lucius septimius
10/24/2021 5:19:46 AM
Steak and eggs! Yum.
Occasional Reader
10/24/2021 6:15:21 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 1:
Urgh. A bit heavy for my tastes, first thing in the morn’.
Occasional Reader
10/24/2021 8:39:15 AM
In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: due to compulsory military service in Israel, Yes because they’re carrying out GENOCIDE!!!!11!!!!
Occasional Reader
10/24/2021 9:20:28 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3: “ There have been injuries on movie sets of various kinds in Israel, but no one in the industry here could remember a cast or crew member being shot with a prop gun.”
OK, but in fairness, I’m guessing a lot more movies get made in the US than in Israel.
10/24/2021 10:50:57 AM
From "Murder at the Vanities": the number/scene called "The Rhapsody, the Rape, and the Revenge," in which star Carl Brisson, as Liszt, is pictured composing his rhapsody, then the rhapsody is played, until it is "raped" by being played in jazz form by Duke Ellington and his orchestra---at which point the conductor comes in with a prop machinegun and exacts his "revenge" by mowing everyone down. The only person killed, however, is the vocalist. About 9 minutes; well worth it, and it seems quite contemporary...
10/24/2021 1:19:43 PM
Maybe I should change my name to "Jack the Thread-Killer."
Alice in Dairyland
10/24/2021 2:08:29 PM
Lucius, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. May you both find peace and comfort in her last days. She is blessed to have you as her son.
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