8/9/2022 5:39:51 AM
So--what sort of justifications are you folks seeing about the raid against Donald Trump? Who is saying it was justified, and how are they trying to convince people that it was a reasonable move? Because so far I've seen nothing to suggest this was anything remotely close to reasonable.
lucius septimius
8/9/2022 6:35:04 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: It had to be reasonable because a judge had to sign the warrant which means there must have been enough solid evidence. Judges are cool again now.
8/9/2022 7:22:59 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: 'cause top secret documents. Verified accusation just like the Steele Dossier. I fully expect there to be leaks now about documents "proving" the Trump / Russia connection.
8/9/2022 7:27:32 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 2: Reply to JCM in 3:
Interesting. I've seen just a general comment made that he took papers that were supposed to stay with Archives and therefore he shouldn't have had them. How on earth can any rational human being think the appropriate response to this would be to have FBI agents break into your safe as opposed to having a rational discussion that explains why the papers need to stay with the government? So I'm supposed to believe that the FBI raided Clinton's house because of all the stuff they took from the White House?
8/9/2022 7:40:46 AM
Reply to vxbush in 4: Eric Trump was had an interview. They were working with the National Archives and reviewing the papers. We run into a whole lot of issues here. A President controls classification status, so technically he can take papers and declare them non-classified. Presidents always take their papers, we've never had this before. If there were such papers, why a raid and not a subpoena listing the papers and asking to be returned. This is clearly a political circus, aimed at influencing the midterm elections, Trump's endorsements of candidates and utimately Trump's election bid in '24. I predict there will be an indictment, in DC getting a tame Grand Jury will be child's play. Then no matter what Trump does, who endorses or if he runs himself every mention of him will be "indicted former President".
8/9/2022 7:42:22 AM
Remember: We know Sandy Berger took Clinton Papers from the Archives. We know because Comey told us Hillary had classified documents on the private server.
8/9/2022 7:43:44 AM
I am wondering whether, having failed to pump up the idiocies of Jan. 6 into the "insurrection they've been claiming it was, the Democrats are now trying to provoke an actual insurrection (to be blamed on Trump, naturally), for the purpose of justifying extraordinary measures surrounding the fall election.
8/9/2022 7:49:35 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7: Yes.
8/9/2022 8:00:46 AM
In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: I am wondering whether, having failed to pump up the idiocies of Jan. 6 into the "insurrection they've been claiming it was, the Democrats are now trying to provoke an actual insurrection (to be blamed on Trump, naturally), for the purpose of justifying extraordinary measures surrounding the fall election. My God, they must be absolutely petrified about him to go to these lengths. As if I needed a reason to vote for him, this just makes me want to put him into office more.
8/9/2022 8:08:01 AM
Let's look at the Inflation Reduction Act in light of the raid on Mar-Lago. 87,000 new IRS agents. The money is in the middle class, in all the farms and small businesses. Do they need 87k agents to go after the les than a thousand billionaires? The fortune 500? Nope. They need 87,000 agents to go after the the middle class. Mar-Lago coming right after the passage of the bill is a message. Nobody is safe.
8/9/2022 8:15:45 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7: A number of people on Twitter have pointed that out and discouraged protests. It's infuriating that we can't exercise our freedom to protest because the FBI will plant people like Ray Epps and the fake Proud Boys to disrupt it.
8/9/2022 8:18:59 AM
Reply to JCM in 11:
The Dems delight To take a bite Deep in the art of taxes!
They’ll promise you But not come through Deep in the art of taxes!
Your take-home pay Will melt away Deep in the art of taxes!
But they’ll declare It’s your “fair share” Deep in the art of taxes!
8/9/2022 8:19:59 AM
Reply to vxbush in 10: I don't want him to run, let alone be elected. But I think the Democrats just ensured that he will win in a landslide if he does. Or rather, he will have the most votes and the Democrats will ramp up their cheating to prevent him from taking office.
