9/2/2022 5:53:54 AM
Sounds like I missed quite the speech from Biden last night. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
Occasional Reader
9/2/2022 6:48:34 AM
Greetings, fellow Insurrection Sedition Traitor-Terrorists.
9/2/2022 7:21:25 AM
I saw the spokestoken said, "You Must Agree With The Majority, Otherwise You Are An Extremist…" A Republic if we can keep it..... not a democracy.
Occasional Reader
9/2/2022 7:37:18 AM
Reply to JCM in 3: Oh geez. Got a link?
9/2/2022 7:52:08 AM
USS Texas in drydock.
Occasional Reader
9/2/2022 8:07:51 AM
A quick reminder: -Democrats in 2000: Bush stole the election! -Democrats in 2004: Bush stole the election - again! -Democrats in 2016: Trump (and the RUSSIANS RUSSIANS RUSSIANS!) stole the election! -Democrats in 2020 (and since): Anyone who questions the integrity of our sacred electoral system is guilty of sedition, and insurrection, and treason! They should be hunted down like the terrorists they are! -Democrats in 2024 (preview): DeSantis stole the election!
Occasional Reader
9/2/2022 8:08:37 AM
Reply to JCM in 5:
YOU FOOL!!! Now the Kaiser's spies can see her armor-below-the-waterline!!!
9/2/2022 8:23:23 AM
The few clips I saw of Biden's fascistshow were chilling. At the end, the band played a few bars of "Yankee Doodle" in the exit-music mix, which recalled the rewrite of that song in Lewis's "It Can't Happen Here," which, though a very small thing, was particularly creepy.
Occasional Reader
9/2/2022 8:48:17 AM
Via Insty: Joe Biden has always been a bad person; no wonder he's a bad President
With the reminder of how Biden has shamelessly used the deaths of his former wife and young daughter, as well as that of his son Beau, LYING about the circumstances of each (and libeling the driver of the truck that was involved in the accident with his wife and daughter; that driver was not at fault, much less did he "drink his lunch"). What a scumbag Biden is. Really.
9/2/2022 9:23:30 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: Biden's persistent false accusations against the other driver lead me to believe that his wife was the drunk driver. Unprovable, of course, but we know she was at fault in the accident. I also wonder if the head injury Hunter suffered as a three-year-old partially explains his behavior - again, pure speculation.
9/2/2022 9:38:35 AM
In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: The few clips I saw of Biden's fascistshow were chilling. At the end, the band played a few bars of "Yankee Doodle" in the exit-music mix, which recalled the rewrite of that song in Lewis's "It Can't Happen Here," which, though a very small thing, was particularly creepy. Maybe it's just me, but knowing how these people like Hollywood, I can't help but think they got help from someone on the optics of things, wanting to make it look as dangerous and serious as possible. I mean, I swear they were borrowing tropes from all sorts of things and synthesizing it to make it look as dark as possible.
9/2/2022 10:01:03 AM
Reply to vxbush in 11: I've never seen "V for Vendetta," or whatever it's called, but someone at Insty posted a pic from that film, with the Evil Party Leaders on a red-draped podium.
9/2/2022 10:11:33 AM
Reply to vxbush in 11: The speech's language: Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country. MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country. It's one thing for The Squad to squawk like this, another thing for a sitting President to declare political opposition as a threat of this magnitude to the country. Frightening stuff.
9/2/2022 10:20:16 AM
Again, I urge people to read Sinclair Lewis's "It Can't Happen Here"---precisely because so many elements of that book uncomfortably mirror today's news.
lucius septimius
9/2/2022 10:47:52 AM
Throwing out this rather apposite quote from a speech by a Czech dissident in 1968.
9/2/2022 10:57:08 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 15: Not much has changed, has it? I'm sure the Democrats are seeing such writings as "how to" documents now that they've decided they must hold on to power at any cost.
9/2/2022 11:46:39 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 17: As if we needed any more proof of his mental decline.
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