11/20/2022 10:31:39 AM
I have the following books I would like to send to a good home: Another Singing Time (1937; nursery school) New Music Horizons (1949; 1st grade) The American Singer (1950, book 2) The American Singer (1954, 2nd ed., book 2) The American Singer (1955, 2nd ed., book 5) Singing Every Day (1959) Music in Our Town (1956) Making Music Your Own (1971) They are all music-appreciation songbooks for preschool/early grades, with lyrics and written music. They contain a mix of kiddie songs, Mother Goose-type songs, patriotic songs, folk songs of the "Froggie Went A-Courtin'" type, and, yes, religious songs, since they antedate the no-prayer-in-school rulings. If anyone is involved with a homeschooling group, or knows people who are, they might be interested. If anyone wants them, we can discuss that in the Frontier.
Kosh's Shadow
11/20/2022 2:25:58 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1: I have no use for them, but they sound interesting. I had a set of elementary school readers from the 1920's when I was youhg; an aunt was a teacher and probably got them before they were thrown out. I leared to read from them. However, I believe they got destroyed in a flood in my parents' basement a long time ago. I remember they referred to one world war.
lucius septimius
11/20/2022 2:30:17 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1 I'll ask around the homeschooling coop. I've got a lot of that sort of stuff already, as well as books of temperance fight songs and that sort of thing from the 'aughts. My favorite song is "Civilize the Philippines."
Alice in Dairyland
11/20/2022 2:39:08 PM
I still have years' worth of Dr Suess books in the attic. As a child, I belonged to some book club that sent one every other month for about four years (1960-1964). I doubt they're collectible though because I think they were deemed racist a while back. Also have a couple of years' worth of my son's too (1982-1986). No grandkids so I guess I don't really need to hang on to them anymore. It's hard getting the granddogs to sit still long enough to read to them.
Kosh's Shadow
11/20/2022 2:56:57 PM
In #4 Alice in Dairyland said: No grandkids so I guess I don't really need to hang on to them anymore. It's hard getting the granddogs to sit still long enough to read to them. Same here. Jukebox
11/20/2022 3:09:06 PM
To all: I'd love to have these go somewhere where they can do some good. Any leads you can provide---the sooner, the faster, the better--- gratefully received.
Kosh's Shadow
11/20/2022 4:57:23 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6: I wish I had some place to send you. I do know some Christians who homeschooled their son (in his 20s now), and maybe they have people who would want the bools. I will ask.
Kosh's Shadow
11/20/2022 5:42:14 PM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: who would want the bools books, but I will give true or false (boolean) answers
Occasional Reader
11/20/2022 6:29:04 PM
“OR should buy himself a Colt Python for Christmas.”
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