The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/21/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 4/16/2022 2:19:07 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 4/21/2022 6:01:19 AM

Kosh wrote yesterday: Kamala Harris’s Deep Thoughts (continued)

I have more shock at thinking that this woman thought (or someone thought and told her) she should run for president

Just think how stupid she is, and realize that she thinks you are even more stupid. 

Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2022 6:58:51 AM

In #1 vxbush said: I have more shock at thinking that this woman thought (or someone thought and told her) she should run for president.  Just think how stupid she is, and realize that she thinks you are even more stupid. 

(Actually OR posted that)

It is that and Biden's obvious dementia that makes me wonder how he could have been elected legitimately. It shows how far the Dems have sunk that they would nominate those two.

I remember some comedian back in 1968 saying something about how when the country was founded, we had Washington, Jefferson, etc and the best the country had then was Nixon and Humphrey. Those two are great (yes, both of them) compared to Biden and Harris.

lucius septimius 4/21/2022 7:08:03 AM

In #1 vxbush said: I have more shock at thinking that this woman thought (or someone thought and told her) she should run for president. 

It just shows how deep the narcissism runs.

Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2022 7:41:47 AM
And Space Force members are called "Guardians". 
vxbush 4/21/2022 8:02:35 AM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: It is that and Biden's obvious dementia that makes me wonder how he could have been elected legitimately. It shows how far the Dems have sunk that they would nominate those two.

Given how much effort went into preventing Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination in either 2016 or 2020, it is clear that the Dems aren't interested in actually letting the grass roots determine who the nominee is. But the same could be said of the Republicans to some extent. The Republicans have been playing games about who can actually be the Republican candidates for office in Tennessee, for instance. 

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: (Actually OR posted that)

D'oh! Sorry, OR! 

Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2022 9:26:51 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Kamala Harris’s Deep Thoughts (continued)

Deep Thought? I'm not sure she can even count to 42.

Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2022 9:58:03 AM
Discussion of the damage to the Moskva, including pictures
Occasional Reader 4/21/2022 10:58:22 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

She’s dead, Jim.

JCM 4/21/2022 12:04:45 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

Somebody let the air out.

Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2022 1:56:37 PM

Reply to JCM in 9:

Apparently damage control is not a big item for the Russian Navy.

Although we cannot see how big the holes are under the waterline.

Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2022 2:04:42 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

Safety has never been a priority for the Soviets or Russians.

In the early days of the US ballistic missile submarine program, the Pentagon wanted to use the land-based missiles, liquid fueled, in a sub. The Navy flat out refused to have such dangerous fuels on a sub, and had industry develop solid fuel technology that could produce reliable motors and scale to the volume needed. 

The Soviets put liquid fuel missiles on subs, including ones that used fuels that would react with sea water, and, of course, the maintenance quality was such that the boats and missile tubes leaked, causing at least one disaster. (Hint - keep the vodka away from shipyard workers while they are on the job)

Rickover was an asshole, but he knew how to keep his boats and people safe. One story goes that when designing the first submarine reactors, the team was trying to decide whether the reactors would be welded shut, or sealed with bolts and o-rings so they could be refueled more easily. (Refueling was necessary in the early boats.) The O-ring guy had gotten everyone convinced to go that way, when Rickover came in and asked him "If your son were serving on this boat, would you feel comfortable with the o-ring?" The guy's face turned white, and they went with welding.

After the Thresher loss, there was a lot of asses being kicked; a new program to produce and verify good welds, and simplified designs were implemented. (The emergency blow system had some convoluted piping that iced up and prevented the tanks from being blown)

However, the most likely reason for the loss of the Scorpion was that the torpedo batteries had defects and could overheat.

buzzsawmonkey 4/21/2022 4:13:03 PM
So looking forward to the end of Passover on Saturday night.
Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2022 4:18:49 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12:

Did you hear archeologists recently found an ancient piece of matzah from the Exodus? It is just as edible now as it was then.


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