The Daily Broadside


Posted on 01/20/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 1/14/2023 4:56:20 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 1/20/2023 6:01:00 AM
Ridiculous scolds. 
Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 6:18:32 AM
There's no business like snow business; there's no business like snow
Everything about it is a-plowing when you are helping the traffic go
Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 6:21:16 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Bringing cake to the office is unfair for those who can't eat gluten! Only gluten free cake should be allowed!


vxbush 1/20/2023 6:27:44 AM
The Democrats always play well with the media--until they don't want them to know anything. Fawn over them, adore them, and you can play and learn a lot. But try to dig into something they don't like, and the doors slam shut. 
vxbush 1/20/2023 6:28:29 AM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: Bringing cake to the office is unfair for those who can't eat gluten! Only gluten free cake should be allowed! //////////

Unlike most of these scolds, I don't freak out when GF cake is brought in. But I'm very pleased when they remember to get something GF for me. 

vxbush 1/20/2023 6:28:49 AM

In #5 vxbush said: I don't freak out when NON GF cake is brought in.

Key correction there. 

Occasional Reader 1/20/2023 6:30:01 AM

Happy Friday.  For your consideration:

“With alternative sources in place, Putin’s attempt at blackmailing Europe on energy has failed.”

It’s Foreign Policy, a mouthpiece of The Establishment; that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re wrong.
vxbush 1/20/2023 6:38:24 AM

Moderna CEO at Davos: Moderna was working on a COVID Vaccine in January 2020, before COVID-19 was officially named

Nothing to see here. Move along. Pay no attention to the bioengineers behind the curtain. 

vxbush 1/20/2023 6:41:29 AM

Keurigs were bad. Now they are good. 

I think leftists just needed an argument to make it acceptable for them to use a Keurig, which they were already doing. Now they don't have to give it up. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 6:41:47 AM

BTW, it appears I was right about why the FAA's NOTAM system that shut down flights for a while is so out of date.

The FAA has been asking for money for years to upgrade it but Congress has only funded a committee to investigate it; not a replacement. Of course, Congress will blame the FAA, not themselves.

Things haven't changed much since the early 1980's when something similar was going on with the enroute system.

Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 6:53:44 AM

Reply to vxbush in 9:

I always thought K-cups and the Keurig machines were ridiculously expensive, but good for work when they can make cups quickly instead of relying on people to keep the carafes or urns ready, which few people do.

BTW, the brewers use embedded Linux; I was asked if I wanted a position at Keurig to work on the software, but was already doing something more interesting.

Occasional Reader 1/20/2023 7:12:00 AM

In #8 vxbush said: Moderna CEO at Davos: Moderna was working on a COVID Vaccine in January 2020, before COVID-19 was officially named

... but it was already known.  This is a non-story.  

doppelganglander 1/20/2023 7:33:04 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

My Keurig was a gift. It's the basic model and has been working well for 7 years. I use Gevalia K-cups that I order in bulk from Amazon - they run about $45 for 84 cups, so a bit over 50 cents a cup. It's not quite as good as other brewing methods, but I only drink two cups a day. I think most people who hate Keurig drink their coffee black so the inferior taste is noticeable. With cream and sweetener, it tastes okay.

doppelganglander 1/20/2023 7:37:14 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

My office does the occasional catered lunch. They sent out a survey this week asking people about food allergies. I don't often go into the office, even for free food, but it's nice that they're trying to accommodate everyone. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 7:44:37 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 13:

I use the K cup machine at work and drink it black. I generally get whatever K cups are around 50 cents but did splurge on Peet's Major Dickason blend at 70 cents (usually 90-1.00)

At home we have a drip machine and I use store brand Colombian beans that I grind.

One place I worked had a machine that ground Starbuk's beans and had a sort of French press internally to brew the coffee. Used a roll of filter paper, and after 40 cups or so the used paper had to be removed, but if you didn't do it right, the paper wouldn't feed and the inside would get quite messy. I knew how to remove the excess properly.

doppelganglander 1/20/2023 7:52:30 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

I've never heard of a system like that. My office has a different pod brewing system. You can make cappuccino, espresso, etc. in addition to regular. It has powdered milk and powdered chocolate so you can have a latte or a mocha. That part gets very messy and no one wants to clean it and refill it.

lucius septimius 1/20/2023 7:57:08 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: the brewers use embedded Linux

that is rather interesting

Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 7:59:15 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 16:

One place I worked had the big urns that took quite a while to brew, and you weren't supposed to take coffee while it was brewing. I had to set up one because both were empty, and so many people just felt entitled to take their coffee while it was brewing (but not set it up) that there was just brown tasteless water by the time it finished.

I used the k cup machine that wasn't supposed to be used until after 4 PM when no one was looking, so I'd actually have coffee.

