The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/16/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 7/9/2022 11:08:18 AM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 7/16/2022 9:27:20 AM

Grocery prices have gone completely insane. In my little world, they have gone up at least 30% in the last year. I'm paying over $1000 a month; my original budget was $750.

WSJ had a piece this morning about how the CPI is a pile of nonsense that is wildly outdated and includes items that would only be bought by people in high income brackets. When adjusted for the purchases of lower and middle-class people, the people who did the study said that inflation is at least 40% higher than the government figures show.

Kosh's Shadow 7/16/2022 9:54:29 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

I note a lot of items went up 50%; meat 100% or more.

All a plan to have the government take over everything. Then the prices will be lower, but there won't be anything to eat for us peons. Just like Bernie Sanders likes.

Kosh's Shadow 7/16/2022 10:32:05 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:
Officials Announce They Put The Decimal In The Wrong Place, Inflation Actually 91%

According to sources, an intern with no experience had prepared the talking points for Walsh previously, which led to the error. Walsh did not first review the data before speaking because he also knows nothing about the economy or even what money is.

The announcement was met with sighs of relief from the upper class of society who will not be affected by this news in any meaningful way.

OK, it is the Babylon Bee, but the site that has fake news more accurate than the NY Times.

Kosh's Shadow 7/16/2022 10:35:08 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Coming to the US:

Sri Lankan Plan For Economic Utopia Stifled By Pesky Citizens’ Need For Food

The Sri Lankan government's sensible plan to become a green, climate-friendly utopia has experienced a slight hiccup after the nation's 22 million citizens have run out of food, fuel, and hope.

Advised by green activists and intellectuals, the Sri Lankan President's sprawling, vibrant agenda that included forced organic farming, massive debt to China, and skimming millions for personal gain — was actually quite successful for the first seven minutes.

Sounds just like Biden's agenda.

lucius septimius 7/16/2022 11:24:30 AM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: All a plan to have the government take over everything. Then the prices will be lower, but there won't be anything to eat for us peons. Just like Bernie Sanders likes.

Some do. The real problem with this administration is that it's run by complete idiots who were chosen, so far as I can tell, by their hue, fellatio abilities, and penchant for autogynephilia. 

JCM 7/16/2022 12:05:55 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

The Sir Lankan's just didn't do the Green New Deal right.

Now with people like Biden, Harris, Buttegieg, Granholm and AOC....

They will do it right.


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