In lighter news: So I re-watched the movie Marathon Man last night; a very good film, and an interesting snapshot of NYC in the mid-1970s.
One aspect I had not realized, that is apparently very clear in the novel but only hinted at in the film: "Doc" Levy (Roy Scheider) and Janeway (William Devane) are, well, "a thing".
Drawing and quartering doesn't seem cruel or unusual all of a sudden.
1/18/2023 3:02:55 PM
In #4 Occasional Reader said: So it seems that humanity-hating nutjob Greta Thunberg staged her "protest arrest" photo, with the help of the local authorities and police.
She should have been in Davos, raising financing for her upcoming fast-food chain, Thunburger™, which will feature the tastiest assortment of bug-burgers you've ever had.
1/18/2023 3:07:59 PM
Reply to vxbush in 2:
And people wondered why so many Chinese and Eastern Europeans showed up when the Bidens put up flyers to advertise their garage sale...
Kosh's Shadow
1/18/2023 7:20:03 PM
So Amazon has decided to end their "smile" donation program, because ", after almost a decade, the program has not grown to create the impact that we had originally hoped. With so many eligible organizations—more than 1 million globally—our ability to have an impact was often spread too thin. "
Translation - we are giving money to causes we don't want to.
I had been using Amazon Smile to pay my local Chabad.