I remember when that cereal came out. They sent free small boxes to families.
6/5/2022 9:06:01 AM
Cap'n Crunch is my secret weakness, I keep a box squirreled away for late night snacks.
Occasional Reader
6/5/2022 10:07:40 AM
6/5/2022 10:55:19 AM
I found this interesting....
Yes, I put my cart away, I often collect strays on my way to the cart corral.
Related most cities in our area fine stores for abandoned carts. When someone steals the cart, takes it off store property, the city fines the victim for the cart. In light of the this theory what does that say about city leadership?
2) Parents get treatment and punishment for child sex abuse
3) Bar permanently loses license. Those involved in pushing it for kids get locked up with a bunch of greasy-assed murderers for their wives/husbands.
Or perhaps the old sailing ship punishment - keelhauling, in which the are dragged under the keel - of a 1000' long container ship. No rush to get them past the whole thing.