The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/22/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 12/17/2022 3:19:02 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 5:46:09 AM
Good morning.  Much of the mid Atlantic/northeast appears to be under assault by that feared Irish gang, the Wintry Micks.
lucius septimius 12/22/2022 5:55:47 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Perhaps for dinner you should have the dish named after the gang's fearsome leader, Rat O'Toole.

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 6:25:02 AM
At 4.4 Miles, Wyoming Team Sets New Rifle Shot World Record
CyberSimian 12/22/2022 6:27:49 AM
doppelganglander 12/22/2022 7:03:15 AM
Good morning! It's around 40° here, but it's supposed to drop to 7° by tomorrow. That's SEVEN degrees. Fahrenheit. The record low in Atlanta was -8° in 1985; before that, it was -9 in 1899. (The record low in the state was -17 in 1940.) Climate chaos!
Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 7:05:24 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 4:

I am missing that reference. Lovecraft?

buzzsawmonkey 12/22/2022 7:06:29 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 5: warming! And snowfalls are a thing of the past!

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 7:12:07 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 5:

Save us, Crazy Little St. Greta!

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 7:18:08 AM

Are you ready for the “Nancy Pelosi federal building”? Let 1000 memes bloom.

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 7:19:07 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

OK, no more Irish popular culture jokes. Just be Quiet, Man 

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 7:23:07 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: I am missing that reference. Lovecraft?

No. There's a whole series of these. Aliens living on Earth discussing things with odd and/or humorous vocabulary and/or perspective.

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 7:25:14 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Are you ready for the “Nancy Pelosi federal building”?

Shouldn't we wait for these egomaniacs to be dead before we name things after them?

And given how psychotic they are about tearing down statues and changing building names of people they don't like, how long do they think that their testaments to themselves will last?

"I am Ozymandius, King of Kings! Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair..."

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 7:26:46 AM
Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 7:28:34 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 12:

Shouldn't we wait for these egomaniacs to be dead” 

Hmm.   “Wait”?…

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 8:16:48 AM

Senator Rand Paul has sent $600.01 through Venmo to to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which will force the IRS to audit Ukrain’s finances.

No idea if that source is legit. Never heard of them.

buzzsawmonkey 12/22/2022 8:55:44 AM
Same re-login problem---on both phone and computer---today as yesterday.   
vxbush 12/22/2022 9:31:01 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 4:


I love that cartoon series!!

vxbush 12/22/2022 9:38:06 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said:

I love how the forecasts are getting worse. They said the snow would start here after 10, but I have seen the barest flurries. There still might be a bad storm, and temps are supposed to get down to -10 tonight, but estimation errors are leading me to think that wokism has entered the weather industry and brought it to another level of awfulness. 

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 10:11:59 AM
In #18 vxbush said: I love how the forecasts are getting worse. … estimation errors are leading me to think that wokism has entered the weather industry and brought it to another level of awfulness.

They have to be careful with making predictions that are easily disproven in a matter of hours or days, unlike their usual predictions (arctic ice cap completely gone, NYC under water) which take days or years to be disproven and are usually forgotten by then. The more people can see for themselves that their predictions are useless, just by looking out their windows, the faster they lose what little credibility they have left.

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 10:36:19 AM
JCM 12/22/2022 11:32:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:


CyberSimian 12/22/2022 11:34:31 AM
I'm sick of shoveling global warming off of my driveway.
vxbush 12/22/2022 12:13:14 PM


Global waming? You want a Women's Art Museum on every continent? 

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 12:21:19 PM

In #23 vxbush said: You want a Women's Art Museum on every continent? 

There's already a WAM! UK, I believe... 

/I may just have dreamed it, and if so, please wake me up, before you go-go

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 12:44:21 PM

In the possibly TMI department:

Should I get a bidet toilet seat?


CyberSimian 12/22/2022 12:51:11 PM

In #25 Occasional Reader said: Should I get a bidet toilet seat?

I've honestly never tried one, so I have no idea. If you want one and can afford it, why wouldn't you?

vxbush 12/22/2022 12:51:59 PM

In #25 Occasional Reader said: Should I get a bidet toilet seat?

So being a geek, I read several different online tech sites, and one recently asked all its writers to submit their favorite tech for the year. One writer submitted purchasing a bidet that didn't require thousands of dollars to install. See the page and search for "tushy classic 3.0". 

