9/17/2021 5:58:20 AM
His and her breakfasts today? Of course, there should probably be a second cup of coffee there.
lucius septimius
9/17/2021 6:17:15 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: Sort of reminds me of an old joke? Q: Where do all the confused transgender folk move to? A; Sheboygan.
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 6:46:45 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4: Genderfaes “can be fluid between any range of feminine genders, unaligned or neutral genders (such as aporagender), or genderlessness.” There's a "bunch of fairies" joke in there somewhere.
Occasional Reader
9/17/2021 6:48:55 AM
BBC says: "The US and UK are facing growing international criticism over a new security pact signed with Australia."
The "growing" part seems to consist entirely of 1) China, because of course, that's who the pact is aimed at; and 2) France, who are whining about losing out on a lucrative submarine-procurement contract, basically. I'm not quite sure what to make of the AUKUS pact, myself. I'm certainly surprised that the Biden gang would take any initiative at all that angers China. (Of course, perhaps this is all for show.) I also find it interesting that wording of the thing indicates that the US and UK will "provide Australia with the means to produce nuclear-powered submarines" (or words to that effect); rather than just straighy-up "Australia will buy X number of Virginia-class subs [or whatever]". Does Australia have the capacity to manufacture nuclear attack submarines, even if given the blueprints?
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 7:11:56 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: Australia does currently build diesel subs. If the US supplies the nuclear technology (not just blueprints but information on how to make various materials), Australia does have a modern manufacturing base that could do the work. But while this could be done, by the time they could build the subs (several years of design and construction(, China will own the US, if it doesn't already, the way things are going.
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 7:16:42 AM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: But while this could be done, by the time they could build the subs (several years of design and construction( Link to description of what appears to be their newest boat. Based on a Swedish design, laid down (started actual construction) 1995, launched 2001, commissioned 2003. So I would say at least 10 years before Australia could have a nuclear sub in service.
Occasional Reader
9/17/2021 8:10:56 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:
Of course, the Aussies might base their next submarine on a British design. I've found the specs here.
9/17/2021 9:04:12 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4: Behind the paywall, alas---but it gives me an excuse for a re-post/riposte: Clementine (updated) Since the trend is towards “transgender” And has been so for some time A young minor sans vagina Declared he was “Clementine” You must call me, you must call me You must call me “Clementine”— Though my given name is Clement You must call me “Clementine.” He said he was “non-binary” Hewing to the party line And he’d frown at the wrong pronoun Because he was “Clementine” You must call me, you must call me You must call me “Clementine”— Though my given name is Clement You must call me “Clementine.” With hormone blockers and fake knockers, Litigation for a time, The court system did assist him In becoming “Clementine” You must call me, you must call me You must call me “Clementine”— Though my given name is Clement You must call me “Clementine.” But alas for our heroine! Eventually he did find Drugs and trimmin’ don’t make women Deep down, he was masculine Oh my darling, oh my darling, Oh my darling “Clementine”— What’s cut off is gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine.
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 9:10:05 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 11: ++++++ But I'm surprised the link doesn't work, as I don't subscribe to PJM; I just read their free stuff.
9/17/2021 9:16:37 AM
In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: But I'm surprised the link doesn't work, as I don't subscribe to PJM; I just read their free stuff.
You're probably on one of those lists that gives you a limited amount of free access to the behind-the-paywall stuff, in the hope of enticing you to sign up.
Occasional Reader
9/17/2021 9:29:41 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 11:
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 9:29:47 AM
In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: You're probably on one of those lists that gives you a limited amount of free access to the behind-the-paywall stuff, in the hope of enticing you to sign up.
Could be, as I do get email from them.
Here's some of it
In describing his?/her?/their? “gender,” a couple of brand-new terms he?/she?/they? used grabbed my attention. But getting into the details just isn’t inside the scope of a silly column like Insanity Wrap.
Still, I couldn’t get “genderfae” and “genderfloret” out of my brain, not even after a lovely evening spent with my wife, a bottle of wine, and a couple of cocktails.
So today I did some digging and was genuinely saddened by what I found.
Dating all the way back to 2014, genderfae “is a form of genderfluidity that never encompasses male or masculine genders,” according to the LGBTA Wiki. It even has its own flag as you can see at the link. That the colors are so washed out seems to me like a tell.
Genderfaes “can be fluid between any range of feminine genders, unaligned or neutral genders (such as aporagender), or genderlessness.”
Confusing things a bit further, Wiki readers are advised that genderfae “is not to be confused with faegender, which is a gender that changes with the seasons.” Can you imagine the horror and offense one might cause were one to confuse faegender with genderfae at a social gathering?
I am also informed that there exists a movement to “solidify into only using genderdoe or genderthil due to fae being revered in certain cultures.”
First, I’d like to know how a “movement” forms among a tiny subset of a tiny subset of a small population. But let’s stick a pin in that point because we have to get back to it momentarily.
Second, “fae being revered” refers to fairy-worshipping pagans, another one of those tiny subsets of a tiny subset.
Genderfloret — “Not to be confused with Genderflorent” — is even more confusing to my eyes.
Genderfloret, we’re told, comes from genderfrithet, a term coined in 2020, to describe people (plural? really?) who “would never experience genders like binary woman, neutrois, maverique, agender, etc.”
You would also not want to confuse genderfloret with demifloret, in which gender “is partially static and partially fluid.”
It moves except when it doesn’t, or perhaps the other way around.
If you were to conclude at this point that they were putting you on, who could blame you?
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 12:02:48 PM
I guess that caused everyone's brain to implode.
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 12:27:41 PM
There is a theory about the different types of infinity - none are finite, but some are larger than others. This the theory of transfinite numbers (link) I wonder if they'd publish a paper on determining which transfinite number gives the correct number of genders? The name of the theory makes it quite appropriate. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Occasional Reader
9/17/2021 1:47:02 PM
In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: There is a theory about the different types of infinity - none are finite, but some are larger than others.
Believe it or not, LIttle OR can actually give a pretty coherent explanation of this. (It's covered in a video he likes to watch, from Youtube series called "VSauce".)
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 1:58:20 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: Smart kid. But can he tell how many genders there are?////////////////
Kosh's Shadow
9/17/2021 2:08:19 PM
In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: But can he tell how many genders there are?//////////////// He probably does know - two, but there are rare cases of people born with both sets of organs,
9/17/2021 2:33:46 PM
Listening to today's Morning Sedition was hilarious. First: these people who prate about how "science is real" do not believe in evolution. If they did, they'd recognize that the possibility of a bunch of 2000-year-old trees being destroyed by wildfires is, in fact, a matter of evolution doing its thing. Now, the fact that evolution may have been helped along by California's incompetent forest and water management is another matter---but still, just because a 2000-year-old tree is dying doesn't have anything to do with "climate change" per se. Second, the avoidance of any consideration that human stupidity is largely responsible for the severity of the wildfires and any damage to the redwoods is absolutely epic. Yeah, maybe the redwoods are on their way out. Too bad, that. Of course the dinosaurs, the mammoths, mastodons, and saber-tooth cats---not to mention the ankylosaurus---also had their day. Maybe it's due to Stupid Democrat Policies, maybe it's due to Earth Changes---maybe a little of both---but either way it is no reason to alter what we're doing today.
9/17/2021 3:07:25 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: He Biden. His time...
lucius septimius
9/17/2021 3:53:37 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: To be fair, this is France we're talking about.
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