Good morning. Isn't it interesting that we've come to take it as "normal" that the Left may well riot if they don't get the trial verdict that they want, in some high-profile case.
Leftists may well claim that the same risk exists on the other side, but no one really believes that.
11/17/2021 7:31:04 AM
Kamala Harris Calls The “Loss Of Lives And Livelihoods” During The Pandemic “An Opportunity”
Kosh's Shadow
11/17/2021 7:33:31 AM
In #2 JCM said: Kamala Harris Calls The “Loss Of Lives And Livelihoods” During The Pandemic “An Opportunity”
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Kosh's Shadow
11/17/2021 7:34:05 AM
So, is Kyle Rittenhouse a witch? His trial resembles witch trials.
lucius septimius
11/17/2021 8:05:31 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:
Not really. He was granted due process and allowed a serious defense. And the judge was remarkably impartial (his eeeevil fascist ringtone notwithstanding).
A hallmark of witch trials was the suspension of legal norms - both statutory and procedural - and the assumption of guilt at the outset. Witch "trials" were not really trials at all. The main action was interrogation aimed mainly at achieving a confession and then securing the names of additional suspects. Once the suspect had confessed, there was no need for a formal trial. Rather, a summary judgement was issued, followed by sentencing.
That, of course, is what the Left wishes would happen - force a confession and then issue a judgement that has the veneer of legality to it. But for them the outcome is never in doubt.
For now, the courts won't oblige them. That's why it's essential that they use extra-legal means -- HR trolls and Student Service tribunals, for example - to prosecute their victims. And in those cases they can claim (with some justice) that since these are not "trials" legal protections are not required. And they are allowed to define "due process" however they want. This is, of course, what happened in witch "trials." Since they weren't actual trials but merely involved the questioning of suspects, the idea of "due process" could be bent.
One last observation: from what I've seen, the real weakness was the refusal to allow the suspect legal representation. HR trolls and school administrators do this all the time, but they are on shaky legal ground.
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 8:05:37 AM
Reply to JCM in 2:
One death is a tragedy; three quarters of a million is an opportunity.
-Comrade Kamala Vissarionovich Harris
11/17/2021 8:07:47 AM
In #1 Occasional Reader said: Isn't it interesting that we've come to take it as "normal" that the Left may well riot if they don't get the trial verdict that they want, in some high-profile case.
Not just high-profile cases; look at the cancel mobs on university campuses, the rowdy protests when Trump nominated Supreme Court justices, etc. The Left attempts heckler's vetoes on everything.
11/17/2021 8:16:48 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:
The "new normal" was the big tip to me.
The "opportunity" is for a "soft" socialist revolution. Run from inside the government.
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 8:22:38 AM
Reply to JCM in 8:
I grudgingly participated in an online senior management training module early on in the pandemic. One of the high-priced Harvard "intellectuals" who was allegedly teaching the thing was practically salivating while saying something like, "what we're doing now [lockdowns, etc.] is nothing compared to what we'll have to do to address climate change!'
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 8:22:38 AM
Reply to JCM in 8:
I grudgingly participated in an online senior management training module early on in the pandemic. One of the high-priced Harvard "intellectuals" who was allegedly teaching the thing was practically salivating while saying something like, "what we're doing now [lockdowns, etc.] is nothing compared to what we'll have to do to address climate change!'
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 8:23:40 AM
In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: The Left attempts heckler's vetoes on everything.
I am sometimes tempted by the idea of a Heckler Koch veto on the Left.
11/17/2021 8:26:08 AM
In #9 Occasional Reader said: One of the high-priced Harvard "intellectuals" who was allegedly teaching the thing was practically salivating while saying something like, "what we're doing now [lockdowns, etc.] is nothing compared to what we'll have to do to address climate change!'
If---God help you---you listen to Morning Sedition on NPR, it is mind-boggling the way they've ramped up the "climate change" babble in the last few weeks.
11/17/2021 8:26:48 AM
In #11 Occasional Reader said: I am sometimes tempted by the idea of a Heckler Koch veto on the Left.
That is some form of high-powered projectile dispenser, is it not?
11/17/2021 8:29:53 AM
In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: If---God help you---you listen to Morning Sedition on NPR, it is mind-boggling the way they've ramped up the "climate change" babble in the last few weeks.
Have they decided that only socialism will allow us to protect Mother Earth, that authoritarianism is necessary in order to prevent people from burning too many fossil fuels and coal that hurts Mother Gaia?
11/17/2021 8:45:30 AM
Reply to vxbush in 14:
Well, they've been talking about all the reasons for the current terrible economy, and conspicuously absent from the discussions about gas prices, "supply chain" problems, and higher prices/shortages generally is any mention whatsoever of Biden's screwing around with the domestic energy industry. Meanwhile, they're yapping about how OPEC is to blame and that we should impose sanctions on, and maybe sue, Saudi Arabia to get it to pump more oil.
Meantime, Doddering Joe is in Michigan to push his "infrastructure bill" by talking to auto workers who are making coal-powered electric automobiles.
Today they had on some prof from somewhere who has worked with the Central Park Conservancy, telling us that nobody should have lawns because they use---gasp!---chemicals, and people use power mowers and leaf blowers. This hectoring prof grudgingly conceded that she didn't have a problem with people having lawns "if they used them" (where does she get off telling people what to do with their land, and presuming to grant them permission?), but said that people really should have more "weeds" and other "natural" growths, and more insects, because insects pollinate everything.
