The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/17/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 11/12/2022 6:09:17 PM

Posted by: JCM

CyberSimian 11/17/2022 5:07:02 AM
Study Shows Kids Who Are Homeschooled Could Miss Out On Opportunity To Be A Gay Communist

vxbush 11/17/2022 6:15:56 AM

Bad Cat: looking for happiness in all the wrong places

In which bad cat looks at an article in the Atlantic basically shreds the latter half of the article. 

vxbush 11/17/2022 6:32:20 AM
Where is Artemis now
CyberSimian 11/17/2022 7:00:01 AM

In #3 vxbush said: Where is Artemis now

“European Service Module” – Is that the part that converts units into metric? Or is it just full of Frenchies trying to find out if the moon really is made of cheese?

“Orion Stage Adapter” – If it’s not full of atom bombs, it needs a different name.

“Liquid Oxygen Tank” – The Israeli space agency has advised NASA that one cannot have LOX without bagels.

CyberSimian 11/17/2022 7:01:34 AM
Dungeons and Dragons has changed since I played the first edition in high school.
Occasional Reader 11/17/2022 7:31:32 AM

In #4 CyberSimian said: “European Service Module”

"European Service" sounds like something that's offered at certain... massage... parlors.  

CyberSimian 11/17/2022 7:42:29 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: "European Service" sounds like something that's offered at certain... massage... parlors.  

"Can I get a happy ending?"

"This is Europe, sir. There are no happy endings."

Occasional Reader 11/17/2022 7:42:34 AM

In #4 CyberSimian said: “Orion Stage Adapter” – If it’s not full of atom bombs, it needs a different name.

And if it is full of atom bombs, it should have been launched from Bellingham, WA. 

CyberSimian 11/17/2022 7:43:26 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: And if it is full of atom bombs, it should have been launched from Bellingham, WA. 

I love that book.

Occasional Reader 11/17/2022 7:44:33 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 9:

I'm surprised it was never made into a movie.  It could make for a helluva movie. 

CyberSimian 11/17/2022 7:47:17 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: I'm surprised it was never made into a movie.  It could make for a helluva movie. 

Too much boring science.  I'm surprised The Martian was done as well as it was.

Also, not PC enough for Hollywood. Although, with the Fithp being basically alien elephants, they could always turn them into a metaphor for the GOP...

Occasional Reader 11/17/2022 7:52:39 AM

In #11 CyberSimian said: Also, not PC enough for Hollywood.

When has that ever stopped them before?  They'll just make most of the hero-characters LGBTQWERTY+ BIPOCs, and throw in MAGA-hatted white supremacists who are collaborating with the Fithp.    Also, instead of Bellingham, the Michael will be launched next to Mar-a-Lago.  

CyberSimian 11/17/2022 7:58:14 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

The Soviet cosmonauts will be recast as Chinese, all female, and will be the real heroes.

Occasional Reader 11/17/2022 8:22:16 AM

In #11 CyberSimian said: the Fithp

I wonder; when they're exercising, do they measure their progress with a Fithpbit? 

JCM 11/17/2022 8:27:56 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

I love rockets. I love the exploration of space. Artemis is a cool rocket.

But it is a technological, budgetary and exploration disaster.

First of we we flew the Shuttle we sat back on our laurels and did nothing about the next steps. Only when the Shuttle program was ending did we get off our haunches and start work on Orion.

But Orion was a step back to single use Apollo stye systems.

Orion was canceled.

Congress suddenly realized that met losing a lot of jobs and potential votes.

So they resurrected Orion as the budget SLS (Space Launch System) not preserve the brain trust for space.... but for their pathetic little offices in DC.

Now we have Artemis.

At it still cost way too much for what it is.

The solid rocket boosters are reused from the Shuttle.

The main engines are reused from the Shuttle.

The first stage is reworked Shuttle external tank and other off the shelf stuff.

The Spacecraft is a capsule. It looks like an Apollo 1.5 not something developed 50 years later. Or sure it has new technology in it.... like Alexa.

The whole stack is expendable.

It does get us back in space. But that is it.

