6/8/2022 7:10:42 AM
Virtue Signalling?

Occasional Reader
6/8/2022 7:52:58 AM
Reply to JCM in 1: Seems like they all found the end of the rainbow...
Occasional Reader
6/8/2022 8:00:36 AM
So, tonight, I'm on a...
HIGH way to the DANEjuhZONE
Seeing Top Gun: Maverick with some friends; first time I've been to the movies, accompanied, since the Whole Thing Started (I did go once, alone, to see Dune). By the way: My callsign is "Ghost Rider". So there.
6/8/2022 8:37:32 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Fun movie, action is good, even the plot lines are good. Aviation sequences mostly accurate.
Kosh's Shadow
6/8/2022 8:51:34 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: My callsign is "Ghost Rider". Cowboy, you better change your ways today...
6/8/2022 9:01:21 AM
My annual harassment training. No how many times I take it, I never get it right. I still get slapped......
Occasional Reader
6/8/2022 9:02:24 AM
In #6 JCM said: My annual harassment training.
No how many times I take it, I never get it right.
I still get slapped...... Next time, try saying; "You, with all those curves... and me, with no brakes...".
lucius septimius
6/8/2022 9:09:54 AM
Well, it looks like I may have sold my house. Not as much as I'd hoped for - not by a long shot - but the market is starting to collapse. Now to find a place to live - my options are about $30K less than they were before.
Occasional Reader
6/8/2022 9:16:40 AM
In #9 lucius septimius said: but the market is starting to collapse. "Anything that can't go on, won't go one", as the saying goes. We've been in a massive asset-inflation bubble for a long time, in housing.
lucius septimius
6/8/2022 9:25:44 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 10: True. I'm sort of a wreck at the moment. I feel like I'm at the top of the roller coaster knowing that there are only a few more clicks before the plunge into the unknown.
Kosh's Shadow
6/8/2022 9:46:23 AM
In #9 lucius septimius said: the market is starting to collapse See, Biden is working to get some prices to come down/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6/8/2022 10:50:52 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 11: The unknown is very likely to be better than what you've gone through in the last decade.
6/8/2022 10:57:16 AM
What's the difference between the Clinton administration and the Biden administration? When the Clinton administration ended, Hillary took china from the White House. When the Biden administration started, Joe put China in the White House.
Kosh's Shadow
6/8/2022 11:02:01 AM
Interesting typo in an ad in the recent Bass Pro Shops/Cabela's flyer: 
Also, how can it use 2 different calibers changing only the cylinder, not the barrel too?
6/8/2022 11:06:02 AM
In #11 lucius septimius said: I feel like I'm at the top of the roller coaster knowing that there are only a few more clicks before the plunge into the unknown. I feel exactly this way, watching the Republic turn into a Banana Republic, watching everything being destroyed.
6/8/2022 11:12:02 AM
In #16 vxbush said: I feel exactly this way, watching the Republic turn into a Banana Republic, watching everything being destroyed.
Given the current sexualization of everything, I guess the Banana Republic will replace Lady Liberty with Chick Eat A Banana as its symbol.
Kosh's Shadow
6/8/2022 11:14:14 AM
In #17 buzzsawmonkey said: Given the current sexualization of everything, I guess the Banana Republic will replace Lady Liberty with Chick Eat A Banana as its symbol. With a trans man playing Chick Eat A Banana
6/8/2022 11:22:25 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15: 0.357 inch = 9.06mm. Actual diameter of 9mm is 9.03mm. It's within tolerances to use both rounds.
6/8/2022 11:23:30 AM
In #19 JCM said: It's within tolerances to use both rounds. It's so good to know that tolerance is not yet quite extinct...
Kosh's Shadow
6/8/2022 11:27:57 AM
In #19 JCM said: 0.357 inch = 9.06mm.
Actual diameter of 9mm is 9.03mm. It's within tolerances to use both rounds. Thanks. I had kind of figured, but wasn't sure. I'm sure it is more accurate than an actual 1873 revolver. I did get to hold an actual 1890's Colt revolver. Did you note the typo in the ad?
6/8/2022 11:44:11 AM
In #22 Kosh's Shadow said: Did you note the typo in the ad?
They were merely trying to suggest that this would be the perfect pistol for a dual in the sun...
Occasional Reader
6/8/2022 12:11:35 PM
In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: Also, how can it use 2 different calibers changing only the cylinder, not the barrel too? If I'm not mistaken, the barrels for .357 and 9mm Parabellum are pretty much identical in diameter.
Kosh's Shadow
6/8/2022 3:58:10 PM
I've been writing a little arcade submarine game in Python. For a while, I was able to shoot rectangular ships; now it creates destroyers and freighters randomly. Has multiple waves of ships and can aim torpedoes. Now add a limit to the number of torpedoes loaded, some spares, and a reload time. And a score for each ship sunk.
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