Not exactly what I think of when it comes to "tech", and I have to wonder about getting reimbursed to push the product, but since you asked....

buzzsawmonkey 12/22/2022 1:06:02 PM

In #25 Occasional Reader said: Should I get a bidet toilet seat?

There s/he was, trying to keep those nethers neat

Singing, "Buy a bidet, bidet, what should I do?"

Trying to keep the inquiries discreet 

Singing, "Buy a bidet, bidet, what should I do?"

It looks good (looks good!)

Real nice! (real nice!)

Is it really worth the price?

---Manspread Mann

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 1:11:54 PM

In #26 CyberSimian said: If you want one and can afford it, why wouldn't you?

Because my heart weeps for all the poor people in the third world who can't afford them.

Just kidding.

Ekshually, the only real issue is that there's not electrical outlet right next to me toilet, and the seat needs one.  So, either figure out a non-grotesque way to run a cord up across the counter to the wall plug, or have another wall plug installed.

I've only used them at hotels, but I'm come to be a fan.  Like their ads say; you wouldn't wash your hands or face with just a dry piece of paper, would you?  So why there?  

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 1:15:35 PM

In #27 vxbush said: See the page and search for "tushy classic 3.0". 

Interesting, and thanks.  OTOH, the nicer ones (which can be had for $400-ish and up) have the rather comforting feature of warming the water... 

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 1:16:14 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 28:

Very nice (and done on the fly, I assume). 

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 1:24:26 PM

In #31 Occasional Reader said: Very nice (and done on the fly, I assume). 

If you're getting it on the fly, you're not using the bidet correctly. I know that much.

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 1:25:06 PM

In #29 Occasional Reader said: I've only used them at hotels, but I'm come to be a fan.  Like their ads say; you wouldn't wash your hands or face with just a dry piece of paper, would you?  So why there? 

If you start bleaching it with Courtney Cox, we do not need to hear about it.

buzzsawmonkey 12/22/2022 2:40:42 PM

In #31 Occasional Reader said: done on the fly, I assume

Of course.  Inspiration of the moment, as they say.

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 4:29:10 PM

In #33 CyberSimian said: If you start bleaching it with Courtney Cox, we do not need to hear about it.

The less mention of Cox, generally, in this conversation, the better. 

Kosh's Shadow 12/22/2022 4:42:33 PM

Reminds me of a FIresign bit, making fun of the Musical Heritage Society ads "The Musical Heritage Surplus Club of Hong Kong" in which some of the music was "Bidet's The Fountain:"

OK, it was "40 Great Unclaimed Melodies", and here it is

Comment error 475 37
Kosh's Shadow 12/22/2022 5:18:18 PM
Note the irony that the Jewish holiday probably most celebrated by assimilated Jews is a victory against assimilation; Chanukah
buzzsawmonkey 12/22/2022 5:23:37 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 38:


Yes.  Basically, assimilated Jews are celebrating a victory by Satmar-equivalents over the kind of people they themselves cozy up to the other 356 days of the year.

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 5:27:16 PM
Dammit, who did the FBI/Jarles Chonson censor this time?
Kosh's Shadow 12/22/2022 5:29:49 PM
Submitted for your approval - is the reason the leftists aren't burning books because of the CO2 emissions?
Kosh's Shadow 12/22/2022 5:32:53 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 39:

Well, Satmar do not recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel, so more like the religious Zionist parties in Israel assimilated Jews bash for not being democratic.

CyberSimian 12/22/2022 5:34:32 PM
In #41 Kosh's Shadow said: Submitted for your approval - is the reason the leftists aren't burning books because of the CO2 emissions?

No one <span style="font-size: 1%; color: white;">(especially not the typical leftist)</span> reads books anyway. It’s much more environmentally friendly to just delete problematic music, ebooks, and movies off of the internet.

Kosh's Shadow 12/22/2022 5:47:25 PM

In #43 CyberSimian said: No one (especially not the typical leftist) reads books anyway. It’s much more environmentally friendly to just delete problematic music, ebooks, and movies off of the internet.

Or work with the FBI to keep them off.

Occasional Reader 12/22/2022 7:31:14 PM

I'm going to call it a night.

"It's a night."

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