5/6/2022 6:23:57 AM
Is putting out a huge flower bouquet next to a puny breakfast a coping mechanism?
5/6/2022 7:18:00 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: I was looking for breakfast pictures with flowers... Gluten free chocolate pancakes with berries and cream!
5/6/2022 7:28:25 AM
Reply to JCM in 2: Yummy!
5/6/2022 8:18:39 AM
In #2 JCM said: Gluten free chocolate pancakes with berries and cream! *swoooooon* Sigh. THAT'S the way to start breakfast.
5/6/2022 8:19:07 AM
In #4 Occasional Reader said: https://www.thecollegefix.com/uk-midwifery-students-taught-males-can-give-birth-through-their-penises/ I rather doubt my son-in-law would agree with that.
Occasional Reader
5/6/2022 8:32:13 AM
Reply to JCM in 7:
Kosh's Shadow
5/6/2022 10:02:30 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: Biden Repeats False Claim He Once Had An Abortion "Back in the, around the, in the 1970s when I was a, you know, a young,
single black woman, I had to make a choice between keeping or killing,
or killing or keeping the where was I, the dead child, or you know
putting food on the table," claimed the real President behind a fake
lectern in a fake press room with fake windows on the set of a fake
White House.
Kosh's Shadow
5/6/2022 11:15:07 AM
Moloch Warns Of Looming Child Sacrifice Supply Chain Issues "My demon logistics department is reporting a supply chain shortage of
children to sacrifice upon burning idols and in fiery pits," said the
god of brazen gratification and hedonism. "The scarcity of innocent
young lives to be brutally murdered at my feet is mostly due to the US
Supreme Court's upcoming reversal of Roe v. Wade, led by white
supremacist Clarence Thomas."
Kosh's Shadow
5/6/2022 11:17:39 AM
JCM, different job info in the Frontier.
lucius septimius
5/6/2022 12:45:51 PM
One thing that I think many people have been missing in the current debates about the "A" word. Within feminist theory, abortion is really not the issue. It's the prohibitions against abortion that are the issue since those are merely means by which the patriarchy exercises control over women and oppresses them. That in this case it happens to be abortion is accidental - it could really be anything. The point is that any prohibitions perceived as being directed solely against women are simply expressions of a domineering male-centered system of social control. At other times child care and maternity leave have served a similar function. Note that for a radical feminist there is no contradiction here. Just because they want the right to unfettered abortion on demand does not mean that they wouldn't also want the right to have children and not be burdened with their care. They are two sides of the same coin. Patriarchal society places an unjust burden on women by demanding that they have the primary responsibility for having and caring for children. Women cannot be truly "free" unless they are relieved of the burdens associated with reproduction. This is what reproductive freedom means: freedom from the inequitable distribution of costs associated with reproduction. In a way the "men can have babies too" trans nonsense is a reflex of this kind of thinking - childbirth should be shared equally between the sexes. Both must, in an equitable society, share an equal burden. Not commensurate, mind you, but equal. One major consequence of this line of reasoning is that one cannot persuade a radical feminist by appeals to morality. To say that abortion is murder misses the point, in their minds. In fact, it simply reinforces the inequities of male domination and control over women's bodies. Anyone who makes that claim -- especially if they are women -- are merely enforcing patriarchal norms and participating in the oppression of women. Women who argue against unlimited abortion are - and I've seen this analogy used - no different than the grandmothers who perform clitorectomies on their granddaughters. They only do it because they think by conforming to the male ideology and enforcing male rules will get them a better deal. In the eyes of the feminists, anti-abortion women are Kapos.
Occasional Reader
5/6/2022 1:03:29 PM
Say, is that kerfuffle in Ukrovia, or whatever it’s called, still happening?
5/6/2022 1:05:20 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12: Replied.
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