Occasional Reader
1/30/2022 10:24:49 AM
Had pancakes with Little OR, because why not.
Occasional Reader
1/30/2022 10:36:54 AM
Is everyone buried under snow?
lucius septimius
1/30/2022 10:59:46 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 2: Nope. Went to church, did some chores, had lunch, now just sort of vegging.
Occasional Reader
1/30/2022 11:21:20 AM
It occurs to me; we’ve already had a SCOTUS Associate Justice Blackmun. Assuming Gropey Joe’s Chromosomal Preference Plan goes through, should we just designate the next one Justice Blackwomun?
1/30/2022 11:48:56 AM
I think it was doppel who mentioned the other day---in the wake of some of the things I've posted about the Left inveighing against the Evils of Natural Gas (even though there's "natural" right there in the name)---the idea of us being forced to "eat bugs." Well, sir, today's "OZY" email feed ("OZY" being the NPR online magazine, the title being taken from "Ozymandias" [i.e., "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"]), they're discussing whether it "might be time to outlaw meat," with links to such taste-tempting articles as this.
1/30/2022 1:37:51 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 7: ++++++++++++++++++ Most revitalizing.
1/30/2022 4:34:24 PM
So, is Neil Young changing his name to "Kneel, Young" or to "Neil Superannuated"?
1/30/2022 5:05:16 PM
Given the number of folks here who are either direct immigrants on HB-1 visas, or the children of people here on HB-1 visas, and who are taking jobs not only in the tech industries but in various legal/political jobs, it appears that the Left is attempting to give the United States back to the Indians.
Kosh's Shadow
1/30/2022 5:23:43 PM
In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: Given the number of folks here who are either direct immigrants on HB-1 visas, or the children of people here on HB-1 visas, and who are taking jobs not only in the tech industries but in various legal/political jobs, it appears that the Left is attempting to give the United States back to the Indians. HOW! I've had several interviews that I could have fit just fine but they decided not to proceed with some stupid explanation. I'd require companies to show how the people they get with H1B fit but the others do not, and they could still hire H1B but would have to pay expanded unemployment and social security payments. (You don't hire software engineers over 40? OK, then you pay YOUR contribution to let software engineers retire at 40.) There was iirc a Fox article where a reporter confronted a tech executive who said they could not find people in the US to take the positions - the reporter's wife was in high tech. The exec admitted she'd cost too much.
lucius septimius
1/31/2022 11:59:09 AM
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