crisis.

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 8:29:45 AM
As Clown World continues to take hold in the West. 
vxbush 8/23/2021 8:30:10 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: But even a well-planned, orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan would have led to massive numbers of Afghans seeking asylum; while also not making the Biden regime looks like incompetent fools.  So I'm thinking there is a lot of sheer incompetence in what we're witnessing here.  

Based on some video I've seen of the head of the joint chiefs, Austin, I believe he is simply a woke general, more concerned about checking boxes of attributes about himself as opposed to actually planning an attack against any enemies. If you listen to him speak, he doesn't sound anything like a general who can clearly plan how to destroy to gain the objective. 

JCM 8/23/2021 8:51:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

This is more likely to work...

vxbush 8/23/2021 9:11:59 AM

In #16 vxbush said: head of the joint chiefs, Austin

My mistake. He is defense secretary. 

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 9:29:09 AM

In #14 buzzsawmonkey said: that there is no room left for saying,

Sure there is.  It's being said, I'm seeing it.  The idea that "the bugout being such a fiasco is making the vetting of Afghan refugees almost impossible" is an obvious one.

It's a mistake to underestimate one's opponents; but it's also a mistake to assume they are so hyper-competent that even their seeming, disastrous mistakes aren't really mistakes.  That leads to an attitude of pure defeat.  

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 9:42:59 AM

In #15 Occasional Reader said: As Clown World continues to take hold in the West. 

Clown police car. To encourage reports of anit-LGBTQXYZ hate crimes.

But in England, there are many more Jew-hate crimes. How about throwing a Magen David in there, too?

buzzsawmonkey 8/23/2021 10:10:55 AM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: It's a mistake to underestimate one's opponents; but it's also a mistake to assume they are so hyper-competent that even their seeming, disastrous mistakes aren't really mistakes.  That leads to an attitude of pure defeat.  

I look at this from a slightly different angle.  I think that too few people realize the existence of, or recognize, the fail-upward strategy.

The Left has both houses of Congress---more or less---and controls the line of presidential succession.  It can afford to give away some weight in the form of criticism regarding the unvetted "refugees," because it has that control.  There is nothing and nobody that will stand in the way of their being brought in---and the fact that they are being brought in will be used to justify the open-southern-border strategy. That's strategy, as in policy.

This is all depressing---indeed, horrifying---but, if used to make people aware of the fail-upward strategy, it is hardly a lead-in to "an attitude of pure defeat"; rather, it is a tool to explain to the thus-far-unenlightened something that most people not on the Left remain unaware of---and to explain to them why the Left must be defeated relentlessly.  It is not merely a matter of immediately apparent "policy," or "incompetence," but because the fail-upward strategy consistently lays the groundwork, even in apparent "defeat," for a later victory.

Comment error 475 22
Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 11:02:38 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

Somewhere, I think there are people behind all the leftists who want the US to fail.

Chinese and big tech? Russians? Some mullah? I don't know. But the incompetence is too much

JCM 8/23/2021 11:07:26 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

The Marxist/Stalinist/Moaist cabal which has been pushing Critical Theory for decades.

Distributed conspiracy, they all have been educated and trained to with their individual actions support this outcome.

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 11:55:30 AM

Reply to JCM in 24:

It takes a lot of indoctrination to not look at, not see, ignore, all the failures of the the policies they propose.

How stupid do you have to be to realize, for example, that defunding the police means more blacks will be killed (by other blacks) than a police force could possibly kill?

Certainly the news media helps, by not covering Venezuela, the riots in Iran, etc.

And then, when you are convinced anyone who believes differently is EVIL and not to be listened to...

Leftism is a secular religion cult only they're force-feeding the kool-aid on the rest of us, too.

JCM 8/23/2021 12:18:03 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:

What now, 6, no 8 decades of indoctrination.

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 12:24:42 PM

 Buzz, there’s an “O Captain, My Captain” parody waiting to be born:

JCM 8/23/2021 12:39:38 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:

At least the dog wasn't in a crate on the roof of the family station wagon!

buzzsawmonkey 8/23/2021 12:41:02 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:

Possibly later today.

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 12:49:35 PM

While we're on cheery subjects/

How well does Pakistan control it's nukes? Could one or more end up in the hands of the Taliban or al-Qaeda?

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 12:53:04 PM

In #28 JCM said: At least the dog wasn't in a crate on the roof of the family station wagon!

But I'd be really worried if Obama offered to take him in... 

JCM 8/23/2021 1:20:32 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 31:

Bad OR Bad! In an online meeting and didn't hit mute fast enough.

Occasional Reader 8/23/2021 2:25:12 PM
Could someone please tell me why I have the theme music to "Simon & Simon" running through my head. 
lucius septimius 8/23/2021 2:53:55 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 33:

Because you're insane?  Just a guess, really.

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 3:22:35 PM

In #33 Occasional Reader said: Could someone please tell me why I have the theme music to "Simon & Simon" running through my head. 

You're thinking of Simonizing your clothes? (Anyone remember that?)

buzzsawmonkey 8/23/2021 4:00:02 PM
"Leave the gun Americans. Take the cannoli jihadis."

---the GodDodderingfather
Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 4:59:53 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 36:

On a much lighter note, there used to be a bakery making dog treats

The Dogfather

"We'll make them an offer they can't woofuse"

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2021 5:17:39 PM

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