The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/05/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 4/1/2023 6:47:57 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 4/5/2023 5:49:42 AM

The banana republic can't hold with crap like this: 

Judge Orders Hunter Biden’s Ex to Remain Silent on His Finances

We can't see his laptop. We can't find out his finances. We can't find out when he traveled with his dad. We can't find out anything. So be distracted by our actions over here with your former president. 


vxbush 4/5/2023 5:50:53 AM

On a brighter note: The Trump Campaign Is Already Selling ‘Mugshot’ Merch

I love how his campaign is doing this. I wonder how many leftists will buy it thinking it's real. 

vxbush 4/5/2023 5:52:27 AM

Some small measure of justice: Ninth Circuit Orders Stormy Daniels to Pay Trump Additional $121,973

I can take a lot of schadenfreude with my morning tea, thank you. 

vxbush 4/5/2023 5:57:41 AM
The number of issues with the voting in Maricopa County is seriously stacking up. 
vxbush 4/5/2023 5:58:52 AM

Darkness Descending Upon America as Biden Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs

You will sit in the dark while your EV charges and you will like it. 

Occasional Reader 4/5/2023 6:50:23 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

I truly hate these people.  I hate what they’re doing to my country, I hate their values, I hate their thuggery.

vxbush 4/5/2023 6:54:44 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: I truly hate these people.  I hate what they’re doing to my country, I hate their values, I hate their thuggery.

So how do you fight back against bullies who don't respect the rules except the rule of power? 

Occasional Reader 4/5/2023 7:21:14 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

I still want to believe the answer is "one election at a time, one school board at a time, etc."  But my faith in that is waning. 

Occasional Reader 4/5/2023 7:24:00 AM

Chicagoans vote for collective suicide.  

/assuming "Chicagoans vote" was the relevant factor here

vxbush 4/5/2023 7:27:58 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: /assuming "Chicagoans vote" was the relevant factor here

Oh, I'm assuming the election was stolen, as many elections in Illinois are with all the dead voters in Chicago. 

JCM 4/5/2023 7:49:42 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

I'm pretty sure at this point from watching some of the hearing clips the FBI has "lost" the Hunter Laptop.

No laptop... case dismissed.

vxbush 4/5/2023 8:04:12 AM

In #11 JCM said: I'm pretty sure at this point from watching some of the hearing clips the FBI has "lost" the Hunter Laptop. No laptop... case dismissed.

Quite accidentally, I'm sure. Nothing nefarious about that at all. The FBI loses stuff all the time. 

CyberSimian 4/5/2023 8:08:52 AM

In #12 vxbush said: The FBI loses stuff all the time. 

But only in one direction.

vxbush 4/5/2023 8:39:06 AM

In #13 CyberSimian said: But only in one direction.

Well, of course! We can't let the heathens past the gates. That would be irresponsible. 

vxbush 4/5/2023 8:40:13 AM
The video at the end gives me some hope that we have a very knowledgable man helping out on Kari Lake's case
JCM 4/5/2023 11:10:07 AM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

IMAO, that election was clearly stolen. There is sufficient evidence and testimony, even from Hobbs people that they fiddled with the count.

JCM 4/5/2023 11:22:35 AM

Reply to JCM in 16:

Several of Hobbs' people changed their testimony from one day to the next.

It was bizarre, one day, "yes we used the wrong paper" the next "no we never used the wrong paper".

vxbush 4/5/2023 12:09:24 PM

In #17 JCM said: It was bizarre, one day, "yes we used the wrong paper" the next "no we never used the wrong paper".

Sounds like evidence to submit to a future court hearing. 

JCM 4/5/2023 12:23:24 PM

Reply to vxbush in 18:

The judge was, "meh" contradictory testimony from one person. The AZ Supreme Court wasn't even interested in some of it.

The Judiciary is well and truly post constitutional and fully political.

vxbush 4/5/2023 12:34:56 PM

In #19 JCM said: The Judiciary is well and truly post constitutional and fully political.

Possibly. The other possibility is the the bar to determine a bad election has been set unreasonably high to the point where no one can prove fault. 

JCM 4/5/2023 1:16:21 PM

Reply to vxbush in 20:

The AZ case there was clear violations of the election law, clear perjury with the changing story on the stand.

The bar may be high, but I think Lake's team met the bar.

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