The Daily Broadside


Posted on 10/20/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 10/16/2021 1:37:40 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 10/20/2021 5:53:53 AM
Maldives, eh?  
vxbush 10/20/2021 6:04:27 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: Maldives, eh?  

Looks fantastic to me. 

doppelganglander 10/20/2021 6:38:22 AM
Morning, folks. If you have a moment, I would appreciate your prayers and thoughts for my ex. He is in surgery right about now, having his toe amputated due to complications from diabetes. The kids and I appreciate it very much.
vxbush 10/20/2021 6:41:58 AM

In #3 doppelganglander said: Morning, folks. If you have a moment, I would appreciate your prayers and thoughts for my ex. He is in surgery right about now, having his toe amputated due to complications from diabetes. The kids and I appreciate it very much.

You have them. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 7:37:35 AM

In #3 doppelganglander said: Morning, folks. If you have a moment, I would appreciate your prayers and thoughts for my ex. He is in surgery right about now, having his toe amputated due to complications from diabetes. The kids and I appreciate it very much.

You got 'em.  I usually say, "May he experience a complete healing," but that seems a little off when an amputation is toward.  May he have as full a recovery and as rapid a healing as possible.  

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 7:40:05 AM
Keene State College, in New Hampshire---New Hampshire! the "Live Free or Die" state!---has a degree program in "Anti-Racist Studies." Read the catalog entry, and weep.
Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 7:49:26 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

I hope all turns out as well as can be.   And it's a marker of your healthy, caring relationship with your ex, that you're posting this. 

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 7:51:41 AM
Regarding the thread pic; I used to take vacations in places that looked like that.  It seems like another lifetime.  I do  hope to get back to it. 
Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 7:53:38 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: Maldives, eh?  

Could be, could be a bunch of places, I should think.

Never been there, but I hear the only bad thing about the Maldives is that when you go out drinking, you can only find mal-dive bars.

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 7:56:51 AM

In #6 buzzsawmonkey said: Keene State College, in New Hampshire---New Hampshire! the "Live Free or Die" state!---has a degree program in "Anti-Racist Studies." Read the catalog entry, and weep.

This is training for the next generation of Red Guards.

And, needless to say, it's also, literally, "institutional racism", a term the Left loves to misuse. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 7:58:00 AM
A good drag-queen name:  Tempestina T. Potts.
Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 8:00:38 AM

Auto industry may face " near-total shut down"  due to magnesium shortage

To quote the meme:  "This is fine."

And I'm sure JOE BIDEN will come up with a brilliant solution. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 8:07:27 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

I'm sure the Left is fine with a magnesium shortage; it sounds too much like "MAGA."

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 8:10:10 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

You have them

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 8:16:32 AM
Nothing serious, but interesting not posted in the Frontier.
vxbush 10/20/2021 8:19:48 AM

In #6 buzzsawmonkey said: Keene State College, in New Hampshire---New Hampshire! the "Live Free or Die" state!---has a degree program in "Anti-Racist Studies." Read the catalog entry, and weep.

A large number of universities are also setting up degree markers. Complete a sequence of 4 or 5 classes in racism/anti-racism/CRT/DEI/chooseyouracronym, and then you get a special imprimatur on your diploma saying you completed a sequence on it to make your diploma extra, EXTRA special. 

And these people simply do not see how this turns off the majority of adult Americans over the age of 40. The ideas and wishes of Martin Luther King Jr. are anathema to these people. He has been thrown away. 

vxbush 10/20/2021 8:24:16 AM

Reply to vxbush in 16:

One other thing to note--it used to be that in order to get a bachelors at an institution, you were forced to take courses across the breadth of the institution in multiple different disciplines. Nowadays, with the focus on CRT ad nauseam, those required courses take away the requirement to expand your mind to the other areas. As if students coming out were not ill educated enough, now they will be indoctrinated past the point of being able to think rationally about any topic. 

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 8:27:15 AM

In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: not posted in the Frontier.

So it's like Schrodinger's Post... 