JCM 1/20/2023 8:07:59 AM

Algore telling the truth!

Al Gore says Inflation Reduction Act mainly climate change bill

"In my country, we passed the ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’ which is primarily a climate act, $369 billion, which will actually be much larger than that, because the heavy lifting is done by tax credits that are very long-term, some of them actually open-ended, and the early investments that have already been triggered by it give a great deal of reason, many reasons, for believing it’s going to be much larger than $369 billion," Gore said at the Davos, Switzerland forum. 

JCM 1/20/2023 8:13:48 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 18:

My favorite coffee story. Building had 3 floors, kitchenette on each floor. 2 regular coffee pump pots and one decaf. I go to get coffee, pots are empty, make two pots of coffee. Go down to the next floor., 2 empty pots, made two pots. Down to the first floor, 2 more empty pots, made two pots. By the time I got back to the 3rd floor, coffee was done and I got my coffee.

I put in my weekly work report, "made 6 pots of coffee cause all pots were empty". My boss thought that was pretty funny so he forwarded to the Division Director as part of the team report.

That prompted the Director to send out a rather caustic email calling everyone who took the last of the coffee and didn't make more lazy self important butt holes.

Occasional Reader 1/20/2023 8:29:56 AM

Reply to JCM in 19:

You mean Democrats LIED to us?!!!!

vxbush 1/20/2023 9:11:08 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: BTW, the brewers use embedded Linux; I was asked if I wanted a position at Keurig to work on the software, but was already doing something more interesting.

Ooo, you mean I could hack it? That might be worth doing as a stand-alone project, just for fun. 

vxbush 1/20/2023 9:12:36 AM

In #16 doppelganglander said: I've never heard of a system like that. My office has a different pod brewing system. You can make cappuccino, espresso, etc. in addition to regular. It has powdered milk and powdered chocolate so you can have a latte or a mocha. That part gets very messy and no one wants to clean it and refill it.

Right. Most hot chocolate I've seen have been the K-cup varieties. 

vxbush 1/20/2023 9:14:48 AM

In #20 JCM said: My favorite coffee story. Building had 3 floors, kitchenette on each floor. 2 regular coffee pump pots and one decaf. I go to get coffee, pots are empty, make two pots of coffee. Go down to the next floor., 2 empty pots, made two pots. Down to the first floor, 2 more empty pots, made two pots. By the time I got back to the 3rd floor, coffee was done and I got my coffee. I put in my weekly work report, "made 6 pots of coffee cause all pots were empty". My boss thought that was pretty funny so he forwarded to the Division Director as part of the team report. That prompted the Director to send out a rather caustic email calling everyone who took the last of the coffee and didn't make more lazy self important butt holes.

There have been battles Royale here at work related to the empty coffee pots. Blood was (almost) spilled.

JCM 1/20/2023 9:52:29 AM

Reply to vxbush in 24:

Coffee wars can be brutal!

vxbush 1/20/2023 12:32:22 PM
So--gotta love it when I attempt to commit code and can't to my own project created at my request. I think I know what the problem is, but I seriously had to beat on the system to confirm what works and what doesn't. Sigh. 
Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 12:37:38 PM

Reply to vxbush in 26:

Ya gotta git the job done.

(For the non-geeks, git is probably the most common source control system right now)

buzzsawmonkey 1/20/2023 1:22:46 PM

Just checking in to say hello to all.  The piecemeal move is taking forever, driving me slightly mad, and keeping me off the computer a lot. 

But hello, and a pleasant weekend to all.

Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 3:06:27 PM

From The Scroll

The Scroll’s List of 10 Songs That Must Be Burned:

Inspired by this critique of the Aretha Franklin classic “A Natural Woman,” here are nine more songs that have no place in an equitable and upstanding world, and why.

  1. “A Natural Woman,” Aretha Franklin, transphobic

  2. “Jolene,” Dolly Parton, slut-shaming

  3. “Twist and Shout,” Isley Brothers, ableist

  4. “For Goodness Sakes Look at Those Cakes,” James Brown, misogynist

  5. “Stairway to Heaven,” Led Zeppelin, evangelical

  6. “Black Sugar,” Rolling Stones, misogynoir 

  7. “La Marseillaise,” Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, nationalist

  8. “Beautiful Boy,” John Lennon, natalist

  9. “Arabian Nights,” Aladdin by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken, Islamophobic

  10. “Symphony Number 9 in D minor,” Ludwig von Beethoven, white-supremacist

Occasional Reader 1/20/2023 3:30:14 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29:

#6 BROWN Sugar…

Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 3:43:39 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 30:

I just copied and pasted. 9

Kosh's Shadow 1/20/2023 6:22:37 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29:

Another song that needs to be burned because it is pro-life

Destroy another fetus now/don't like children anyhow/I've seen the future baby, it is murder

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