Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 5:10:56 AM
It's St. Patrick's Day. We need a proper breakfast
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 5:18:43 AM
And it's also Purim, so both Jews and Irish can get drunk
3/17/2022 6:00:09 AM
In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: And it's also Purim, so both Jews and Irish can get drunk The best of both worlds! Morning, campers.
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 6:01:05 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:
Given the effects of copious amounts of beer on the digestive tract, it would be more fitting for the day after St. Patrick’s Day to be “Evacuation Day”…
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 6:10:11 AM
It occurred to me, something that Putin could do to raise the stakes without quite “going there“: announce that Russia is withdrawing from the nuclear test ban treaty, and promptly start testing large thermonuclear weapons above ground.
3/17/2022 6:36:00 AM
In #6 Occasional Reader said: Huge, if true. Emphasis on the word “if “. It would be more than we lost in 20 years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. Note the key phrase that Ann shares: "according to American intelligence estimates". Unless I know how those estimates are being generated--which the military has no interest or desire to share with me--I will be hugely skeptical. Neal Ferguson did his estimates of COVID deaths and they were hugely, HUGELY wrong, but everyone went along with them in the governments. He has been wrong for years, and people who have seen his code say it is impenetrable and terrible. I fear the government folks estimating this could be as bad, although before I would have trusted them to have decent numbers. Not anymore.
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 7:02:38 AM
Reply to vxbush in 8:
Like I said, 'if true. Emphasis on the word “if “"
3/17/2022 7:11:31 AM
In #9 Occasional Reader said: Like I said, 'if true. Emphasis on the word “if “" William Briggs has noted lately that everything that is being shared in the news about this or that big thing--is all information about models. Climate change, pollution, lead levels, you name it--almost all these stories today are based on models. When NASA and NOAA started changing the officially recorded temperatures to their preferred skewed versions and threw away the original data, that was a data crime. Oh, they couched it in terms of "correcting" the data, but you don't do that with data. Ever.
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 7:25:48 AM
Reply to vxbush in 10: Recently, there was a paper "recalibrating" the ocean temperature data, claiming that old data showed higher temperatures because the samples were taken by ship, and the water near the ship was warmer. Thus older temperatures were really lower and warming worse. That was in an issue of Science that AAAS sent me trying to get me to re-join. I have never read a paper in Science that didn't go into details with methodology and calculations. This did not; it was more the detail of a Science News article than a real scientific article.
3/17/2022 7:26:47 AM
Strange dream.... In a new house, I'm trying to take a shower but the bathroom is also a gift shop. You know how hard it is to take a shower while tourist keep want to buy things?
3/17/2022 7:31:04 AM
In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: Recently, there was a paper "recalibrating" the ocean temperature data, claiming that old data showed higher temperatures because the samples were taken by ship, and the water near the ship was warmer. Thus older temperatures were really lower and warming worse.
That was in an issue of Science that AAAS sent me trying to get me to re-join. I have never read a paper in Science that didn't go into details with methodology and calculations. This did not; it was more the detail of a Science News article than a real scientific article. There's more and more of this going on, only presenting the final decision or analysis without giving the intermediate results. A lot of COVID papers were showing issues with the vaccines or things that were unexpected, but when you got to the conclusion, it gave the boilerplate statement "the vaccines are very safe," even when that went completely against the results in the paper. Pfizer's safety data is the same way; if you dig into the safety data, you realize it isn't a safe vaccine, but they keep saying it is. A prominent YouTube doctor who has spent a lot of time discussing COVID recently got red pilled on this.
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 7:43:25 AM
Reply to JCM in 12:
(Yes, I remember this stuff, 35-40 years later)
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 7:53:03 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3: “ so both Jews and Irish can get drunk”
i’m still taking my “month of March off from all alcohol”. Which I’m actually finding to be quite painless.
3/17/2022 8:05:12 AM
In #16 Occasional Reader said: i’m still taking my “month of March off from all alcohol”. Coming in like a lion, going out like a lamb, are we?
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 8:20:59 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 17: more the other way around, since I plan to have an April fools day drink with dinner.
it just occurred to me toward the end of last month that I've gotten very used to having wine or beer with dinner pretty much every day, and it might be healthy to take a month off from that.
3/17/2022 8:48:59 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 19: If IRG isn't a Terror Group. Then Trump can be charged for murder or war crimes for the Suleimani strike. This would theoretically take Trump off the board for 2024.
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 8:51:30 AM
Adam Carolla: Here’s the Real Reason Kids Were Forced to Mask in Schools According to comedian Adam Carolla, the reason kids were forced to mask in schools for two years had nothing to do with protecting them from COVID-19, but actually with making them “good subjects.” Carolla believes it had nothing to do with the virus and instead likened it to crate training — though Carolla argues there’s something sinister about the prolonged masking of kids because “there is no science to what they are doing.” “Well, just remember this phrase, Megyn: ‘crate training.’” He elaborated, “You cannot train a dog when it’s middle-aged. You got to get them when they’re puppies. And get them trained up and into that crate. And that’s what we’re doing with kids. Because this will not be the last emergency. And it will not be the last time the government and the governor and the mayor need to exact their power.”