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 8:31:07 AM

In #17 vxbush said: Nowadays, with the focus on CRT ad nauseam, those required courses take away the requirement to expand your mind to the other areas

Of course, there was some measure of this quite a long time ago.  See, e.g, Michelle Obama's "senior thesis" at Princeton, which was basically "all about being black at Princeton University".  Not exactly "expanding one's mind".   But yes, this trend has sharply accelerated. 

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 8:39:43 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

Straight out of Soviet Union playbook. Abbas' PhD thesis, at the Patrice Mumbasa (?) Friendship Institute, was basically Holocaust denial.

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 9:00:33 AM

In #20 Kosh's Shadow said: Patrice Mumbasa (?)


Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 9:00:53 AM

In #16 vxbush said: A large number of universities are also setting up degree markers

After graduation, you will be fully qualified to be a zampolit, comrade!

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 9:19:29 AM

Would one of you be kind enough to go to PJ Media and tell me if a comment I made is visible to you?  

I replied to a commenter named "Kent Pittsburgh" in the comments to a Dennis Prager article in the "Columns" section.

The courtesy uptick I gave him disappears when I refresh the page, which makes me think that the shadowbanning I got on PJM a while back has reappeared.  If someone would let me know whether the comment---a discussion of "gay marriage"---appears or not, I'd appreciate it.

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 9:25:56 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23:

I see two posts by him (a post and a reply) and no posts by you.

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 9:28:25 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23:

Also the first post by him shows 3 updings, none by you.

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 9:31:05 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:

Thanks.  I got the feeling that was happening.  This is the second time this has happened.

Oddly, this does not happen on Instapundit, which is under the PJM aegis, nor over at WZ. 

vxbush 10/20/2021 10:51:16 AM
Per a bill in front of the Senate, funds assigned for "mitigation activities, including land acquisition, related to construction of border barriers on federal lands" can actually be used to remove the pieces of the border wall that exist. 
Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 10:59:30 AM

The Left is now (once again) actually romanticizing bread lines.

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 11:07:18 AM

In #28 Occasional Reader said: The Left is now (once again) actually romanticizing bread lines.

Romanticizing breadlines? I look forward to many rye comments.

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 11:15:54 AM

In #27 vxbush said: Per a bill in front of the Senate, funds assigned for "mitigation activities, including land acquisition, related to construction of border barriers on federal lands" can actually be used to remove the pieces of the border wall that exist. 

Hey, c'mon, man, the border is sealed!  Joe said so. 

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 11:18:01 AM

In #29 buzzsawmonkey said: Romanticizing breadlines? I look forward to many rye comments.

Barley a pun so far. Maybe we need to wheat a while longer.

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 11:18:54 AM

In #30 Occasional Reader said: Hey, c'mon, man, the border is sealed!  Joe said so. 

I see a row on the border of circus seals balancing balls on their snouts.

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 11:56:35 AM

Apparently Facebook is planning to change its name.

I'm sure w can come up appropriate suggestions.

Not a great one, but "WeControlYouBook"

@PBJ3 10/20/2021 11:57:30 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

I will pray for him.

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 12:03:20 PM

In #33 Kosh's Shadow said: Apparently Facebook is planning to change its name. I'm sure w can come up appropriate suggestions. Not a great one, but "WeControlYouBook"

I've always thought "Effacebook" was good...

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 12:09:18 PM

In #31 Kosh's Shadow said: Barley a pun so far. Maybe we need to wheat a while longer.

This pun machine is coin-operated, cost is five cents.  So if, say, dopps would just pump 'er nickel in, you'll get more puns. 

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 12:17:57 PM

In #35 buzzsawmonkey said: I've always thought "Effacebook" was good...

Especially with the Woke Inquisition ("Cancel Culture")

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 12:19:15 PM

In #36 Occasional Reader said: This pun machine is coin-operated, cost is five cents.  So if, say, dopps would just pump 'er nickel in, you'll get more puns. 

Maybe we can keep this roll going

buzzsawmonkey 10/20/2021 12:25:43 PM

In #38 Kosh's Shadow said: Maybe we can keep this roll going

Or at least caraway a few seeds...

