The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/08/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 3/4/2023 6:57:48 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 3/8/2023 6:02:22 AM
 The Feds Are Trying to Punish Elon Musk for Exposing the Twitter Files
vxbush 3/8/2023 6:06:52 AM

What the Jan. 6 Revelations Confirm About the Left’s Ominous Agenda

This one is important. 

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 6:16:06 AM
Yesterday in #1, vxbush said: Not once did he consider the number of times homeowners have been able to protect themselves with their own weapons…
“When every second counts, the police will be there in minutes.”
…He used that as the reason why the police needed to have M16s…
The police are no longer as trustworthy as they used to be, even when they aren’t given “stand down” orders and forbidden to stop “approved” rioters and arsonists.
…Granted, he’s retired and in his late 70’s or early 80’s…
And with all due respect, his opinions and experiences come from a different era and are not necessarily relevant to modern conditions.
Yesterday in #3 and #4, Occasional Reader said (twice): And THIS is why we need crime decriminalized (per our City Clowncil’s latest move, which is too insane even for the Biden gang); so that there will be no more crime!  By definition! [emphasis added]
Not true; the Biden gang only changed their tune when they saw the outcry from both sides of the aisle about the insanity of this City Clowncil decision. I used to spend a lot of time in DC in Baltimore when I lived in the area, but now I avoid both like the plague when I come back to visit.
Yesterday In #13, vxbush said: Most commentators I’ve seen write about this as if he’s using the phrase “when do we deploy the new variant” to actually mean “when do we deploy the new messaging indicating you must get vaccinated now to avoid issues with the new COVID strain” or something along a similar line. They tend to not assume the phrasing is literal but colloquial.
Possibly, but that’s not really a common colloquial phrasing. If they just meant to get the warning out, and they may very well have meant that (I’m not currently wearing my tinfoil hat), they chose a very odd and awkward way to say it… And it’s odd that no one ever questioned the extremely suspicious phrasing.
Yesterday in #14, JCM said: Talk about feeding the conspiracy train.
Who was it who said recently (at CPAC IIRC) that “We need new conspiracy theories, because all of the old ones have come true”?
Yesterday in #15, Kosh’s Shadow said: They hope Norfolk and Southern is running the conspiracy train and it will derail well before its destination.
As an Ohio resident, could you people please crash your toxic trains somewhere else next time?
CyberSimian 3/8/2023 6:16:56 AM

In #3 CyberSimian said: DC in Baltimore

DC *and* Baltimore

vxbush 3/8/2023 6:19:54 AM

One of the Liberal Media’s Biggest Fears About Trump Resurfaced

I don't ever remember hearing about this plan in 2016. 

vxbush 3/8/2023 6:25:03 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 3:

You've been holding back, or perhaps just catching up. Good morning. 

vxbush 3/8/2023 6:26:43 AM

Merrick Garland lied, again

I miss the time when legal folks at all levels felt the truth was important. 

vxbush 3/8/2023 6:28:55 AM
Curiosity Rover is watching the clouds on Mars
vxbush 3/8/2023 6:47:37 AM

In #3 CyberSimian said: And with all due respect, his opinions and experiences come from a different era and are not necessarily relevant to modern conditions.

This argument is something I'd like to explore more, as it is potentially an argument that will come up when people start comparing today to 1930's Germany. "That was a different era" is going to be thrown out, and people may be right. So how do I determine if and when things are different enough that the lessons of the past no longer apply?

JCM 3/8/2023 7:37:07 AM

Reply to CyberSimian in 3:

That old Chinese curse.... May you live interesting times.

Well, hear we are.

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 7:47:12 AM
In #5 vxbush said: One of the Liberal Media’s Biggest Fears About Trump Resurfaced
I don't ever remember hearing about this plan in 2016.

Libs mocked the very idea that you could go door-to-door rounding up illegals; these are, of course, the same libs who want to go door-to-door rounding up guns.

In #6 vxbush said: You've been holding back, or perhaps just catching up. Good morning. 

Good morning. I’m usually only here on days when I’m not working or otherwise out of the house.

In #7 vxbush said: I miss the time when legal folks at all levels felt the truth was important. 

I miss the time when we were naïve enough to think that politicians and bureaucrats might actually be held accountable for their actions.