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 9:20:10 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:
He gets a half-mark off for misusing "exact", but; the thesis is depressingly plausible.
3/17/2022 9:38:25 AM
The Leftist artists---and some non-artists---on Facebook are all busy baying after Tucker Carlson like a pack of bloodhounds. What the hell has set them off?
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 9:45:09 AM
In #23 buzzsawmonkey said: The Leftist artists---and some non-artists---on Facebook are all busy baying after Tucker Carlson like a pack of bloodhounds. What the hell has set them off? From a PJM article behind the paywall (but for some reason I can still access) Health Secretary “Admiral Rachel” Levine was just anointed as one of USA Today‘s
“Women of the Year.” When Tucker Carlson dared to point out the
insanity, that Levine is neither an Admiral nor a woman, the left pooped
their socks. From Yahoo News: Fox News host Tucker Carlson lobbed transphobic attacks
against four-star Adm. Rachel Levine on his show Tuesday night,
questioning why the nation’s highest-ranking transgender official was
honored as a “woman of the year” and calling her a “fake admiral.”
My emphasis
3/17/2022 9:54:29 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21: Their were certainly no scientific basis for kids wearing masks. My term was they wanted to establish control over people, and having obedience built in by fear. Very similar in thinking to Adam.
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 9:55:08 AM
NASA's big, new moon rocket set to debut in Florida I wonder whether SpaceX Starship or SLS will carry astronauts to the Moon first. I'm thinking it will be Starship, in 2023 as scheduled. There probably will be an SLS unmanned launch in 2022, but I don't know when it will be manned.
3/17/2022 10:01:44 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24: Couldn't access the PJM article myself. I can understand, up to a point, the Leftist loons foaming over Carlson's so-called "transphobia," but that doesn't explain the burgeoning number of drawings depicting Carlson as a Puppet of Putin, merely spewing Russian propaganda. Is this a version of the Trump "Russia Russia Russia" nonsense, using Carlson as a proxy?
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 10:15:02 AM
In #27 buzzsawmonkey said: burgeoning number of drawings depicting Carlson as a Puppet of Putin, merely spewing Russian propaganda He has been somewhat less than supportive over Ukraine. One point isolationists miss is that not supporting Ukraine sends a message to US allies that they cannot count on the US. Saudi Arabia is refusing calls from the Biden administration and contacting China instead. Europe is increasing defense spending instead of relying on the US (although that is a good thing; they can afford it). China is sending more planes over Taiwan.
3/17/2022 10:58:16 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 16: I gave up alcohol for Lent. It hasn't been too difficult and I've lost 4 lbs.
Occasional Reader
3/17/2022 11:20:43 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 30:
I have not been tracking my weight, but I do think I sleep somewhat better.
3/17/2022 11:24:11 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 31: My sleep is screwed up from the time change. The quality of my sleep is better but I still have trouble falling asleep in the first place.
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 12:37:59 PM
After Newsweek named a man as one of their women of the year, Car and Driver plans to name a bicycle as its car of the year. (Maybe I should write for the Babylon Bee?)
3/17/2022 12:40:50 PM
In #33 Kosh's Shadow said: (Maybe I should write for the Babylon Bee?) You can always send them a tip, right? Contact the Bee here.
3/17/2022 12:51:42 PM
Shushan Boy —apologies to “Shoeshine Boy”
He's just a Shushan boy He won't bow his head Shushan boy Haman wants him dead On the day he casts the lot But shine, shine, Shushan boy Shushan boy Trusting G-d will foil Shushan boy Haman's plans for spoil And prevent his evil plot Oh, shine, shine Shushan boy Esther will inform the King What his minister's brewing And before he knows, he'll find What he wished on Mordechai's head Will all come down on him instead He'll be in an awful bind Shushan boy Has a happy fate The King will His status elevate And he'll have what Haman's got So shine, shine Shushan boy
3/17/2022 3:18:38 PM
*sigh* How I hate turf fights. I have to load data to Product Lifecycle Manager (PLM) the manager of the PLM tool won't give me permissions to manage the data I load in PLM. So I told everyone, if that is the case my team is not responsible for the data after we load it. If the PLM and my data are out sync it is no longer my problem. This is fun because my data is the source for manufacturing and ordering every single electronic component in the project.
3/17/2022 3:58:33 PM
Sums up Ukraine reporting.....
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 4:32:07 PM
Reply to JCM in 37: Is that Jussie Smolett?
Kosh's Shadow
3/17/2022 4:32:28 PM
In #38 Kosh's Shadow said: Is that Jussie Smolett? Smollettsky
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