Occasional Reader
10/26/2021 6:26:02 AM
Ask not what your blog can do for you, but what you can do for your blog.
10/26/2021 7:20:42 AM
Occasional Kennedy has joined the blog.
Occasional Reader
10/26/2021 7:41:01 AM
China fields new engine for J-20 fighter jet
Caution: This is The National Interest, not the most reliable of sources. But the claim is, this represents a "breakthrough" in terms of the ChiComs catching up to the US in making high-performance jet engines.
Occasional Reader
10/26/2021 7:59:31 AM
In #2 JCM said: Occasional Kennedy has joined the blog.
I saw the Occasional Kennedys open for Black Flag at CBGB in 1982,,,
Occasional Reader
10/26/2021 8:57:26 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:
But but but our "businesslike and professional" Taliban peace partners would never allow that!
Otherwise Jen Psaki might wag her finger at them again, and you know they don't want THAT.
Kosh's Shadow
10/26/2021 9:46:53 AM
In #6 Occasional Reader said: "businesslike and professional" Taliban Mafia hit men are also often "businesslike and professional"
10/26/2021 10:13:02 AM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: Mafia hit men are also often "businesslike and professional" So are hookers.
10/26/2021 10:37:37 AM
10/26/2021 1:24:45 PM
Post in Frontier, work related and good news.
10/26/2021 2:43:35 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 11: Once Simon wins the wager with Erlich.
Occasional Reader
10/26/2021 2:46:09 PM
In #12 JCM said: Once Simon wins the wager with Erlich.
As Mark Steyn pithily wrote (after referencing that famous bet, IIRC): "The greatest natural resource is us." The "green" Left, OTOH, see humanity as "a plague upon the planet" (to cite Richard Attenborough, word for word). The difference in world view could not be more clear.
Occasional Reader
10/26/2021 2:49:06 PM
In #11 buzzsawmonkey said: food-grade citric acid to separate out rare-earth minerals So those rare-earth minerals will be only in about a minute, maid? Sounds like a work of pulp fiction to me.
10/26/2021 2:59:25 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: I told a greenie once, I'll believe resources are rare when we mine our former landfills.
Kosh's Shadow
10/26/2021 4:04:13 PM
In #16 JCM said: I told a greenie once, I'll believe resources are rare when we mine our former landfills. Somewhere over half the metals (at least iron and steel) in the US are recycled, because there are electric "mini-mills" that can take recycled iron and steel, melt it, and can even tell what additives are needed for the desired properties. Then the molten steel is poured and used on-site, instead of ordering steel from a big mill, and having to melt it again. Metals recycle very well; glass OK; paper and plastic not well at all.
Kosh's Shadow
10/26/2021 4:05:29 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17: Forgot to say, industry uses recycled metals for economic reasons, not to be "green". Cheaper to buy scrap and run the mini-mill.
10/26/2021 4:20:26 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17: Like I told my wife. Recycle is a scam. You can tell when they charge US to take it away. If was profitable, they would pay us for it.
Last time I check the cost of "recycling" was 4x the cost of landfill.
Kosh's Shadow
10/26/2021 4:25:01 PM
Reply to JCM in 19: Depends on what you are recycling. Metals - great idea. Glass, OK, Paper and plastic? Trash But no laws are needed to mandate recycling metals. Companies do it because it makes economic sense. Also, as I have seen, people are stupid, and do not properly separate recyclable and non-recyclable items. That adds to the cost.
Kosh's Shadow
10/26/2021 4:26:21 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: Although I read about an Israeli company that came up with a way to recycle more trash into useful plastic. Probably more expensive than plastic made from oil, but you can charge greenies extra for that.
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