Occasional Reader
3/1/2023 6:34:16 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1:
Say, wasn't Randi supposed to have sorted out that whole unpleasantness in Ukraine by now?
3/1/2023 7:29:19 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: Chicago is racist and homophobic, yada yada yada.
3/1/2023 8:25:10 AM
It's only Wednesday. Lightfoot gets a spot in the Biden administration..... she so qualified.
3/1/2023 8:30:12 AM
Lightfoot ruled with a heavy hand.
3/1/2023 8:44:40 AM
Ben Shapiro has a good article up at PJ Media: Herein lies a lesson: A huge number of people have decided that there are a cadre of people who are so vile that any opinion they touch is immediately toxified beyond investigation. Claims are not to be evaluated on their own merits; instead, we can simply determine whether a claim ought to be supported based on those who posit it. This helps to explain why political crossover has become nearly impossible: We’re not judging the claims of our opponents; we’re judging each other. And this means that we can discard any argument simply by dint of the fact that we don’t like the person offering it.
Among members of the general population, this is a problem, but not a fundamental one. But among those who pose as “experts” — the people who are supposed to serve as guides for people who outsource their political information, from media to scientific institutions — it’s a fatal error. After all, experts are supposed to be impartial adjudicators of the evidence. That’s their entire job. We can evaluate on our own who we don’t like — but we often need help to determine whether an argument has merit or not. When experts become “just like us,” they undermine their raison d’etre. All true and succinctly explains the problem.
lucius septimius
3/1/2023 9:05:33 AM
In #4 JCM said: Chicago is racist and homophobic, yada yada yada. Well, it is "MAGA country" after all.
3/1/2023 10:24:36 AM
Regarding the re-writing of Roald Dahl's books: Well, hello, Dahlly This is Puffin, Dahlly It's great to see you be PC---it's been too long We're gonna change, Dahlly Re-arrange, Dahlly For we mustn't purvey think we think is wrong We'll alter your prose, so we don't expose Ourselves to the wokies as they howl and fret So, rest in peace, Dahlly Our scheduled new release, Dahlly Will make you up-to-date as you can get!
3/1/2023 11:13:34 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 10: That was as hard to predict that the sun will set today.
3/1/2023 1:10:28 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 12: "Havana wonderful time. Wish you were here..."
Occasional Reader
3/1/2023 1:11:46 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 13: I hope this is true. The implications of an adversary having this kind of thing, and using it freely on "us", are unsettling.
Occasional Reader
3/1/2023 1:13:59 PM
In other news; so it's been trendy for a couple years now for people to do a "dry January", no alcohol. I've arbitrarily decided to do a "dry March" (for the second year now). So I may be slightly more irritable than usual for the next 30 days.
3/1/2023 1:28:01 PM
In #14 Occasional Reader said: I hope this is true. The implications of an adversary having this kind of thing, and using it freely on "us", are unsettling. Unfortunately, the intelligence community's reputation is complete in tatters. I don't believe anything they say right now.
3/1/2023 1:35:22 PM
I got a funky job and I'm payin' my dues On the goodfoot Yeah, on the goodfoot
I had a cushy job and my renewal was refused 'Cause I'm the Lightfoot Yeah, I'm the Lightfoot...
Occasional Reader
3/1/2023 1:47:57 PM
In #16 vxbush said: Unfortunately, the intelligence community's reputation is complete in tatters. I don't believe anything they say right now.
I certainly don't take the report without a grain of salt. But if they'd said "yes, the Russians did it", I'd have been more alarmed, because I'd think they'd be less likely to do a false positive than a false negative.
3/1/2023 1:55:35 PM
In #18 Occasional Reader said: I certainly don't take the report without a grain of salt. But if they'd said "yes, the Russians did it", I'd have been more alarmed, because I'd think they'd be less likely to do a false positive than a false negative. Yeah, I don't feel comfortable making that kind of distinction. If they had a track record of being basically right and admitting when they were wrong and why, I'd be more generous. But they have done none of those things.
3/1/2023 2:05:09 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: Either a case of mass hysteria, or foreign action. Both are possible. Neither can be ruled out. As you noted, the current state of our security agencies doesn't help.
3/1/2023 2:18:03 PM
Of course covid didn't originate in a Lab. It originated in a Pekinese Beijingese.
lucius septimius
3/1/2023 2:48:14 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21: Because it was less racist to say that Covid came from Little Yellow People eating bats than from admitting it came from a (US-funded?) laboratory.
Occasional Reader
3/1/2023 2:54:21 PM
In #21 buzzsawmonkey said: Of course covid didn't originate in a Lab. It originated in a Pekinese Beijingese.
What a re-Pug-nant thing to say.
3/2/2023 3:34:56 AM
In #5 JCM said: Lightfoot gets a spot in the Biden administration... Or on MSNBC
3/2/2023 3:35:41 AM
In #18 Occasional Reader said: I certainly don't take the report without a grain of salt. But if they'd said "yes, the Russians did it", I'd have been more alarmed, because I'd think they'd be less likely to do a false positive than a false negative. Not really; how many other things have they fraudulently blamed on Russia in the last several years?
3/2/2023 3:41:29 AM
"Putin is poisoning out diplomats! That's why we need to confiscate all of your 401K accounts and send them to the Ukraine!"
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