1/27/2022 6:07:35 AM
In #1 Occasional Reader said: Biden reiterates commitment to chromosomal nose-counting for SCOTUS nomination: As I understand it, she has already been selected, and she is supremely leftist. His article goes back to an earlier article he wrote, and he knew then what was going to happen. If this happens, and if she gets approved by the Senate (which seems doubtful but might happen), that would be the final nail on the coffin of US exceptionalism.
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 6:45:50 AM
In #2 vxbush said: If this happens, and if she gets approved by the Senate (which seems doubtful but might happen), that would be the final nail on the coffin of US exceptionalism. Well... there would still be a 6-3 "conservative" (nominally, anyway) majority on the court.
1/27/2022 6:46:29 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: Well... there would still be a 6-3 "conservative" (nominally, anyway) majority on the court. Yes, and we've already seen several instances where the so-called "conservatives" end up siding with the nonconservatives.
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 6:49:13 AM
Biden is all in favor of having black women on the Federal bench; except, of course, if they're conservative. Then, it's filibuster time (you know, that thing that is now the Worst Thing Ever And A Threat To "Our Democracy").
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 6:49:56 AM
Gah. Sorry. The page is VERY kludgy for me right now.
lucius septimius
1/27/2022 7:19:35 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 7: Biden's (or whoever it is that's making these decisions) choice derives from two sources: 1) a craven and cynical promise to get the support of a single politician in South Carolina 2) the constant need of liberal white elites to feed their insatiable moral vanity. No matter how good the choice might be - and based on what I've read, there are qualified candidates out there - the choice will do absolutely nothing to help Blacks, particularly the poor ones shooting each other in the cities. But it will provide a short-term moral buzz for the white elites, which is all that matters. And when it comes to confirmation only one issue will matter, one particularly beloved of upper middle class white college-educated women (the D's bread and butter): Abortion on Demand. They might throw trans rights in as a sop, but that one isn't selling well with the white woman demographic at the moment. Richard Grenell noted today that Biden wouldn't even consider an Asian, or Hispanic, or even a gay candidate. Only a REAL BLACK will count since, according to D's there are only two races. Meanwhile, I saw something (can't find it right now) saying that Biden's unpopularity among blacks has quadrupled since his Georgia exercise in shoe banging.
1/27/2022 7:40:19 AM
In #9 lucius septimius said: the constant need of liberal white elites to feed their insatiable moral vanity. This is actually hugely significant because it drives everything they do: COVID posturing, abortion posturing, soft on crime posturing, etc. They have to feel good, regardless of whether the policy actually helps the people they are purporting to help. It is a terrible ethic and extremely detrimental to the population, but this ethos is the driving force. And this is what I have been trying to figure out for ages how to change, or at least get them to realize that there are other options that don't have to be considered anathema.
1/27/2022 7:53:28 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: Every administration has a list of potential nominees in their pocket. Of course Biden will nominate someone dreadful. But there's still a nominal 6-3 conservative majority. I'm not going to get too worked up about it.
1/27/2022 7:58:19 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 9:
Very well stated. I knew he was in serious trouble when Stacey didn't show up. Just 18 months ago, she was putting on knee pads to get the VP slot.
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 8:00:32 AM
In #9 lucius septimius said: according to D's there are only two races. Yep. As reflected in the prog-controlled popular culture. "It don't matter if you're black or white"- Michael Jackson. "A crowd has gathered; black and white" - U2. Etc.
1/27/2022 8:37:28 AM
In #9 lucius septimius said: Richard Grenell noted today that Biden wouldn't even consider an Asian, or Hispanic, or even a gay candidate.
Why would they need to consider a gay candidate, when the First Don't Ask/Don't Tell Justice is already on the Court, courtesy of Barack Obama?
1/27/2022 8:42:25 AM
In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: The list of possible Biden SCOTUS nominees Hunter Biden: He should fit right in. This may be the easiest nominee to push through. Gotta' tell Jill. Heh.
Kosh's Shadow
1/27/2022 10:05:50 AM
Reply to vxbush in 16: I like this one: Michelle Obama: Barack will kill me if I don't nominate her.
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 11:29:00 AM
In #19 vxbush said: So this is available, if you want to buy some property in Las Vegas.
"The whole point of having a secret bunker is to keep it a secret bunker... why did you tell everybody?!"
/Dr. Stranglove-voice
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 11:29:16 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:
Kosh's Shadow
1/27/2022 2:07:19 PM
In #9 lucius septimius said: the constant need of liberal white elites to feed their insatiable moral vanity. No matter that their policies hurt those they pretend to care about. Some are more open about it, like the "No one cares about the Uighurs" guy. It is all lip service, and I think the real elites know it, but it gives them power. I linked to a book "The Coming Neo-Feudalism" a couple of days ago. They are as out of touch as Marie Antoinette. Or worse.
Kosh's Shadow
1/27/2022 5:41:41 PM
If there were a pub thread, would people be more likely to post?
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 5:52:04 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:
I am headed to the gym for a while, but will happily post after that, pub thread or no.
Occasional Reader
1/27/2022 6:21:29 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 24: or, maybe I’m not going to the gym, since my left knee seems to be rather firmly announcing to me, “take the night off, you overdid it these last three days“.
Kosh's Shadow
1/27/2022 6:28:51 PM
1/27/2022 8:24:11 PM
In today's Washington Post (1/27), there is an article headlined, "Gas stoves in kitchens pose a risk to public health and the planet, research finds." These people are dangerously insane.
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