It does nothing to advance space exploration. Like building a true space station where not only science can be done, but exploratory craft can be assembled and sent on mission without the limits of the launch vehicle. It is not reusable. It has no significant advance is launch, orbit, or transit capabilities. The crew is still confined to a tiny capsule which uses the same re-entry scheme as Alan Shepard 60 years ago, still spam in a can.

Artemis isn't a hoax.... but it is switch and bait on epic scale! Oh, look at the shiny new rocket..... nope just more of the same nothing new.

Occasional Reader 11/17/2022 8:32:37 AM

In #15 JCM said: but it is switch and bait on epic scale!

Indeed, a switch-and-MASTER-bait... nothing amateurish about it... 

vxbush 11/17/2022 8:42:19 AM

Reply to JCM in 15:

No disagreement with what you wrote at all, but I still like knowing where it is and when it will be injected into lunar orbit. 

JCM 11/17/2022 8:57:15 AM

Reply to vxbush in 17:

Oh, yeah I'm following to... space geek that I am.

Remember the tension following James Webb's launch?

Imagine being able to have a similar satellite fully deployed and checked out in orbit before heading out?

A "real" space station, with all the sub assemblies launched to to it. The the satellite assembled and checked out at the station.

Suddenly those 300 mission critical failure points that Webb had are a non-issue.

vxbush 11/17/2022 9:47:21 AM

In #18 JCM said: Imagine being able to have a similar satellite fully deployed and checked out in orbit before heading out?

That would seem to be the gold standard to have. It would prevent so many issues down the road, especially as we consider moving out to Mars and beyond at some point.

buzzsawmonkey 11/17/2022 9:53:37 AM
It's weird for the Democrats to be so anti-birth. They always styled themselves as the Party of Labor.
JCM 11/17/2022 11:16:35 AM

Reply to vxbush in 19:

That was the original plan way back, called Stepping Stones.

The X-15 and X-24 Lifting Body projects. Re-usable space planes. Build and orbiting station, then launch exploratory missions form the station.

Lift all the various pieces of missions to the station, assemble, test. Probes and manned missions would not be launch system constrained. Lego the modules together and off you go.

But Sputnik scared us into the Man In Space Soonest (MISS) program and Apollo.

vxbush 11/17/2022 11:40:19 AM
Wasting too much time looking at this and wondering how well it would work for my son. 
buzzsawmonkey 11/17/2022 1:01:18 PM

Regarding the current FTX hoo-ha:

You joined the modern South Sea Bubble
You lost your cash and I don't care
You were a fool
A credulous tool
Who found his "wealth" was only air
You put your faith in a "blockchain"
Which does not exist anywhere
You joined the modern South Sea Bubble
You lost your shirt and I don't care

Occasional Reader 11/17/2022 1:11:36 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23:


I was only familiar with the original as (apparently) a football-hooligan song, by supporters of..  I don't recall which team.

I'm just relieved Michael Jackson never recorded a cover of it, if you catch my drift... 

CyberSimian 11/17/2022 2:02:57 PM

In #24 Occasional Reader said: I'm just relieved Michael Jackson never recorded a cover of it, if you catch my drift... 


Kosh's Shadow 11/17/2022 4:17:44 PM

In #15 JCM said: So they resurrected Orion as the budget SLS (Space Launch System) not preserve the brain trust for space.... but for their pathetic little offices in DC.

There was so much political management of the design that I've heard it referred to as "Senate Launch System"

JCM 11/17/2022 4:40:10 PM

Mexican state security chief is among the five dead in helicopter crash

My first thought is "cartel action" but we will see.

Kosh's Shadow 11/17/2022 6:13:53 PM
Kosh's Shadow 11/17/2022 6:16:22 PM

In Hogan's Heroes, most of the Germans were played by Jews or those with Jewish connections.

Of Hogan's group, only LeBeau (Robert Clary). He had actually been in a concentration camp, so when he said "Filty Boche", he meant it.

RIP Robert Clary, at 96. I hope you went holding a finger at the Nazis.

Kosh's Shadow 11/17/2022 6:42:07 PM
Another jukebox

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