Meanwhile, everything from hangnails to housemaid's knee is the fault of "climate change," and the stories about increased asthma from fires, about floods, "rising sea levels" (ain't seen those here in New York; it appears to happen only in Third World areas), droughts, etc., have been flying thick and fast. They haven't said the magic S-word "socialism" yet, nor quite yet demanded authoritatianism, but that's just because they're softening up the listeners with these stories.
When the movie of the Rittenhouse trial is made, will Alec Baldwin play the prosecutor?/
11/17/2021 8:56:59 AM
In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: When the movie of the Rittenhouse trial is made, will Alec Baldwin play the prosecutor?/
Isn't he kind of busy trying to "play" a prosecutor right now?
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 9:12:53 AM
In #17 Occasional Reader said: Correctamundo!
(Caution: Neither of the firearms depicted in that clip is an HK)
11/17/2021 9:14:04 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:
I have seen as much lately, but about 6 months into the lockdown there were a lot of posts about clear air, drop in pollutants etc... along with suggestions that we should make it "normal" to save the planet.
I haven't seen as much lately.
lucius septimius
11/17/2021 10:38:21 AM
Meanwhile, the pedo, grandma-punching criminals that Rittenhouse killed are being turned into martyrs for BLM.
More Horst Wessels.
11/17/2021 11:01:57 AM
In the unlikely event that Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, when CNN has to explain this to its viewers will it be on the horns of a Don Lemon?
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 11:04:03 AM
In #22 lucius septimius said: Meanwhile, the pedo, grandma-punching criminals that Rittenhouse killed are being turned into martyrs for BLM.
I hadn't seen this, as of yet. Where are you seeing it? I'd have thought that would be a stretch, even for them; regarding the child molester (Rosenbaum) in particular.
11/17/2021 11:08:51 AM
In #22 lucius septimius said: More Horst Wessels.
The Left's history of highly-questionable martyrs goes back to the McNamaras, who bombed the LA Times prior to WWI; to Joe Hill; to Sacco & Vanzetti; and to the Scottsboro Boys, to name just a few.
11/17/2021 11:18:25 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23:
If he's found guilty there are so many grounds for an appeal.
Not the least of which is jury intimidation, people trying to video and take pictures of the jury and attempts to dox them.
lucius septimius
11/17/2021 11:25:26 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:
Protesters on the steps outside the courthouse.
And the push to normalize pedophilia is big now on the Left.
11/17/2021 11:26:32 AM
In #23 buzzsawmonkey said: In the unlikely event that Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, when CNN has to explain this to its viewers will it be on the horns of a Don Lemon?
Oh, I'd like to see them try that.
11/17/2021 11:38:21 AM
In #27 lucius septimius said: And the push to normalize pedophilia is big now on the Left.
Lord, I was born a NAMBLAin' man
Trying to get next to the kiddies as best I can
And when the mob drags me from the jail, I hope they'll understand
That I was born a NAMBLAin' man...
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 11:53:10 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 29:
Kosh's Shadow
11/17/2021 12:11:14 PM
In #27 lucius septimius said: And the push to normalize pedophilia is big now on the Left.
Allyn Walker, a trans assistant professor at Old Dominion University (ODU) and author of the book A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity, was put on administrative leave by the college he/she/they/zhim-zhim works for on Tuesday.
Walker’s book is just the latest attempt by people on the left to normalize pedophilia. They’ve gone so far as to try to rename child molesters, calling them “minor-attracted persons” or “MAPs.” REAL people aren’t buying it.
Occasional Reader
11/17/2021 12:22:41 PM
In #32 Kosh's Shadow said: They’ve gone so far as to try to rename child molesters, calling them “minor-attracted persons” or “MAPs.”
Well, in fairness... the distinction he/she/whatever is making (as I understand it) between people who are sexually attracted to children, and "child molesters", is a valid one. One can imagine people who feel that impulse, but do not act upon it; whether because of a sense of morality, or fear of getting caught, or some combination of the two. However, given the context in which this is all happening, yes, my guess (without having studied his/her/its work) is that this is part of a push to normalize child-attraction.
Kosh's Shadow
11/17/2021 12:37:52 PM
In #33 Occasional Reader said: However, given the context in which this is all happening, yes, my guess (without having studied his/her/its work) is that this is part of a push to normalize child-attraction.
Exactly. If there is nothing wrong with being attracted to children, the step to actually doing something is made much smaller.
It strongly reduced the moral block against acting on the impulses.
The Manhattan District Attorney's office said it will act to exonerate two men convicted of killing Black activist and civil rights advocate Malcolm X in 1965 in what will represent an official acknowledgment of errors made in the case.
A nearly two-year investigation conducted jointly by the Manhattan DA and lawyers for the two men found that prosecutors and law enforcement agencies withheld key evidence that, had it been turned over, would likely have led to the pair's acquittal, according to the Times.
Some historians and scholars have contended that the wrong men were convicted. Vance's office said last year it would review the convictions in the case.
11/17/2021 4:29:47 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 33:
I could accept the distinction if "MAPs" could keep their thoughts as well as their hands to themselves. Demanding sympathy and acceptance is simply a prelude to openly offending.
While legal experts have said the details give Rittenhouse a strong argument for self-defense, some worry about the broader signal an acquittal could send.
So according to the media you should be found guilty not on the merits of the case, but on the message it could send.
My contempt for them is at a new low.
11/17/2021 4:51:45 PM
Reply to JCM in 37:
Here's a message for the community: fuck around and find out.
11/17/2021 5:00:50 PM
In #37 JCM said: the message it could send.
You mean, like, the "message" that self-defense is self-defense, and self-defense is legally protected?