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 12:45:00 PM

So for Christmas, I'm thinking of getting Little OR a watch that, among other features, has GPS so I can track his whereabouts.

This means I'm:

1) Crazy and paranoid

2) A caring and careful parent

3) Both 1) and 2)

4) Other


doppelganglander 10/20/2021 12:53:42 PM

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Surgery went well and he's in good spirits. 

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

It's amazing how much better we get along since the divorce. He's a good person but we were a bad match. 

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2021 12:54:28 PM

In #39 buzzsawmonkey said: Or at least caraway a few seeds...

With everything going on in the world, we need some leaveningity

vxbush 10/20/2021 12:55:41 PM

In #40 Occasional Reader said: This means I'm: 1) Crazy and paranoid 2) A caring and careful parent 3) Both 1) and 2) 4) Other

3 mixed with 4. If you lived in the sticks in Podunk, Nowheresville, it probably wouldn't be as big of an issue, but you live in a large urban area. For that reason, it makes sense to do this. However, it is a bit of a helicopter parent type of thing, so you have to be careful explaining why you're doing it if you go this route. You don't want your child to end up hating you for being so paranoid and thus trashing it or leaving it home on a day when you really need it. 

The "other" part comes from: you might want to get such a gift now, before the inventory is depleted. With shelves being empty, you need to get this before everyone else starts ordering and the madness starts in November. 

JCM 10/20/2021 1:28:57 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 40:

All the above.

The media hypes child abductions. It does happen but rarely which makes every parent crazy and paranoid. Almost all abductions are parental dispute related.

It's prudent, just in case you get separated while out and about.

Check the system for latency in updating. It's no good having a system with 20 minute old location data.

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 1:34:34 PM

In #43 vxbush said: The "other" part comes from: you might want to get such a gift now, before the inventory is depleted.

The line I'm looking shows as being in stock, at least for now; but, yeah.

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 1:38:45 PM

In #44 JCM said: It's prudent, just in case you get separated while out and about.

More thinking of that than abduction; or he gets on the wrong school bus, etc. 

Alice in Dairyland 10/20/2021 1:52:01 PM

In #38 Kosh's Shadow said: Maybe we can keep this roll going

I just can't seen to rise to the occasion.

Alice in Dairyland 10/20/2021 1:57:54 PM

In #43 vxbush said: If you lived in the sticks in Podunk, Nowheresville, it probably wouldn't be as big of an issue

I live in Podunk, Nowheresville and you won't believe the number of lost children.  Some accidently wander off into the woods and end up spending a couple of cold, wet nights until they are finally found. We also get quite a few abductions.  This week's was especially sad.  Boyfriend kills the three year old child's mother, takes the kid, and then commits suicide.  This happened Saturday, child still has not been found.

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 2:08:03 PM

In #48 Alice in Dairyland said: This week's was especially sad.  Boyfriend kills the three year old child's mother, takes the kid, and then commits suicide.  This happened Saturday, child still has not been found.

And I thank you in advance for providing the material for tonight's parenting stress dream...

Alice in Dairyland 10/20/2021 2:12:33 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 49:

Don't worry, it gets better.

Alice in Dairyland 10/20/2021 2:18:18 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 49:

Also, I don't believe you live near a wooded area, nor are you in danger of Little OR's mother wanting to murder you, so you got that going for you.

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 2:20:12 PM

In #50 Alice in Dairyland said: Don't worry, it gets better.

Oh, you. 

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 2:22:10 PM

In #51 Alice in Dairyland said: Also, I don't believe you live near a wooded area,

1) Rock Creek Park here in DC - surprisingly large, and complete with coyotes!

2) And when he's with his mom, they are in exurbia, partly rural, some woods

Not a yuuuge concern, but not zero, either.

Alice in Dairyland 10/20/2021 3:16:56 PM

In #53 Occasional Reader said: And when he's with his mom

At least she doesn't want to murder you, so far...

Occasional Reader 10/20/2021 3:45:08 PM

In #54 Alice in Dairyland said: At least she doesn't want to murder you, so far...

Not to the best of my knowledge, no.

 (Actually, we have a really, really good co-parenting relationship, thank heavens.) 

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