9/23/2021 6:22:54 AM
Morning, campers. I installed iOS 15 on my phone and iPad, and I'm generally feeling that the new tools that have been added are all about being social. There is little that is useful for most people, *except* that now if you take a picture that includes text, you can extract the text out of it. So taking a picture of a piece of paper can be OCR'ed in no time. There are other features that are useful, like setting up focus for different scenarios like home and work. But this seems to be the most useful addition. It's a shame it took Android adding it first before Apple came around, but at least it's there now. I may play around and see how accurate the OCR step is.
9/23/2021 6:39:18 AM
In COVID news, the CDC didn't record any breakthrough cases of COVID in the vaccinated starting May 1. That way, they would have the data they wanted to support booster shots. All the data from the CDC is tainted, one way or another. Thank goodness researchers brought in the data from Israel and UK showing how breakthrough cases of COVID do exist and are not just a tiny subset of the data. If you start counting up the instances of ignoring protocols and standard procedures and statistical methods, you come up with a more disturbing picture every time.
9/23/2021 6:53:54 AM
Good morning, everyone! Today is the [mumble mumble] anniversary of Lucius' 39th birthday. When he gets here, jump out from behind the furniture and yell "Surprise!" and shoot him with silly string.
Kosh's Shadow
9/23/2021 6:58:39 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 2: How long before the wokies start to insist on the right of men to have abortions?
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 7:05:51 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 4: Will do. Coincidentally, today is also the 44th anniversary of my dad‘s 44th birthday.
lucius septimius
9/23/2021 7:06:51 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 4: It's my annual 29th birthday, thank you very much.
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 7:12:44 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 7: Feliz Cumple!
9/23/2021 7:15:11 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: Best wishes to your dad!
9/23/2021 7:19:50 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 7:
If you say so. Hope you're enjoying your day.
lucius septimius
9/23/2021 7:34:46 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: Happy Birthday Dad!
lucius septimius
9/23/2021 7:35:46 AM
Got an invite for a Zoom call tomorrow ... AT 7:00 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!! Hell to the freaking No.
Alice in Dairyland
9/23/2021 7:41:38 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 13: Any chance you can still wear your birthday suit? That would teach them! Hope you have a great birthday.
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 7:46:25 AM
In #14 Alice in Dairyland said: Any chance you can still wear your birthday suit? That would teach them! Jeffery Toobin could not be reached for comment.
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 7:47:42 AM
In #13 lucius septimius said: Got an invite for a Zoom call tomorrow ... AT 7:00 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!
Are the organizers in Europe, or something of the sort? If not, that is freaking crazy.
9/23/2021 7:52:53 AM
In #16 Occasional Reader said: Are the organizers in Europe, or something of the sort? If not, that is freaking crazy. True, but some people really are that crazy.
9/23/2021 8:00:00 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 13: Is that 7 Eastern? Then double hell no. What could possibly be that important?
Kosh's Shadow
9/23/2021 8:03:01 AM
In #7 lucius septimius said: It's my annual 29th birthday, thank you very much. 10 years younger than Jack Benny/ Happy birthday!
9/23/2021 8:11:47 AM
Reply to vxbush in 3: CDC data has been tainted since May 2020 when the misused the PCR to inflate positive test and rolling all upper respiratory infections into Covid Like Illnesses and counting them as Covid. Then you find info like Pfizer say the effectiveness of their injection last only 6 months, which is why the booster ad infinitum. Which means it is not a vaccine, it does not stimulate the immune response, and therefore is essentially a placebo, this is further reinforced by the "breakthrough" cases. The current case study is Australia. Everybody gets a jab every 6 months to be able to have a life.
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 8:21:39 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 9: Thank you! Reply to lucius septimius in 12:
And you!
9/23/2021 8:42:38 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 22: Nice to have confirmation of what we suspected.
9/23/2021 8:48:07 AM
In #22 Occasional Reader said: The corruption is just mind-blowing. And to these folks, they think like this all the time. This really isn't just a rare situation; it simply rose to the level of preventing Trump from winning at all costs, and then it was blocking his ability as a President at all costs.
lucius septimius
9/23/2021 9:15:28 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 18: 8:00 AM EST, 7:00 Central, which is where I am at the moment.
9/23/2021 9:22:46 AM
Went to the community dinner in the sukkah the first night of Sukkot. Lots of people, and nobody was masked; it was, after all, in the sukkah, which is as "outside" as the "outside dining" areas that have been put up in front of restauraunts. No masks despite the rule that we had to be masked for services for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur in the synagogue, in order to not scare anyone away from attending---and despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the attendees had, in fact, been jabbed. On one side of me, there was a friend who has been vocal about not getting vaxxed, and who has not worn a mask---and who, as a result, was asked to not show up at the services (he attended those elsewhere). On my other side, a mutual friend who had been vaxxed, and who was not wearing a mask as everyone else that evening was not. The next day, the vaxxed mutual friend confided to me that he had been extremely uncomfortable sitting so close to---i.e., six feet or so away from---the unvaxxed friend; so uncomfortable that he had considered leaving the dinner event, and he wanted to know how I felt about it. I said to him, "You're vaxxed, right? The vax is supposed to work, right, Then what are you worried about?" He replied that he found it "disrespectul" of our mutual friend to be there unvaxxed/unmasked. I pointed out that a) he was vaxxed, b) we were outdoors (as I said, a sukkah is about as "outdoors" as any "outdoor dining" hutch), and that therefore there was no reason to be concerned. There was, however, no convincing him that he, the vaxxee, was not "endangered" by sitting within earshot of this other person. That is insane.