In #8 vxbush said: Curiosity Rover is watching the clouds on Mars. 

Nice. I personally think we should blow Mars up. It obstructs my view of Jupiter.

(Where did I leave my Illudium Q-38 Explosive Space Modulator?)

In #9 vxbush said: This argument is something I'd like to explore more, as it is potentially an argument that will come up when people start comparing today to 1930's Germany. "That was a different era" is going to be thrown out, and people may be right. So how do I determine if and when things are different enough that the lessons of the past no longer apply?

I alluded to a number of ways things are different now. The police are no longer seen as trustworthy as they once were (in part to liberal smear campaigns as well as the actions of quite a few bad apples; not to mention the deliberate politicization of the leadership and unions), nor can we trust politicians to safeguard us (eliminating bail, decriminalizing various offenses, and of course “stand down” orders when politically approved domestic terrorist groups go on a rampage). Any argument from authorities that “You don’t need guns, we’ll protect you” does not inspire any sort of confidence and should, in fact, be greeted with nothing but mockery and derision.

This was not always the case; although, of course, there were bad periods as well as good ones in the past. Still, any time the authorities want to disarm the populace (or certain segments thereof, like denying blacks their 2nd Amendment rights in the Jim Crow era), that is never, ever a good sign. More often than not, it is a prelude to other rights being stripped, along with a widespread loss of Life and Liberty. Look at all of the prominent gun grabbers in history – socialists, fascists, racists, imperialists – not a single one of them did so in the best interest of the people they were disarming. In recent times, the СΟVΙD concentration camps in Australia were only possible because they had been preceded by a mass disarming of the populace; look at how many anti-gun blue state governments in America yearned to do the same.

lucius septimius 3/8/2023 7:56:48 AM
Good morning!  I know the world is coming apart and we're descending into totalitarianism but the sun is shining and I'm feeling very, very happy these days.
CyberSimian 3/8/2023 8:14:17 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:


CyberSimian 3/8/2023 8:19:44 AM

In #10 JCM said: That old Chinese curse.... May you live interesting times. Well, hear we are.


buzzsawmonkey 3/8/2023 9:59:52 AM

So...I've occasionally promulgated some theories about contemporary hi-jinx which have been dismissed here as "conspiracy theories"---some of which have later been shown to be plausible, or even true.  Here's another:

The famous "QAnon Shaman" who is the poster-boy for the faux-insurrection has supposedly been convicted and sentenced to 4 years in prison.  Now, this clown is nobody's idea of a poster-boy for anything approaching "conservative thought"; he is not someone I particularly feel like defending.  But, is he even genuine?  I keep hearing about "QAnon," but I've never met anyone who knows what that really is, or if it even exists---but "QAnon" is a favorite talking point/boogieman for the Left.  

We already know that there were provocateurs aplenty at the January 6th event---the egregious Ray Epps springs to mind.  The pictures of the "QAnon Shaman" being escorted by Capitol police for his various photo-ops makes me wonder whether this guy, too, is a phony provocateur---whether he's merely a put-up job meant to "put a(n unattractive) face" on the events of the day, to make them harder to defend.  He's in prison for four years?  How do we know this?  Has anyone visited him in his cell?  Or was he merely an actor who, after a show trial, was "imprisoned" as far as we are told, but who may not, in fact, be incarcerated (or maybe enduring encarceration in anticipation of a fat payoff awaiting him on release)>

Yes, I know that these speculations are "out there"---but I'd be curious to know why they should be dismissed out of hand, given what's slowly emerging.

JCM 3/8/2023 10:07:33 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Given the video we should be seeing lawyers moving to dismiss and calling for his release, and or appeal.

Occasional Reader 3/8/2023 10:08:14 AM

It's "International Women's Day".

Deploy the biologists!

buzzsawmonkey 3/8/2023 10:17:27 AM

In #16 JCM said: Given the video we should be seeing lawyers moving to dismiss and calling for his release, and or appeal.

If indeed he is actually in prison.  If he was play-acting for the Provocateur Squad, one has to wonder whether he is.

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 10:31:37 AM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: It's "International Women's Day".

I'm identifying as a woman for today only. Give me presents, bigots!

lucius septimius 3/8/2023 10:41:24 AM

In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: If he was play-acting for the Provocateur Squad, one has to wonder whether he is.

