Occasional Reader
1/13/2022 5:47:04 AM
Via Insty:
Kosh's Shadow
1/13/2022 5:54:57 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 1: All the Dems should be ishTarred and feathered and run out of town
1/13/2022 7:19:40 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2: Frankly I would do the whole lot of them Dems and Reps.
Occasional Reader
1/13/2022 7:34:42 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2: well, you and I are both apparently domestic terrorists and racists who stand with Jefferson Davis. The “president“ of the United States just said so.
1/13/2022 7:54:29 AM
The Ipicress File... The Eiger Sanction... The Andromeda Strain... and now... The Omicron Variant!
1/13/2022 8:13:29 AM
Good morning. I'm now on Day 10 of the crud. No fever, just sneezing and coughing. I have a Covid test this afternoon. I made the appointment a week ago and thought surely I'd be fine by now but here we are.
Occasional Reader
1/13/2022 8:25:11 AM
In #6 doppelganglander said: Good morning. I'm now on Day 10 of the crud. No fever, just sneezing and coughing. I have a Covid test this afternoon. I made the appointment a week ago and thought surely I'd be fine by now but here we are. It could, of course, be a lot of things. But if your symptoms are still this mild after ten days, I'd say you're in good shape, no matter what it is (including if it's the 'rona). Hope you feel better soon.
1/13/2022 8:44:49 AM
Ugh. Just 2 hours of work and I'm absolutely exhausted. That's what I get for moving computer equipment around.
lucius septimius
1/13/2022 8:51:19 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 6:
Alice in Dairyland
1/13/2022 8:57:41 AM
In #6 doppelganglander said: I'm now on Day 10 of the crud. My grandmother used to say a cold was ten days coming and ten days going. Hope that is all it is. Feel better soon.
Occasional Reader
1/13/2022 9:32:27 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 9: Heh. Just don't call it an "Alien", you racist. It's an... undocumented... abdomen-migrant, or something.
1/13/2022 9:37:48 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 6: Get well quickly!
Alice in Dairyland
1/13/2022 10:13:27 AM
In #11 Occasional Reader said: It's an... undocumented... I'm pretty sure that one is documented. There's a date and time stamp on its photograph. I'm guess they could use it for their driver's license and be able to LEGALLY vote at least.
1/13/2022 10:53:33 AM
Everything copyrighted in 1926 enters the public domain this year. That means that this little ditty is now public domain.
1/13/2022 11:49:44 AM
In #11 Occasional Reader said: It's an... undocumented... abdomen-migrant, or something. ROTFLMAO
Occasional Reader
1/13/2022 12:46:00 PM
In #14 buzzsawmonkey said: That means that this little ditty is now public domain. Porque dicen que los hombres son masculinos, y las mujeres, no? En general, las mujeres son mas culinas...
/pun in Spanish by a Peruvian friend, long ago; apologies for the missing accents, not easy on this keyboard
1/13/2022 12:46:14 PM
In #17 vxbush said: It's unfortunate that the medical care worker mandate continues, especially given that COVID positive nurses with active infection have been asked to work. Actually, that's great; if there is indeed the nursing shortage that the media claims, this will encourage hospital administrators to disregard the law, and others to support/connive at their doing so with impunity. Something which encourages contempt on the part of populace for those currently in our government is necessary.
Kosh's Shadow
1/13/2022 1:19:33 PM
In #14 buzzsawmonkey said: That means that this little ditty is now public domain. Did you read the Wikipedia excerpt in the description? Interesting.
1/13/2022 1:38:30 PM
In #21 Kosh's Shadow said: Did you read the Wikipedia excerpt in the description? Interesting.
I hadn't, but it's not a bad summary. More detail on the German organizations than I remember from reading Isherwood's autobio of his Berlin years, "Christopher and His Kind," which mentions Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institute for Sexual Research (may have misremembered the name), with whom Isherwood was acquainted, and a film arguing for the repeal of Germany's sodomy laws starring Conrad Veidt---neither of which the Wikipedia entry mentions. The Haines/Shields relationship was mentioned in a (very bad) film I saw recently about movie costume designer Orry-Kelly, who was apparently in a relationship with Cary Grant early in both their careers. The Wiki piece repeats the same line as some of the film's talking heads about the "repression" of homosexuals following the Crash; it appears to be the movement's current attempt to deal with the fact that things were not so dark and miserable and groaning as the movement would have people believe. I'd quarrel with that worldview, given that the Code crackdown in films didn't happen until 1934; affected everyone, homosexual or heterosexual; and just as there were still heterosexual jokes, situations, double-entendres after the crackdown, there were homosexual ones too---just less blatant.
1/13/2022 1:51:38 PM
In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: Actually, that's great; if there is indeed the nursing shortage that the media claims, this will encourage hospital administrators to disregard the law, and others to support/connive at their doing so with impunity.
Something which encourages contempt on the part of populace for those currently in our government is necessary. I appreciate the sentiment, and I'm all about hoisting middle fingers toward the leadership of this country. But it really pains me to see the laws of this country completely ignored by the state and federal governments, and I would really like to see some serious correction going on. Doesn't it encourage what is already selective enforcement of the laws? Those who are friends with the governors/DAs don't get prosecuted, while the nobodies do. So much for equal before the law.
1/13/2022 1:58:46 PM
In #23 vxbush said: So much for equal before the law. Now, now---first we were all equal (remember that "all men are created equal" line from...somewhere?), and then came the law, with all of its favoritism, selective enforcement, and general cronyism putting thumbs, forefingers, and the occasional brick onto the scales of justice. We were "equal before the law," but unequal once the law came. I'm only half-joking; I learned early on in my legal career, such as it has been, that one of the most lawless places on earth is a federal courtroom.
Kosh's Shadow
1/13/2022 2:22:24 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 24: There's a video on why you shouldn't talk to the police if they are questioning you, in which he points out there are so many laws that they can find something to catch you on. Like transporting a fish from a jurisdiction where it is illegal to possess that kind of fish. Obviously there is something, er, fishy going on Jukebox
1/13/2022 3:10:18 PM
In #25 Kosh's Shadow said: transporting a fish from a jurisdiction where it is illegal to possess that kind of fish.
Speaking of the scales of justice, and whether or not one is gill-ty...
Kosh's Shadow
1/13/2022 3:34:45 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 26: I think this means if the police ask questions, you need to clam up. And if they are looking for illegal crustaceans, they need to show probable claws.
Alice in Dairyland
1/13/2022 3:48:34 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27: Just remember your lessons from school and don't take the bait.
Kosh's Shadow
1/13/2022 3:51:37 PM
In #28 Alice in Dairyland said: Just remember your lessons from school and don't take the bait. Lobstermen use entrapment! (So does the Federal Bureau of Insurrection)
Kosh's Shadow
1/13/2022 4:33:39 PM
We need a political movie Filli-Busters!
lucius septimius
1/13/2022 4:37:21 PM
I just saw that Terry Teachout died -- he was only 65. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
1/13/2022 10:07:43 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 1: To funny!
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