8/9/2022 8:20:33 AM
In #12 doppelganglander said: A number of people on Twitter have pointed that out and discouraged protests. It's infuriating that we can't exercise our freedom to protest because the FBI will plant people like Ray Epps and the fake Proud Boys to disrupt it. Indeed. And they aren't going to like where this goes if they don't allow protests....
8/9/2022 8:22:09 AM
In #14 doppelganglander said: I don't want him to run, let alone be elected. But I think the Democrats just ensured that he will win in a landslide if he does. Or rather, he will have the most votes and the Democrats will ramp up their cheating to prevent him from taking office. Imagine if he actually *knew* what he could do as president and had enough people behind me. But I can appreciate your sentiment; I actually don't like him except that he can be a thorn in the side of the Democrats. Banana republic is starting to look like the safest path forward. How horrible is that?
Occasional Reader
8/9/2022 8:27:46 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 14:
I do hope the Democrats at least just guaranteed a GOP Senate in November.
8/9/2022 8:38:12 AM
In #17 Occasional Reader said: I do hope the Democrats at least just guaranteed a GOP Senate in November. It will mean next to nothing as long as McConnell is in office. He'll make sure of that.
8/9/2022 8:44:50 AM
In #18 vxbush said: It will mean next to nothing as long as McConnell is in office. He'll make sure of that.
Give the man credit. McConnell did block Garland from getting on the Supreme Court (thank God!), and did shepherd Trump's judicial nominations through. He's not a Crusading Conservative, but I don't understand why he's subjected to such a level of routine opprobrium.
8/9/2022 8:47:01 AM
In #17 Occasional Reader said: a GOP Senate I suspect that regardless of who's elected we'll have a Mack Senate.
8/9/2022 9:20:24 AM
In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: He's not a Crusading Conservative, but I don't understand why he's subjected to such a level of routine opprobrium. I concur that he supported conservative judges, but that seems like the only thing he has ever supported. I'm sure I'm exaggerating, but not intentionally. He talks a conservative game but his actions have nothing to do with actually making necessary changes.
8/9/2022 9:26:45 AM
In #21 vxbush said: his actions have nothing to do with actually making necessary changes.
Without in any way carrying water for McConnell, I'm trying to figure out precisely what it is he hasn't done that has people so pissed off at him.
8/9/2022 9:42:29 AM
In #22 buzzsawmonkey said: Without in any way carrying water for McConnell, I'm trying to figure out precisely what it is he hasn't done that has people so pissed off at him. In no particular order, and only taken from one website because I don't have time at work to give multiple citations (and so I'm cheating by going to the one place where I know it will be logged):
8/9/2022 9:51:51 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 17: It had better be a red tsunami to carry Herschel Walker to victory. I am furious at Trump's meddling in Georgia that got us two of the worst senators in the country, and then foisted Walker on us.
8/9/2022 9:59:19 AM
Reply to vxbush in 23: - McConnell constructed a roadmap to let Democrats raise the debt ceiling whenever they want to.
- McConnell targeted Hershel Walker to block his senate race.
- McConnell supports Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Adam Kinzinger, et.al, all people who were Republicans but not conservatives
- McConnell voted to confirm Merrick Garland as US AG.
- McConnell stood against the Tea Party back in 2010.
- McConnell supports Liz Cheney, who served on the January 6 committee.
- McConnell criticized the electoral college challenge in January 2021. While we may have a difference of opinion about the solidity of evidence of Democrat cheating in 2020, Democrats regularly submit motions to overturn electoral college votes.
- McConnell worked against the Georgia special elections in January 2020, throwing the Senate to the Democrats.
More to come later if I have time....
8/9/2022 10:05:32 AM
Reply to vxbush in 25: Yeah, yeah, yeah, OK to all that. So...this is what "solid red states" send to the Senate? Not just once, but repeatedly? And these "solid red states" have the miserable fucking gall to get snotty---as they always do---about who/what the less-than-solid-red states---not to mention one-party dictatorships like NY---send to the Senate? Pardon my vulgarity, but the "solid red states" can go fuck themselves sideways with a chainsaw.
