5/25/2022 6:37:06 AM
Amazing how NPR was weeping and tearing its hair and garments all over the airwaves today about the Texas shooting---with barely a mention of the shooter. Scarcely mentioned his name (presumably, because it was/is Hispanic); did not discuss anything about his life or background; soft-pedaled that his victims were overwhelmingly Hispanic, as he himself was (in other words, they couldn't Release the Kraken Racism!). No mention of whether he had previously come to the attention of any authorities. Not even the hint of a ghost of a whisper about whether or not he was illegal---this is, apparently, a highly-Hispanic area close to the Open Border---or whether he was on drugs, or had any cartel connections. I find myself wondering not only whether or not he was illegal, but whether he was some sort of drugged-up cartel killer-for-hire, who was filled full of fentanyl, or meth, or something and deployed on a suicide mission to provide a "booster shot" (if you'll pardon the expression) to the Buffalo shooting, as a nice gun-control hysteria-fest is something that the administration could really use right about now. Paranoid? Maybe. Conspiracy-theorizing? Maybe. But nothing I would put past this "administration" at this point.
5/25/2022 6:59:09 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: But nothing I would put past this "administration" at this point. I think we do a disservice when we only consider the current administration. After watching what Obama did, I would say the last two Democrat administrations seemed willing to do just about anything to make their points.
5/25/2022 7:02:01 AM
In #2 vxbush said: I would say the last two Democrat administrations seemed willing to do just about anything to make their points. They both put the "men" in "mendacity," fer sher.
5/25/2022 8:19:37 AM
Thread-killer! Me!
5/25/2022 8:20:47 AM
The anger I feel about the shooting, about anytime people are murdered senselessly pales with the white hot livid rage for the political whores who shove the corpses of the dead in our faces and demand we surrender our Liberty. These are very same tyrants who blatantly ignore Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit where they rule and a the body count is the same as Texas every two weeks. Shaprio was right on when he called out Piers for standing on the bodies of the children of Sandy Hook. /rant off I feel better now.
Occasional Reader
5/25/2022 8:27:11 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: deployed on a suicide mission to provide a "booster shot" (if you'll pardon the expression) to the Buffalo shooting, as a nice gun-control hysteria-fest is something that the administration could really use right about now. Please don't do this. The nutbars at Instapundit were all foaming away about the "false flag" insanity yesterday. Not you, too. Please. There are lots and lots of evil people who do lots and lots of evil things, without coordinating with the DNC. Okay?
5/25/2022 8:31:13 AM
5/25/2022 8:44:47 AM
In #6 Occasional Reader said: There are lots and lots of evil people who do lots and lots of evil things, without coordinating with the DNC. Okay?
Agreed. I merely find the proximity in time somewhat troubling---even as I recognize that Action X by Disturbed Mind #1 might conceivably galvanize the possessor of Disturbed Mind #2 into action, simply as an inspiration or copycat. And I find vocalizing these speculations here in my "safe space" is a great way of lancing my own mental boils. I would mention something that I have NOT seen discussed anywhere as of yet, which is the acquisition-by-osmosis which clearly animates not only shooters of this sort, but the groomers/sexual despoilers of the young. These are people who feel deeply their own inadequacy and emptiness, and they work at filling that void within themselves, at least temporarily, by "acquiring" the lives of others. The pedophile types wish to "acquire" the purity or innocence of those they despoil, which is done by a combination of their being the first to enjoy the person, thus taking that purity from its initial owner, and at the same time bringing that person down to their own level. The mass shooter does the same, in a sense; he seeks to "increase" his own life by taking the lives of others. For some reason, nobody ever talks about this.
Occasional Reader
5/25/2022 8:50:30 AM
In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: And I find vocalizing these speculations here in my "safe space" is a great way of lancing my own mental boils. OK. It was rather distressing to see how many Insty posters, including one who are normally reasonably sane-sounding (not The Usual Suspects, that we both now) were all-in on "false flag! The FBI engineered this!". Ridiculous. And speaking of these things, the sniper situation that happened just down the avenue from me is turning into one of these "no known motive" situations... or no announced motive, anyway.
Occasional Reader
5/25/2022 8:57:23 AM
In #10 Occasional Reader said: hat we both know
5/25/2022 9:04:12 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1: If you want to know what's really going on, check out the Daily Mail. The writing is atrocious, but they include details the US media downplays or misses. For example, the shooter was born in North Dakota and attended HS in Uvalde. He should have graduated the day before the shooting but failed/dropped out. His mother is a drug addict. DM got comments from former teachers, classmates, and neighbors. MSM? Crickets. Portrait of a killer: 'Bullied' Texas school gunman Salvador Ramos https://mol.im/a/10852875 via https://dailym.ai/android Sorry, The link function isn't working for me.
Kosh's Shadow
5/25/2022 9:05:38 AM
The California church shooting has also dropped into the memory hole. Inconvenient that the shooter was Chinese, and a supporter of Mainland China, and shot up a Taiwanese church Maybe even a Chinese agent But even without Chou’s manifesto, we know that he had been recruited
by Communist China and was a member of a ChiCom front group aimed at the
very people whom he set out to kill.
Chou had told a neighbor
that he saw himself as Chinese and "strongly believed China and Taiwan
were one country". Notes left behind by Chou referred to the same ChiCom
idea. A photo shows Chou next to a banner in Chinese reading, "Swiftly
and violently exterminate the independence demons." The reference was to
efforts by Taiwan to maintain its independence.
It’s also typical of the violent rhetoric being directed by China at the people of Taiwan.
Chou had been a director of Las Vegas Chinese for Peaceful Unification where the eliminationist banner in question had allegedly been displayed.
The Vegas organization was apparently a chapter of the China Council
for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification which is run by
China's United Front Work Department.
In 2020, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had announced the designation of NACPU as a foreign mission controlled by Communist China.
Occasional Reader
5/25/2022 9:07:00 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:
DFN (Doesn't Fit the Narrative)
5/25/2022 9:10:52 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13: Or that the parishioners ignore the "run, hide, fight" official advice and went straight to fight and subdued the attacker. We can't have word getting out that people don't need more gun laws to defend themselves.
5/25/2022 2:04:13 PM
Where'd everyone go?
5/25/2022 2:26:21 PM
In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: Where'd everyone go? Well, I've been working on four computers simultaneously today. My brain is spread out across four keyboards.
Kosh's Shadow
5/25/2022 2:48:47 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 16: I'm busy working on a coding project for one possible job.
Occasional Reader
5/25/2022 2:58:10 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 16:
No matter where I go... there I am...
Kosh's Shadow
5/25/2022 3:48:18 PM
Dog licked a toad. Seems OK. Stopped her before she did much. Seems to be a gray American toad
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