The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/22/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 4/16/2022 3:18:23 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 4/22/2022 6:28:37 AM

Morning, campers. 

Why would Obama come out now and proclaim that mal-, mis-, and disinformation are going to get worse? Oh, sure, he showed up to get paid big bucks to make a speech. But of all the things he could have focused on within the realm of cyberpolicy, he chose the topic of misinformation and AI. I have to wonder why. 

JCM 4/22/2022 7:10:22 AM


Good hunting on your interview!

Kosh's Shadow 4/22/2022 7:17:47 AM

Reply to JCM in 2:

Thanks. Starts at noon, my time

vxbush 4/22/2022 7:22:51 AM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: Thanks. Starts at noon, my time

Oh, may all our positive vibes and prayers push you over the finish line! 

JCM 4/22/2022 7:23:44 AM

Oh, I almost forgot!

It's compost your girlfriend in a trunk day!

vxbush 4/22/2022 7:28:16 AM

Are you ready for Design Justice

All the world through a marxist lens....

vxbush 4/22/2022 7:37:24 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

If you have time, read the introduction to the book that is listed at that page.  

JCM 4/22/2022 8:37:01 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

Reading it like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard.... a thin, screeching whine......

lucius septimius 4/22/2022 10:24:25 AM
XFL lasted longer than CNN+
vxbush 4/22/2022 10:26:18 AM

In #8 JCM said: Reading it like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard.... a thin, screeching whine......

I was just rolling my eyes as this person proudly proclaims xir status and then doesn't expect the rest of the world to play along with xir roleplaying. 

Occasional Reader 4/22/2022 12:03:15 PM

My Jase Case is here!  The prepper in me rejoices.

doppelganglander 4/22/2022 12:10:03 PM

Reply to JCM in 5:

My younger coworkers had never heard the story. Count on me to make things weird.

Occasional Reader 4/22/2022 1:28:54 PM

So, this just happened, right near where I used to live along with my son, and not too far from where we live now.

JCM 4/22/2022 2:11:36 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

This in the parking lot of a restaurant we were planning on for tonight.

Edmonds police involved in shooting on Hwy 99 while investigating domestic violence call

vxbush 4/22/2022 2:22:09 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

Reply to JCM in 14:

Yikes! Everybody stay safe! 

Occasional Reader 4/22/2022 4:03:06 PM
Shooter is apparently still at large, but gosh, no description given. I wonder what that means.
JCM 4/22/2022 4:28:14 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

You are raaaaacist to even ask!

Occasional Reader 4/22/2022 5:04:08 PM

Person of interest:

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