9/23/2021 9:25:57 AM
Happy birthday anniversary, Lucius!
9/23/2021 10:27:08 AM
In #26 buzzsawmonkey said: There was, however, no convincing him that he, the vaxxee, was not "endangered" by sitting within earshot of this other person. That is insane. Blame the media with their many stories last summer saying that COVID could be transmitted by runners simply running by you.
9/23/2021 10:28:04 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 7: Happy Birthday!!!
9/23/2021 10:34:45 AM
In #28 vxbush said: Blame the media with their many stories last summer saying that COVID could be transmitted by runners simply running by you.
I may be a hopeless romantic, but I am shocked, appalled, and borderline-revolted by a reasonably-responsible adult in his early 70s saying that he, after taking the available medical precautions, feels threatened by someone who has not.
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 10:45:58 AM
In #28 vxbush said: Blame the media with their many stories last summer saying that COVID could be transmitted by runners simply running by you.
I suppose there is a non-zero chance of that happening; but not much above zero.
9/23/2021 1:19:57 PM
It appears that prayer in public school is all right---as long as the prayers are Muslim. Allah's folks all frown (Allah's folks all frown) 'Cause this guy is gay ('Cause this guy is gay) Take him to the roof (Take him to the roof) And throw him away (And throw him away) If we weren't Muslim (If we weren't Muslim) There's something we might say (Something we might say) Caliph-ornia dreamin' (Caliph-ornia dreamin') On this public-school day (This public-school day)...
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 1:42:57 PM
In #32 buzzsawmonkey said: It appears that prayer in public school is all right---as long as the prayers are Muslim.
That's different because SHUT UP YOU RACIST
/but you knew that
Occasional Reader
9/23/2021 1:45:38 PM
I've been seeing a lot of interesting material about how the production chains for solar panels have involved a whole bunch of... forced (read: "slave") labor, and/or child labor. Funny how this never seems to be a problem with good ol' Dead Dinosaur Energy.
(Oh, and guess what country is mostly involved in that forced/child labor stuff. Go on, guess...)
Kosh's Shadow
9/23/2021 2:33:18 PM
In #32 buzzsawmonkey said: It appears that prayer in public school is all right---as long as the prayers are Muslim. So what happens if an LGBTQ person complains that they do not feel safe around people who kill gays? Probably literally branded as an Islamophobe (I use this example because wokies hate Jews, at least Jews who act Jewish)
9/23/2021 2:35:37 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 34: Since we can't build foundries in the US to make solar cells..... computer chips and solar cells use the same processes, equipment and chemicals. And we've offshored foundries to..... CHINA!
lucius septimius
9/23/2021 3:31:32 PM
In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: So what happens if an LGBTQ person complains that they do not feel safe around people who kill gays?
Probably literally branded as an Islamophobe Not likely to happen. Practically all the LGBTQWERTY crowd think Muslims are wonderful and caring and tolerant and don't tell me about them killing gays la la la la la la la la la la it's much worse in America where GQP Trumpflicans are literally killing gays and trans people EVERY DAY with their hate and homophobic Jesus chicken. Besides I saw some gay Arab youtuber talk about how wonderful it is to be a gay person in the totally gay-friendly Middle East. But mainly I won't listen to you because you're a colonialist neoliberal islamophobe/transphobe who simply cannot comprehend the wonderful complexity of genderqueer people ....
etc. etc. etc.
lucius septimius
9/23/2021 3:34:48 PM

9/23/2021 3:38:10 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 37: Wait! Wait! Jesus Chicken? I don't have mine, where do I get one!?
9/23/2021 3:40:01 PM
Meant to mention earlier that my NPR affiliate was going on and on this morning about an interview someone had had with Bill McKibben, one of the early babblers about global change/climate warming or whatever. Apparently, we're past the point of doom, except not quite, and have yet another barely-ten-years to destroy ourselves and our entire civilization/infrastructure before Mama Nature does it for us, or something. Why are these people not laughed off any stage with a microphone and/or shot in the streets?
9/23/2021 3:40:48 PM
In #39 JCM said: Jesus Chicken? I don't have mine, where do I get one!?
Regular, or extra-Christy?
9/23/2021 3:44:06 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 38: LMAO!
Kosh's Shadow
9/23/2021 3:51:22 PM
In #39 JCM said: Jesus Chicken? I don't have mine, where do I get one!? Does it come with wafers?
Kosh's Shadow
9/23/2021 4:28:51 PM
Iron Dome funding restored. 8 Dhimmicrats and one Rethuglican voted against it
lucius septimius
9/23/2021 4:30:17 PM
Reply to JCM in 39: No Chick-Fil-A were you are, eh?
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