I have read in several outlets that he was diagnosed as schizophrenic, in which case he is very likely a useful idiot, prodded by the FBI into action because they know he is too mentally unstable to ever finger them.

buzzsawmonkey 3/8/2023 10:46:20 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 20:

One has to point out that this weirdly-garbed loon would be unexceptional at a Leftist protest, but he is not exactly the type to spearhead/achieve prominence in/at a "conservative" protest.  He would, however, play to the more Left-leaning Viewers With Alarm.

I've always thought he was a false-flag fraud.

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 12:25:15 PM

In #15 buzzsawmonkey said: Now, this clown is nobody's idea of a poster-boy for anything approaching "conservative thought"

And yet, they did everything they could to put his face everywhere...

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 12:26:21 PM

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 12:35:50 PM
Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing? New Footage Raises Questions Over the Chansley Case

JCM 3/8/2023 1:07:21 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 18:

If we don't see an appeal that will be telling.

Occasional Reader 3/8/2023 1:40:47 PM

Reply to CyberSimian in 22:

I love it. 

Occasional Reader 3/8/2023 2:01:17 PM

Best thing I’ve seen on the Internet all day, in response to a story linked at Insty about scientists reviving a virus that was found buried in Arctic ice:

buzzsawmonkey 3/8/2023 2:20:51 PM

In #22 CyberSimian said: And yet, they did everything they could to put his face everywhere...

That is precisely why I believe he was a put-up fraud from the get-go.

vxbush 3/8/2023 2:22:09 PM

In #28 buzzsawmonkey said: That is precisely why I believe he was a put-up fraud from the get-go.

As far as I can recall, he was the one person who dressed to stand out and be seen, especially with that hat. I don't recall anyone else dressing in a manner to draw attention to themselves. That provides some support for your position. 

buzzsawmonkey 3/8/2023 2:27:43 PM

In #29 vxbush said: As far as I can recall, he was the one person who dressed to stand out and be seen, especially with that hat. I don't recall anyone else dressing in a manner to draw attention to themselves. That provides some support for your position. 

And, again---that kind of ridiculous costuming is a feature of Leftist "demonstrations," but not of genuine conservative ones.

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 2:28:05 PM

In #29 vxbush said: As far as I can recall, he was the one person who dressed to stand out and be seen, especially with that hat. I don't recall anyone else dressing in a manner to draw attention to themselves. That provides some support for your position.

And not just at this event. Cosplay like that is rare at any right-wing event I've seen. I was at the huge Tea Party rally in DC before ObamaCare was signed; the Mall was covered in people from around the country, pretty much all wearing normal clothes IIRC. The only things that distinguished them from tourists were the slogans on their t-shirts, buttons, and/or signs.

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 2:32:15 PM

In #31 CyberSimian said: I was at the huge Tea Party rally in DC before ObamaCare was signed

Occasional Reader 3/8/2023 2:40:06 PM

Reply to CyberSimian in 32:

I went to one Tea Party rally in DC, as a curious observer (yes, I was Tea Party-curious).

Everyone was friendly, cheerful, and polite; in contrast, of course, to the average crowd at leftist rallies.

I remember one counterprotester guy who was walking around carrying a large sign that read, "WHY CAN'T I MARRY MY BOYFRIEND?"  (This was, of course, pre-Obergefell.) 

A few of the Tea Party types approached him... and do you know what vicious, homophobic thing they said to him?

We agree with you!  [big smiles]  But we just think this is something that should be done at the level of state legislatures, not imposed by courts.  [the latter of course being what ultimately happened]

Marry-my-boyfriend guy looked crestfallen; I think he'd really hoped to be the target of some "right-wing hate". 

JCM 3/8/2023 3:48:09 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 33:

I remember an interview with a lefty who went to a Trump rally to see all the hate.

She recounted how warm and friendly very one was. Turned into a red pill moment for her.

Kosh's Shadow 3/8/2023 4:20:43 PM

THe only way to bring the crime rate down is to reduce the number of offences!

--Monty Python

CyberSimian 3/8/2023 6:25:03 PM

In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: THe only way to bring the crime rate down is to reduce the number of offences! --Monty Python

"Get it all out into the open! I know I have!"

That was the episode where Monty Python invented Furries.

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