The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/15/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 12/10/2022 6:50:25 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 12/15/2022 6:07:15 AM

Okay, yesterday's thread was like old times! It was wonderful to see comments and give and take from everyone! 

Now, I want to go back and touch on one thing, although I could have commented on just about everything. Lucius's #23 said:

Recently I was doing some applications of a relatively complex formula on Excel. I had found the way to program the formula ... or so the person claimed.  Luckily I knew how to do the formula myself and did a couple of test calculations with the old pencil and paper. I discovered that the published version didn't work.  I also discovered how Excel would very easily produce false results unless you added in a bunch of additional steps (which I knew from previous experience).  A case where the programmers made bad choices.  If I didn't know how to do the actual math behind it, I would have gotten completely useless results.
Exactly, exactly. Here at work years ago I had to ask another group to write some code for me (it was on a system I didn't have permissions). They delivered the code, and then I asked which library did they use to generate the results. They wouldn't tell me. I finally had to browbeat them and explain that they *had* to tell me so I could make sure that the statistics were being generated correctly and why. The finally gave me the library info so I could look up the calculations and verify they were accurate. 

I don't know if they appreciated that I cared so much or if they were so stupid they didn't realize that doing it incorrectly was so easy. But this is what has me concerned about all the computer systems going forward. I was taught precision and accuracy by a big kahuna at a programming company. He made sure I understood it, and well. I didn't dive into his code, but he gave me enough fundamentals that I was able to hold my own later on. 

With the educational systems now in place, I have absolutely no belief that public school students are taught anything of value. This goes back to someone else's comment from yesterday about how parents finally got to see how poorly their students were taught. 

On the one hand, if something is important in order to do a good job, then companies will make sure their employees are taught. If I've learned anything watching my daughter in the Navy, it's that--they always train their people. But there comes a point where it is prohibitively expensive to teach someone only to have them go somewhere else after the training is done. 
Occasional Reader 12/15/2022 6:59:35 AM

Good morning.  Via Insty:  Mother of Child Rape Victim Sues Virginia Soros Prosecutor in Federal Court. 

This monster forcibly raped his 11 year-old nephew, and they had him dead to rights.  He walked, because the offices of Soros-funded Fairfax County, VA prosecutor Steve Descano could not be bothered to do their jobs.  

More on the story here, including the face of the perp.  And... yes, he's of a "protected class", how did you know?! 

lucius septimius 12/15/2022 7:33:34 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

The indictments in the Loudon case will, I suspect, unleash a flood of lawsuits.  Good.  I hope they sue the entire county into the stone age.

lucius septimius 12/15/2022 7:38:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

In grad school when I was learning SSPS on the main frame (ah yes, the days of having to call the computing center to have them mount some tape) we were assigned a project on race (of course) using US census data.  Wrote my program and then tried to run it.  Nothing.  Zeros in every column.  Reviewed my code and couldn't find any errors.  Eventually we found out that that the university had only gotten the free sample data set, which included precisely one state - Iowa.  Not the best place to study racial disparities.  I had to restrict my analysis to the differing statuses of Norwegians, Danes, and Swedes.

One thing about that class - we had to do all our calculations by longhand before we could fire up the computer.  Ah the delightful "plunk" sound those Wang terminals made.  

vxbush 12/15/2022 7:38:42 AM

In #3 lucius septimius said: The indictments in the Loudon case will, I suspect, unleash a flood of lawsuits.  Good.  I hope they sue the entire county into the stone age.

The Stone Age at least had an ethic of acceptable behavior. I'd take that over letting these perps walk. 

vxbush 12/15/2022 7:47:29 AM
Today's example of garbage in, garbage out. COVID modeling and COVID shot statistics have been an absolute cesspool of garbage. This is simply the latest attempt to try to make it look like what we did was better than nothing. 
JCM 12/15/2022 8:13:03 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

IMAO they are trying to get people to turn vigilante.

Then they have their "hate crime" to parade about.

vxbush 12/15/2022 8:18:40 AM

In #7 JCM said: IMAO they are trying to get people to turn vigilante. Then they have their "hate crime" to parade about.

Possibly. But it looks like this was a study to bolster the belief that what they did was better than nothing. Fauci has already touted it as a great study, so you know it is political as f&ck. 

JCM 12/15/2022 8:43:54 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

David Gelernter, wrote and article long time ago. His basic point was students need to learn first principles in math and science first. So that have an understand of how things work, what is real and right. So that when they start using calculators, computers, software tools, they have an understanding of what the a correct answer should be, what range it would be. This would allow them to identify garbage easily.

Occasional Reader 12/15/2022 8:43:58 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

I don't think that's what JCM was referring to.  He's talking about the Soros prosecutors who are legalizing crime.  

I think that "they want 'hate crime' vigilantism to happen, in order to justify their getting more power" is a viable theory.  This particular case (that I cited) would be a hard one for that, because it would be a black-on-black "hate crime",  were it to happen.   

CyberSimian 12/15/2022 9:49:34 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: I don't think that's what JCM was referring to.  He's talking about the Soros prosecutors who are legalizing crime.  

Of course. Looks at all the businesses being forced to close in some areas just because the Soros stooges refuse to prosecute shoplifting.

Alice in Dairyland 12/15/2022 10:06:42 AM
Heard a blurb this morning on the news about Fauci reassuring children they would be safe from 'rona.  He'd personally gone to the North Pole to vaccinate Santa Claus.  Looks like it was old news but still pissed me off.  Don't know if it's because "the man of science" is pretending to believe in Santa or because he's just telling more lies about 'rona?  When will that little troll ever be gone?
vxbush 12/15/2022 10:33:57 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: I don't think that's what JCM was referring to.  He's talking about the Soros prosecutors who are legalizing crime.  

You're right. My mistake, and my apologies to all. This is what I get for trying to work and post, when clearly time spent posting is far more valuable. 

Occasional Reader 12/15/2022 11:21:38 AM

In #13 vxbush said: My mistake, and my apologies to all

You're not groveling enough... grovel harder!!!!

: ) 

vxbush 12/15/2022 11:28:32 AM
Not creepy at all. Nope. Not one bit. 
Alice in Dairyland 12/15/2022 2:05:22 PM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

We I'm glad to hear they will be powered by sustainable wind and solar power at least.  I guess there must be an auto-abort feature on these machines to deal with the babies effected by power outages.

Kosh's Shadow 12/15/2022 4:59:02 PM

In #11 CyberSimian said: Looks at all the businesses being forced to close in some areas just because the Soros stooges refuse to prosecute shoplifting.

That's the idea. Make everyone dependent on the government, Then they control everyone.

Kosh's Shadow 12/15/2022 5:26:31 PM

In #12 Alice in Dairyland said: Heard a blurb this morning on the news about Fauci reassuring children they would be safe from 'rona.

I have a suggestion for what the real Santa should put in Fauci's stocking. It starts with c but it isn't coal/

Kosh's Shadow 12/15/2022 5:27:17 PM

In #15 vxbush said: Not creepy at all. Nope. Not one bit. 

A Brave New World we live in.

At least no women will have to be handmaids/

buzzsawmonkey 12/15/2022 5:46:22 PM

In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: At least no women will have to be handmaids/

Handmades?  Not when babies are machine-made...

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