The Daily Broadside

New Year's Eve

Posted on 12/31/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 12/24/2022 8:41:50 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 12/31/2022 11:41:41 AM
May 2023 be an improvement, for the world; and wonderful for youse and me.
doppelganglander 12/31/2022 5:50:34 PM
Happy New Year, everyone. 
Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2022 6:39:25 PM
It will be a happy new year if we can get at least 20 posts per day here. Not bothering with a New Years thread or pub with only 2 posts
Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2022 6:44:44 PM

What a week. Where I work is closed, but they let me work from home some of the time, as I have fewer paid days off than they have holidays and other closings I don't get paid for.

Went to replace the keypad that controls our alarm, to be told they no longer support or have parts for that model, and we'd need to upgrade. So we did so. One of the selling points was the alarm could be monitored by a cell phone app, but that was not included in the work order so I have to call back Tuesday.

At least we got the dogs groomed after way too long (NO "animal attracted persons" or animal husbandry jokes, please) but this will be the last time with our dog groomer; she is retiring.

And Russia has gone fully nuts. Putin makes Biden look connected to reality.

Occasional Reader 12/31/2022 7:30:28 PM

Little OR wants to stay up until midnight, while listening to 80s rock. 😳


@PBJ3 12/31/2022 8:00:42 PM
All the best for you and yours in 2023.  Happy New Year my dear friends.
@PBJ3 12/31/2022 8:02:29 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

Maybe I should make posting more my resolution.  I lurk but it's not the same.

@PBJ3 12/31/2022 8:04:04 PM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: PLEASE SEND HELP

If I lived next door I'd love to help you. Be sure to let us know how the evening went.

Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2022 8:16:47 PM

Happy New Year!

Going to bed

@PBJ3 12/31/2022 8:23:20 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: Going to bed

Wheat dreams.

@PBJ3 12/31/2022 8:26:46 PM

We are chilly in Los Angeles county but we do need the rain.

Occasional Reader 12/31/2022 8:26:54 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 8:

Well, he made it until 11:15 pm.  Now, out like a light.

@PBJ3 12/31/2022 8:35:29 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

He did better than I did last year.  Bless his heart!,  I'll bet he had fun trying.

Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2022 8:38:30 PM

In #10 @PBJ3 said: Wheat dreams

Thanks, but I am trying to go gluten free/

Long day. Dogs out now, new alarm on.


@PBJ3 1/1/2023 5:55:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:


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