8/9/2022 10:29:52 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 26: McConnell torpedoed the solid candidates at the primary level repeatedly. The Senate Republican Election Committee supports and spends lots of money on candidates. McConnell controls that group he supports the squishes. They've run very negative campaigns in red states against the solid conservative candidates.
Occasional Reader
8/9/2022 10:42:13 AM
As an aside: why does every Starbucks and similar coffee shop in Manhattan have to have music cranked up like it’s a freaking dance club?
8/9/2022 10:43:39 AM
Reply to vxbush in 25:
I apologize if I am being needlessly coarse. But I've had a bellyful over the last few years from "red-staters" who are all snotty about the kind of people who get elected in one-party dictatorships like NY, who yet have nothing but whining to give to their chosen reps like McConnell and Graham (not to mention Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, etc.). I'm glad that the "solid red states" do, on occasion, elect conservatives, or at least representatives who occasionally vote "conservative." I wish we could do more elsewhere. But I'll be damned if I'll permit these snotnoses to act up big over us one-party-dictatorship subjects not being able to elect "conservatives" when the snotnoses elect, and re-re-re-re-elect, so-called "conservatives" that they spend their lives damning as "RINOs."
8/9/2022 10:46:55 AM
In #28 Occasional Reader said: As an aside: why does every Starbucks and similar coffee shop in Manhattan have to have music cranked up like it’s a freaking dance club? That's so you'll dance like you're on hallowed (coffee) grounds.
Occasional Reader
8/9/2022 10:56:55 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 30:
Heh. That’s what Little OR did, actually. (Danced at a Pret near GCT.)
8/9/2022 11:01:16 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 31: "Waiter, this coffee tastes like mud." "Well, sir, it was ground this morning."
Occasional Reader
8/9/2022 11:10:18 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 32:
I only drink Ersatz Bros. Coffee.
8/9/2022 12:02:32 PM
In reverse order: In #29 buzzsawmonkey said: I'm glad that the "solid red states" do, on occasion, elect conservatives, or at least representatives who occasionally vote "conservative." I wish we could do more elsewhere. But I'll be damned if I'll permit these snotnoses to act up big over us one-party-dictatorship subjects not being able to elect "conservatives" when the snotnoses elect, and re-re-re-re-elect, so-called "conservatives" that they spend their lives damning as "RINOs." I live in Illinois. I know exactly what you're talking about. I want to get rid of Durbin in the worst way, but so far I have been unable to impact the elections in Illinois beyond voting for the most conservative person I can.
In #29 buzzsawmonkey said: I apologize if I am being needlessly coarse. But I've had a bellyful over the last few years from "red-staters" who are all snotty about the kind of people who get elected in one-party dictatorships like NY, who yet have nothing but whining to give to their chosen reps like McConnell and Graham (not to mention Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, etc.). I can appreciate why you find the whining annoying, and I understand it. For me, part of my issue is that McConnell has a very lucrative association with the Chamber of Commerce at the national level, and they seem to find a way to keep true conservatives out of the party at the national level. I have no doubt that Republicans in Kentucky are thrilled that McConnell runs the show, thinking that he gets more perks back to Kentucky. Perhaps he does, but I honestly don't think the Republican Party in Kentucky has demonstrated that they care about anything other than Kentucky. We need more people with solid conservative bona fides running for every position in this country. But given how conservative candidates are vilified, is it any wonder that people don't want to run and put themselves in the bullseye? So I have little recourse to do much but complain about the ineffectiveness of the supposed conservative leaders that run the party.
8/9/2022 12:47:12 PM
In #33 Occasional Reader said: Ersatz Bros. Coffee. "Ersatz Bros. Coffee---the real one! Look for the can in the plain brown can."
8/9/2022 1:13:58 PM
You hear about the ad guy who created the slogan, "Good to the last drop!"? He got fired! Slogan was for the Otis Elevator Company.
8/9/2022 1:17:42 PM
In #36 JCM said: You hear about the ad guy who created the slogan, "Good to the last drop!"?
"If you can't sleep at night, it isn't the coffee---it's the bunk!" ---Dick Powell in "Christmas in July"
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